Story Forum Fanservice

  1. RPers play DHs as dragons. That doesn’t make DHs the dragon class in lore. RPers are always free to move outside of the lore, having the customization option doesn’t really change that. It just makes the character look more like the concept they are already describing in their flags.
  2. RPers don’t speak for whole populations. They speak for the few characters they play. So the question isn’t if the Horde peoples could accept the Amani and the other way around, but if it could make sense for certain Amani. And considering pretty much any troll could have some loyalty towards the Zandalari, who officially joined the Horde, I actually think that some Amani that are now Horde-by-proxy make some sense. And yes, there can be people who savagely hate each other within the same empire. You just have to have care while making the seating arrangements at parties… Or not, I mean, it’s Horde, they probably enjoy a bit of good-natured hate-killing during dinner… :man_shrugging:
  3. The RPers who would RP Amani most likely wouldn’t RP as Horde members, but would RP the concept as not faction-aligned. There certainly were Amani-concepts just like that before on my server. That you have the theoretical opportunity to put the character into a bar in OG doesn’t mean that it makes sense for the character. But that’s for RPers to deal with, just as they deal with any of the unending number of lore-defying character concepts, not something that Blizzard has to police for them.

While there sure are players, who use RP, as an excuse to be a**holes that kind of stuff never flies, in actual RP communities. (Just like making a character directly related to major characters ex. Thrall’s lost brother)

Zandalari having a storyline, where they venture to reunite all the Troll tribes into a sort of reborn Empire of Zul is a premise with a ton of storytelling potential. They could even use Rastakhan’s death and sacking of Zuldazar, as a rallying cry, when the inevitable 5th war rolls around. (Also exploring Talanji’s pact with Bwonsamdi in the process).


There is no problem with your fear.
The Revantusk are part of the Horde.

We even got Farraki skin before a Forest Troll option which is a strange choice. There are quite a lot players that love Forest Trolls since WC2 and want to play one since classic.

Of course that’s nothing you care about.

Yes, yes you are. Just stop.

Exactly this has great story potential.

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Not really. The real Farraki skin is golden mixed with dark brown. What we got instead is a very light shade of brown which is in no way compatiable with the NPC skin. The NPCs looks VERY different to the one we got for playable trolls.

My personal opinion: the lore is a disaster atm.
A story should be engaging, not make you hate your own faction to the point of wanting to stay out of it.

For me the only way to fix this mess is: losing big time to the point the player character is forced to go back in time and shut down the dark portal once and for all. Right at the end of Vanilla period before TBC era.
Honestly nothing good has ever came out of that cursed thing.
From that point on try to write better lore. One that doesn’t need to kill everything all the time for the sake of a Raid tier.


Well sorry if as a Blood elf fan I m getting JUST a bit concerned that with Forest Troll customizations, we would start to see groups of Amani Trolls players RPing in Silvermoon, yelling “Vengeance for Zul’jin !” or other troll slogans and creating chaos, and the Blood Elves players would not even be able to attack them in response…because that would totally make sense, right ? :stuck_out_tongue: And even the Revantusk, as far as I remember from flavour text of NPCs in that village, actually still honor Zul’jin, and hope for his return one day…but sure, you can have them, I don’t care too much if it happens, just saying in that case there’s a chance even one of the greatest rivarly of the lore of this game (High/Blood Elves-Amani) could be ruined if Forest Trolls are properly made playable within the Horde…but after all the story is already quite ruined as it is now, so it’s okay, you can play them for me…

Just no. Stop it. If some players would play as Amani you will most of them never see in Silvermoon, many others of them perhaps not even in Horde towns.
Most rpers aren’t going out of their way to make you miserable. You standing against a og Horde race because of some strange fear is rather selfish.
The Revantusk are working with the Horde since before the Blood Elves were even part of the Horde.

You do care. Once more: The Revantusk are part of the Horde and work with the Horde since classic. You can make quests for them as a Belf. They helped during SoO etc. Yes they still hold Zul’jin in high honors, but there was not once a mention of them having a problem in the horde with any Blood Elf. I bet you never had any problem with a Revantusk rp before.
This fear is silly. However, I’m glad you would be fine with us getting a Forest Troll customization.

