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How was Daelin a fodder villain? His campaign was separate in the founding of Durotar which placed Rexxar as the protagonist. Archimonde was the end boss of the WC3 RoC Night elf campaign

Yes, but the Story told in WC3 ended with Archimonde, and the Orcs as well as Humans helped there. Daelin was just a roadbump on the way to Archimonde storywise.

Archi happened first…


I’m pretty sure Daelin attacked the orcs after they had defeated Archimonde and the orcs had settled in Durotar

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really? wasn’t it Orcs landing, Daelin Attacking, Orcs helping with Archi?
Seems like i need to get my timeline straight. Sorry.
Didn’t play WC3 for ca. a decade.

Have you even played Warcraft III?

Yes, a long time ago. And unlike you i’m able to admit mistakes. It’s a good character trait, you should try it some day.


No, Orcs and Trolls landed in Durotar. They travelled to the Barrens, met with the Tauren.

After a short while, some Orcs ventured into Ashenvale and started hacking. Others made stained friendships with the Humans and High Elves.

Then some time later, Night Elves attacked Humans, Orcs and High Elves as they were hacking at Ashenvale again. Then Legion and Scourge arrived and Tyrande woke Malfurion.

Battle, battle, battle, Illidan and Arthas, more battles, then Medivh came and then all the forces of Orcs, Night Elves and Humans united and defeated Archimonde.

Then Orcs and Humans left. Orcs established Orgrimmar, Humans established Theramore and then Daelin happened.


I don’t make mistakes when discussing Kul Tiran lore, which is always, and even if you last played it a long time ago you should still retain a general idea of the chronology of events…

Unlike when you spout weird irc(in racist character) stuff about:
Stormwindian surpremacy and the glory of God King Anduin
Arathors armed Achievements
Stroms good old days
Lordaerons glorydays

You seem to switch your favourite human Kingdom as often as your underwear. But i have to admit you get your human lore straight (if i would view it through the lense of a racist human surpremacist).

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Our memories aren’t perfect, transience is one of the sins of memories. It’s more difficult to recall older memories, compared to newer ones.

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He’s a racist.

As am I, to all sub-blood elf and nightborne trash :stuck_out_tongue:

Sin’dorei master race obviously.

Once more your memory fails you. I have often remarked how every other Human culture except the Kul Tiran and Stormwindian are either accursed or treacherous. And even the Stormwindians have become far too stagnant under the leadership of a weak boy.

Shal’dorei are joined at the top.

Getting to see the ancient Highborne’s city’s and lifestyle is a true site for any elf supremest.
No sub-blood elf or nightborne garbage are worthy of Suramar or Silvermoon.


I will start digging up your Anduin-praising posts, Arctur!


This’ll be fun.


The writers made me hate him. If they want to write him as a naive fool, so be it, but I have gotten tired of him. I blame him for what happened to Derek. It’s his fault for not ordering his allies to gang up on Sylvanas the moment they confronted her during the Battle of Lordaeron.

And yet I cannot blame him. He became King at the worst time possible. Varian was tragically taken from us. He was still so young.



What writing does when trying to promote the message that masculinity is toxic.


Sadly they had to sacrifice Varian for this mess of an expansion because they realized that the Banshee wouldn´t stand a chance if a rigid pragmatist like Varian still ruled, someone who lived by the sword, not a well-intentioned but naive idealist like Anduin. How many more losses do we have to take before he wakes up?

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