Stop premading into epic bg

This is not what I do.
I join with any group size within 1-5, on average 3 players.
1 of them is sometimes strong, most of them are dead average and it makes no difference if they are in my group or I would have players of similar skill in my team randomly, I keep them around because we enjoy each others company, not because I need their performance on the battlefield to carry the team.

I have maybe a tiny player quality advantage because of my groups and a moderate advantage because of my calls, it depends on how well the randoms listen. I no where nearly take full advantage of the potiential of a 5 man group. I could invite much stronger players.

Now compare that to a sync premade like Larkus.
Strategy calls with guaranteed obedience by a critical mass of players (because premade members are more reliable). 15 or more players who consistently pump strong dps and hps, better communication with voice. Over 5 healers every time plus random healers.

Can random players beat that? Random players who usually have no leader or communication whatsoever, who maybe get 2-3 players who fight well and all others do either poor or mediocre damage. Then there are objectives, random players often don’t understand which objectives are important.

Can random players ever beat a sync premade? Not in a 100 years.
Can random players beat a random team with a small group and a shot caller like me? Absolutely. It is tougher than usual, but doable and not unfair. Many random teams manage to defeat me.

You try to equate these two things and make them appear just like each other but they are very different. One is a small advantage within what is allowed and the other is shamelessly bending the rules for a huge advantage that guarantees victory 100% and ruins the game for your opponents.

If you claim they are the same, then stop joining sync premades for a month and only do what I do. Lead random teams with maybe 1-2 friends. You don’t automatically win every time because your team has a higher player quality. You will lose fights and you will have to compensate with strategy calls, where you can never be sure that people actually follow. And if that’s not enough, you lose.

Try this experiment and see for yourself that one is not at all like the other.

5 strong players plus calls plus discord is the maximum advantage that can still be considered fair, everything beyond that is just overkill and unfair. These groups can still be beaten, maybe not by everyone, but its not impossible for a random team.

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You like the company of your friends, we like the company of our friends, it’s the same thing, right?
If you look at the reports from the battlefield, the team is carried by 3-4 fighters and 1-2 healers, the rest of the players, in fact, have average indicators, they act as a guarantee that we can give a decent fight to the opponent’s pre-made, they do not perform the functions of the main striking force.

Let’s do the math together…
A small advantage + a moderate advantage =?
? - a big advantage. Right?

Ok, let’s compare
Big advantage us huge advantage…
I wonder… In which case will the random team win?
Defeat is guaranteed.

Fistus, there are no good or bad premades. They either exist or they don’t.


Red pill? or the blue pill? :sunglasses: :rofl:

If you wanna talk math, use actual numbers.
Look at the win rate of sync premades at 95% or higher, with the few losses being against other premades or premade players occasionally playing without sync and compare it to the win rate of those who do what I do, which is between 60-80%.

I leave it to you if 60-80% is the same as 95% or higher.

Not to mention that you have to carry way more if you join alone or with few players and you have to make all the calls yourself as opposed to a free win with a sync premade where you hardly have to lift a finger, you can go afk and the team wins for you.

There is a reason most players consider small groups fine but dislike synchronized premades.

In the case that you roll random teammates with a quality so much worse than the other team that you cant win a single fight and despite your efforts to coordinate them, they don’t listen, fight so weak that they lose every fight, or both.

Which happens quite often, actually.
You would know this if you played more often outside of sync premades.

Morpheus, give Mikaio the red pill, he needs to wake up.

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I started playing without premades just like you. My win rate was the same as yours now. Maybe a little higher. That’s the beginning. Playing premade your win rate will go up, it’s just a matter of time.

Sure, it takes more effort and concentration, but does it change the end result? No.

Yesterday Larkus gave an example of a game with one group, you probably watched it, do you think random players thought that one group was good?
People think so because they don’t understand that the game is won by 4-5 people, regardless of how many groups entered the game at the same time.

I will repeat again, synchronization is a defense against the opponent’s synchronization, nothing more. Any game against randoms is easily won by one group.

True and real. And if you are vs randomers its even winnable with just solo or with 1 healer.


Players aren’t scared of you, you completely deluded pratt. They just don’t want to have to face a BG with the likes of you in it, because you hide behind your sync groups like a little b!tch.


as apposed to pointlessly tanking damage?

