Submit Your Questions for the WoW Development Team Here

Heya heya there!

Are there any plans on fixing the Pandaren neck mesh texture issues? Or are there any model updates planned for Pandaren?


With the new structure of wow expansions, and 3 new ones being announced at once (and there not being any .3 raid this expansion), what does this mean in terms of future expansion timing (and the length of expansions themselves)?


Are there any plans on making the gladiator mount (or recolor mount) achievable on solo shuffle ?


Why do you keep releasing Classic raids on a Thursday night at 11pm GMT in EU? Surely releasing them on patch day isn’t too much to ask for?

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I’m a person who likes the open world. Even caves in Khaz Algar is the open world, for me at least. A place sprawling with forgotten secrets and artifacts from tens of thousands of years ago. Will we get a chance, during “Worldsoul Saga” to explore these secrets and solve mysteries Azeroth’s past using Archaeology?


Since we’re getting a new allied race, does this mean we’ll also get more character slots? (currently we have 60, will we get to 70 or more perhaps?)

Also: Are there gonna be new race/class combo’s?


While most of it looks great I do have 1 concern. Chris mentioned quicker releases. Are expansions going to last shorter than the average 2 years per expansion? If so, how do you justify the increased expansion box prices?


Hello there. I have two questions.

1. Warbands
First one is regarding the Warband option. You focused on people that are playing many alts with this feature (which is fine). I would like to ask, as a player that doesn’t switch into alts, do you plan on adding some class-change or another feature that would allow us to change the class we play after so many years. You could say “pick something else and start from scratch”. Well that might be fine, if you don’t have tons of quest progress, reputations, achievements, transmogs and more. Will the war band feature also include old content, will it count for quest progress and will everything be “account wide”, because for people like me, that feature would not be doing any favors.

2. Play everywhere on anything
This sounded great, when you said that you hope that people will play your games everywhere, on any machine, but for the last few years MacOS users were ignored. Games we would play for many years stopped getting any new versions (eg. Diablo, Overwatch). Do you plan adding support for your games to keep with the narrative from the opening speech?

Will Turalyon have a part to play in one of the upcoming expansions? Except standing/sitting/guarding the throneroom in Stormwind.

Can we please have all the new 8 dungeons in the mythic+ pool? Everyone i know hates it, even the biggest competitive streamers of WoW hate it, there are many instances of them saying so. Recycled content doesn’t feel very intriguing.

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Are there any plans on giving demon hunter a third specialization? Being the only class in the game with only two specializations currently makes it feel like playing half a class, and the worst choice for a main character.


Good evening.

I wanted to ask if you plan to activate Cataclysm Classic launching transfers people account to account. I am paying for 3 licenses and wanted to move the people all main.

With the Warbands seemingly making cross-character collections a thing, would this also apply cross-region, so any items gathered in NA would show up in EU?


Will the humans and other races get a texture uprez at any point? The humans have HD skin options while the ones from WOD look very dated compared to them.

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The Cash Flow Guild Perk added in Cataclysm was removed in Warlords of Draenor. Will this perk also be removed from Cataclysm Classic?

Few questions from me:
Can we get a search option in the reputation and Currency tabs? we are getting many of those from past expansions and will keep getting new.
How account wide reputation will work for reputations such as Ravenholdt/Syndicate or Steamwheeled cartel /bloodsail buccaneers ? as they counter each other as well one can put “At war” for them.

Are Primalists considered a dark shaman? or are the elements freely accepting their call?

Will Night elves and Forsaken get a new starting experience with the new expansion?

What about Brawler’s guild ? Is it coming back at some point?


Classic Season of Discovery and Private auras.
Is adding private auras to Season of Discovery a possibility?

Will there be a review of low population servers with either more server merges or mega servers. Also please rethink the 3 day early access for the 20th Anniversary, this is the opposite of putting the players first and creates a income based pay to win negative culture within our beloved MMO.


Will the account wide reputation include older reps or will it expand to include them at a later date?
When will we be able to have all our one handed weapons on our back like monks are able to?


Will we ever see class design such as during MoP&WoD
Metamorphosis back to demonology?