It could make for a good story how the Revantusk would become more proactive, how the Zandalari, or the other Horde tribes would recruit more Tribes (Farraki skin as an example).

While I’m certainly not against giving players the models of long-established races to play with, I do want to add that that’s not really what I had in mind with this thread. Creating that is a lot of work. I mostly wanted to ask for low-effort improvements, like the boatload of things that Blizzard is improving in the gameplay by just not being stubbornly stupid about simplifying them anymore. I’m not talking about things for 10.0, I’m talking about things they could theoretically do to throw us a bone now. So… mostly adding dialogue at the right points, or cutting stuff instead of riding the train of a bad story all the way down into the abyss…

A green skin is not a lot of work and already exists. :wink:
I know though and sorry. You know me I have to replay to such statements towards trolls.

The thing is, I’m not really sure what dialog they could add that would fix anything in sl for me.
Aside from adding a line to explain the Farraki skin as an example.
Perhaps giving us a hint towards a new universe and a reset or something like that. I am really at this point now.

Say Shadowlands is an Azerite induced fever dream and that we should wake up, Stormwind’s under siege by the Horde.

Retcons aside, i think the very least they kind of have to do is to give us an exposition dump. Not because anything they could or would dump is worth seeing, but because they have to try to convince us that the won’t do “mystery box” crap like that anymore. I certainly don’t care about Sylvanas’ motives, but I do think they just have to come out and state them. And all of the other stuff that’s only a mystery because they refuse to let us see the explanation as well. They have to show that the player character and their spokespeople aren’t just doing things because they are told to do them, but that they acrually have a stake and an interest in what is going on. They just can’t hide obvious questions like “so what exactly is the Jailer even trying to do?” anymore by refusing to have anyone ask the question.

The story will still be what it is, but they would at least give a little hope that they changed direction. Which is kinda the same thing they are doing with the gameplay changes. Nothing impressive there, just indirectly admitting fault and letting go of bad ideas. And the useless mystery box filled with useless mystery boxes is an obvious one in the story department.


I’d like to add to this cool post that if it was time constraints that has led to a staggeringly slow-to-non-existent reveals that it would have been easily solved by adding build-up to the eventual reveal.

And by build up, I don’t mean vague trailers and cinematics where the Jailer and Sylvanas gets to be vague again like they were trying to break the fourth wall and talking like they know the audience is listening to them, thus keeping things obnoxiously hidden whilst having a casual conversation. (Seriously, what’s up with that? It’s like being the third or fourth wheel in a conversation you’ve never been a part of but can’t leave due to awkwardness. So you feel you’re stuck there.)

I mean more like actual build-up reveals, such as showing why the Jailer was interested in Anduin as a host beyond giving him that dirty smirk when he caged him… as if that was meant to mean something as to his importance?

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It is kind of amusing that when Sylvanas is about to reveal something she always without a fault gets interrupted. Kind of comical, at this point xD

One day, she will snap, and all will be revealed.

And on that day… Thrall will interrupt and comment on something non-contexual such as loudly pointing out where the Doomhammer is.

My head still hurts from the “No More Lies” cinematic. “No more secrets, no more lies.”, Sylvanas says, and Anduin proceeds to have a pseudo-philosophical discussion about live and death without asking anything about what is going on. Just…brilliant.

It struck me as a sales pitch, for basically a war against the concept of fate itself and godgiven purpose. A charitable interpretation would portray her, as a cosmic level anarchist, with a drive to get revenge against the system by dismantling it. (Kind of like Sylvie, from the Loki TV show)

Which come to think of it is the crux of the conflict between Bronze and Infinite Dragonflights. The so called “Sacred Timeline”

It’s not her behaviour that feels so laughably artifical to me, but his. If someone secretive offers “no more secrets”, you actually ask questions before rambling.

“No more secrets! Tell me everything!”

“Okay, here we go—”


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