Stop crying

stop crying about your class and spec and try enhancement in 2 or 3 bgs. scums


Yes I play enchancement on russian horde. there were 2 rogue who attacked me. I killed them on 1v2 fight.

hacks arent allowed on this game be carefull

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Nah they banned on the following week.

get steam roll by russian not fun

Try playing arms.
No selfheal.
No deffensives.
Rely on damage and being kited easy.
Have fun when reroll.

Fury what I play on bgs. Constant heals.

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Arms is fine.

Enhance sucks since 8.1., like whole Legion.

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I have been 2187 rating with arms. Ofc its good.

solution: roll ele and roll your face across the keyboard. dont forget to strafe while using skill lasso it adds extra damage


cant stop cry treu russian are too many of them like night after night epice bg not fun i start tink premade unfair game play

“stop crying about your class…” and proceed to cry about his class in same sentence. Topic over. :man_facepalming:

not over till fix this problem

i dont so no crying im just giving him a solution to his issue

Sorry it was an reply to op not to you. My mistake propably missclick on phone.

Face rolling is more a dk and dh thing.
Plus unholy counters both ele and ench. as well as it being busted. but that’s another story.

i have all 3 classes and ele is no less raceroll than the others sorry bro

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Look at it this way: if less classes are viable then easier it will be to balance. With addition of more classes/specs it just getting harder and harder to have an equal representation.

Shamans could be not the top tier class right now, but at least class design is not tied to semiworking mechanics like pets of Demonology warlock. Shaman desight is not force you to spend crap amount of time to gather resources for the burts like demo or destro…yes destro damage is insane, but this is direct result of really-really bad gameplay design of that spec, and i’m not saying that this damage is normal, no such damage output is really weird for any spec.

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