Hrm, I’m looking for sources for a human belief in a light-based afterlife… does anything spring to mind for anyone?
Within Wow you mean? The only thing that springs to my mind is the fate of Crusader Bridenbecker, whom A’dal promises “Paradise Eternal” upon his death. Now this is in Wrath era, so Blizzard had long stopped saying the Light was God, with all the Christian trappings, so for A’dal to make that promise could indicate that there is still an afterlife for the Light’s faithful. Doesn’t give any clue as to what that would be like, but Paradise doesn’t sound too bad…
Yes, I was talking about WoW. And that one, and the Uuna-Quests were my first thought as well… but both are Naaru-based, so not ideal to say something about the human church. I was quite sure there were a number of references about going into the Light or the virtues leading to the love of the Light or something, but I have a harder time finding them than anticipated.
We had one little thread about how bad orcs are… and in retaliation… an orc makes a thrreat about how bad elves are. Elves everywhere! Why couldn’t it have been “Dwarves are the Creators’ Pets” (meaning the titans, of course!), “Gnomes are the Creator’s Pets” (because they are kind of cute, inconsequential and sometimes annoying) or something! We need more dwarven threads anyway!
I think it is because they meant the game creator’s pets, not the actual Titans. It was another thinly veiled Horde bashing thread, because we haven’t had one for at least a week. Hence someone made a mocking one in return, I haven’t actually read the new one yet, shall do now.
Of course, but that’s just the point. If it is just mockery, they could have chosen anything, and made non sequiturs left and right. Yes, the original thread meant the devs, but since the game calls the Titans the creators, it could easily have been used for comedic purposes.
As it stands the thread is just another elven thread. Some people cann roll their eyes and disengage, where they otherwise wouldn’t have, but anyone who bites… will talk about elves. Again.
Just have read it. Oh man…I mean, they’re right in what they say, but I would perhaps have worded it more diplomatically. But yes, ultimately nothing more than the usual “The Horde is Eeevul” “Nu-Uh, Alliance are Blizz’s faves” threads we get every week, no need to sully this sanctified place of pure conversation. And yes, I am also getting sick of ‘Elf’ threads. I do realise the essential hypocrisy of that…
But it’s fun. I’m a passionate Latino (Spaniard soft-Latino, that is) that thrives in conflict and brings a trebuchet to a mud fight.
And bored. Extremely so.
It’s the same discussion as in the whine-threads… and it’s about elves…again. I’m all for a good fight, but I really can’t see the charm in that one…
Meh, we have a saying here that goes like ‘During war times, every hole can be used as a trench’ (it usually has a very…specific…connotation). But still applies.
If those are the discussions to be had, so be it.
I’m not picky. .
I took the orc one half serious at first, and that picked on my curiosity regarding the second that popped as juxtaposition.
Now that sounds dirty!
and I can still complain about there being no better discussions at the moment, can’t I? Or even start discussing the selection of discussion topics! A hole rife for the trenching, or something…
We could engage in a complaint thread complaining about the complaints that complain about people complaining about…elves. Because why not.
Let’s make the forums implode. Like those elves shamelessly did with the planet, and offer no repayment after genociding every constructive thread, orc style.
I know
The more meta a topic is, the cleverer you feel while discussing it! Though everyone who watches the discussion usually thinks anyone who engages in discussions that useless has to be stupid, but who cares about them?
It wasn’t really an implosion now, was it? They just exploded a little well… and did everyone a favour, in the long term, I think. I mean… if the Elves hadn’t destroyed their empire on their own, would they still be dominant? They’re annoying enough as it is…
As proper orcs, we may feel bad afterwards, though. Poor honour, why were you taken so young? We hardly knew ye…
Sounds similar to the British one of “Any hole is a goal” Which is equally dirty, and indeed, usually used in that context…
Sorry but that sounds a lot like a trolling attitude. If you are here just to discuss stuff, regardless of the topic and the relation to the truth, what makes your points valuable? You also want the forums to explode… why would you want that? Are we not here to discuss the lore to find the truth? And not to cause drama? I can safely say that nearly all of my replies are my own opinion, and that I always try to find the truth.
‘Trolling’ is hard to define, but anyone with the desire for drama and anyone who also acts upon that, merely for the sake of the drama they want to create, sounds a lot like a troll to me.
It was a joke…
I thought it was made pretty clear when I followed said remark with a jab at both the Night elf and the orc thread…
You really think I can’t have a serious debate?
Sure, I’ve had a few discussions with you… but trolls can engage in serious debates too, right? I can already name a few who specifically do so.
My problem is more that you seem to want a serious debate in the Night Elf thread, whie you come here claiming that you’d like to see the forums explode? If it’s a joke… fine…
Of course trolls can have serious discussions! It would be absurd gatekeeping the forums to certain avatars! (I kid, I know what you mean).
Thing is, given this ongoing trend that polluted the current narrative, there are certain attitudes that can be tackled in different ways. You can take them seriously, in good faith, as jokes, or personal.
I’m all for some serious debate. Yes, it may surprise some, but even Alliance related stuff.
But also, depending on my mood, I can also lower the IQ to the lowest denominator and engage in some ‘trollish’ (let’s say it that way if you will), chat.
With the ongoing faction bashing, combined with a total lack of empathy and self-centredness that dominates this place, I find it hard to take certain approaches in a mature way. And that leads to confrontation.
Trolling implies I had an intent to ‘hurt’. Not the case. But that doesn’t mean that if someone goes down ‘dirty’, I may (or may not) ultimately say things that end up hurting. Not because I intend to, but because people are often blind to the stuff they do, and when another person replies in kind they usually go with “Woah, that’s to far…”.
I seldom take things personally. And sometimes it makes my approach less…palatable for the ones I reply to or engage with.
Let’s be real for a sec, now that nobody hears us: I didn’t take that thread seriously.
I think the logic there was flawed, and the premise was a total joke.
But it did help with one thing, and that is to showcase some real apparent double standards and how ludicrous the mirrored thread was when seen from the other side of the fence.
That said, I would readily apologise to anyone that felt offended by my manners (given the continuous responses I had that seems unlikely, but I’m deadly serious about this).
I said that I wanted the forums to implode like the Night elves did with the well and genocide every serious thread like orcs do.
Really, I know it’s hard to express sarcasm with the written word, but I didn’t find that comment very subtle regarding its tone. Wimbert seemed to get it at least!!!
And if that was hard to catch, then certainly the hyperbole about complaints (that I had to think through before typing it more than I’m willing to admit) should’ve given you the clue!
looks up in the forum after some time away Was that me?
I am at a gym.
Browsing the forum.
Who is proud of me?