No need for all the personal attacks. It is a game :peace_symbol:

The end result is different to begin with.
A sync premade makes losing impossible.
Alone or in a small group you win fewer games, you have to carry way harder and losing is a real possibility against any opponent.

No, I didn’t.
I don’t find syncing interesting, I leave most rounds when I’m on the sync premade side because it is so boring, even though it would be a guaranteed free win.

If Larkus were to consistently play with only one group and he wouldn’t sync, I would stay and I would play with or against him. But as of now, Larkus always almost syncs so when see his name in the lobby I think of rigged, lopsided rounds and I just bail.

Because there are that many sync premades going around or what?
Your only rival is Zenie, how often do you meet him? 2-3 times within 20 games? The other 17-18 rounds you bully clueless casuals and small groups who also stand no chance against you.

Yes, and these are the most interesting games. They reveal not only your personal potential, but also the potential of your entire prepared team. I am grateful to these players that they exist, that we accept these challenges together and together laugh at the results, no matter what they are.
And if there were more synchronized pre-mades, there would be more Action.
Random players in such games are simply delighted!

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Why not play war games with them and make it 20 / 20 games that are fair and equal?

Zenie is open to the idea of war games. I made a community to host war games and we wanted to arrange a war game this Saturday, but we had to postpone it because we only had 19 applicants and we wanted to do 25 v 25, but we will do some war games in season 2 for sure.

Then you could have fair matches where both teams are really organized and motivated and the randoms could have their peace.
Right now all the randoms and small groups are annoyed at sync players.

I could use your help in making war games a reality. I already did part of the ground work and built a community of players interested in this type of PvP.


I fully support this idea. Of course, it has many nuances, I think they are not worth listing, you personally encountered them. There are many ways to make teams as balanced as possible, this is not a problem.

I am more interested in the technical issue…
Lags in the game… They will not let you play normally and this does not depend on the technical characteristics of your computer, this is very sad.

When we play pre-made us pre-made there are lags, but they are not so big because of the randoms who do not press their buttons at all. I am afraid to imagine what will happen if we play 40 us 40, we will crash the servers.

In any case, we need to wait, we need more people, and until they come, we play the way we play


I appreciate every help I can get to make war games a reality. Atm I am doing 90% of the organizational work for the community myself.
We weren’t too far off this saturday from hosting a war game. We just needed like 6-10 more players to have a full roster. Zenie had his 25 ready.

A french guild showed great interest in the project this week, we need to discuss a few details, but it is highly likely that the project will soon take off with their assistance.

I made the first war game 25 v 25 on purpose.
A more compact team is easier to manage and when there are fewer players in the game, the servers will lag less. The difference from 25 players who all put effort in and 40 players of which many are afk and contribute little should be marginal. The feeling should be similar to a full epic bg team, maybe a bit more small and tactical, comparable to 8v8 blitz as opposed to 10v10 random bg.


Those 4 last messages are more constructive than the last 10 conversation/claim about premade in this forum. Please go to the end of the idea, it’s a good one.

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I’m afraid it won’t be a very balanced game…
Zenie has a lot of great, select fighters and healers. I don’t think you have such people.

50 players gather in one discord channel, raid leaders choose one player from the general list of players for their team.

This way you will exclude the presence of top players in one team.


It would be more about testing at this early stage than having a balanced game.
Does it lag? Are the custom rules we made good? (we had one that only 2 of the same spec are allowed to avoid boomie spam). How does the game play out in practice?

I know quite a lot of good players, 25 was still a bit too much, but we will eventually get there.

Reasonable as far as suggestions go, but we have yet to get to this point that we have enough players willing to participate.

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:heartbeat: Premade :heartbeat: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


No need for premading and killing the enjoyment for so many people, it’s just a game, one where you’re scared of a fight, haha. Just think about that for a minute, you’re scared in a computer game, weaklings.

We fight everyday, and you everyday only fighting on forums :smiley: go queue bg or you weak?

Zenie is a shame, she has lost many times with randoms, she is still a byproduct of Alfredopauly and Zado, who have now changed servers from German to English, I suppose so that they do not get stigmatized, it is completely pathetic.

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