Yes, because WoW was the pinnacle of dark fantasy we all knew and love. If you think this game has always been the basis of the nitty gritty, then you need to pull those rose-tinted glasses right now.
Also nice argumentation, lmao. “If you don’t like my grimdark WoW, get out!1!!1one!”
Plus, and i’m sure you didn’t bother yet again, the premise of sill quests has been in WoW even BEFORE the ‘Cataclysm Redesign Zones’.
Those “few silly quests” are like half of WoW. Almost every other quest name is either a pun or a reference. Same with achievements. There are whole herds of characters designed for comic relief. This game has tons of quirky/funny stuff in it. The fact it also has dark themes does not remove the humour. The game is legally allowed to have both the Lich King and an entire quest chain in Grizzly Hills which is essentially about PC taking a dump.
Also I don’t know what your point with Adventure Time or Steven Universe is because I don’t watch cartoons.
How is this rose tinted glasses? You can go see the cinematics for yourself, if you think WoW is always cheerful and quirky.
Like, yeah I get it you guys are desperate to change a narrative because I reference a point from time before you got into WoW and realise what it was build all upon
Perhaps in Cataclysm, which was viewed negative. Especially with the Alliance zones.
But you’re quite generalising here without anything to back you up. A few quests here and there being silly doesn’t make the entirety of WoW a pun or silly lmao.
I don’t care about those They’re not part of the lore.
There is humour and fun but when it comes to story they’re not really quirky or funny in a way about it.
I’m sure that kid seeing his parents impaled in that one village in BfA found it so funny am I right
You sure as hell knew what I was talking about though haha
OMG?? An ENTIRE quest chain? In the entire continent of Northrend?
Okay you’re right, THIS IS a quirky game! (I’m going to assume you can read sarcasm here).
Guys c’mon now, I get you want to revisionise wow badly as something that it isn’t, but you guys are reaching here, both of you
I… what? I am not the one who has been assuming WoW was always one archetype. Stop putting words in my mouth because you can’t come up with a proper argument and instead outright offend others just to make your point.
Seriously, it’s immature and quite childish lol.
The evidence is all right there. A universe can have both things out of humour and an exploration beyond rampant savagery and dark features and themes. We have said the game has Quirks, not fully and entirely quirky.
You’re right, those aren’t rose-tinted glasses. Those are a pair of dark sunglasses too many shades too deep that you’re blind to even common reading patterns.
Nice and lovely way of simply ignoring questions too btw. Very true-to-form veteran of the dark gritty audience you pose.
Yeah, I recognize them as cartoons. One has an orange dog and a princess called Bubblegum. Still dunno what that has to do with me liking particular WoW characters.
As for the rest of your post… This basically reads as “WoW is grimdark and not funny, because I think the funny parts don’t count!”
Like, I know Tekra’s comment was probably tongue-in-cheek, but dude–if you think WoW is all grimdark doom and gloom, do NOT ever touch W40k. You would probably turn into a black hole before you even finished reading the intro.
A majority, actually I would say almost all entire cinematics are biased upon a serious tone. The whole Warcraft 3 game all had rather grim and dark cinematics and cutscenes.
I’m well aware that there were easter eggs present. Such as if you click a guard enough he would say some funny lines. Or if you clicked a sheep fast, it would explode.
I get that those elements are present.
I get that those elements are present in WoW aswell, and in some cases, integrated into quest lines.
But I think you’re looking to deep into it.
You assume that those things hold much ground.
I think I am almost reaching lore master on my vanilla character.
I can’t say that the majority of the quest lines in each zone were quirky or funny.
In badlands I investigated an archeology team that disappeared, only for them to end up getting murdered by the Dark Iron forces present, for example.
Sure there were some fun and quirky quests, but they didn’t matter to the zone’s storyline. They were just a fun side thing to do.
As in what? A few pop culture references here and there?
You guys are offended, like you would rather have the majority be all round funny and quirky.
Like it’s some kind of Harry Potter’s book.
All I said was cinematics were dark and portrayed the WoW lore as grim yet you keep on ignoring that and pull up a few sidequests there, like those matter a lot to the concept of lore. It’s literally just a few designers having fun my dude.
I get that things don’t always have to be grim and dark, but sheesh, Vulpera can never be grim and dark, aswell as Gnomes. (which were hated upon since Vanilla as a joke race)
Your posts had no questions. Just projections and generalisations
Yes I don’t think the few funny parts don’t count. Sorry
Ah sorry, WoW isn’t all grim and dark no.
Clearly, Orcs influenced under demon blood, slaughering Draenei, even women and children, invaded Human lands. To which they tried to pull everything against the noble humans who in return had the holy light as a vast force of power against the reckless Orcs.
So in turn, they put the souls of Orc Warlocks into the dead cold bodies of the slain Human Knights, your first death knight. Not the pansy ones from Arthas, and clearly not the super weenies of the subrace’s one
No but I get you, there were some funny achievements referencing easter eggs or pop cultures, or some quest lines in the corner of a zone contained some funny phrases that over all didn’t matter to the story and could be skipped (unless you were going for loremaster I suppose).
But why do you try to argue that I supposedly think there are no dark elements to WoW when a few comments ago I specifically said that it does have both dark and funny stuff in it?
And what was the point of that whole cartoon talk again? I don’t get it.
‘My dude’, you are the one that is both making offenses, generalisations and frank accusations that you yourself have made throughout this entire thing. Do you really want me to quote you in all of it?
Oh wait, i’m sure you’ll ignore them all yet again anyway.
But to dissect all this:
Did I? Where? I said they were present. Some of them evident with their own present storylines that are frankly better than much of this core grimdark atmosphere you love flailing on about.
You literally have dedicated quests that aren’t all about murder, darkness and savagery with their own stories and chains. What makes the grimdark and deathly ones built with the same effort better than the former?
…Because they murdered someone?
…Excuse me, but we aren’t the first ones who said that we think we want a world of Adventure Time and an orange person. You did.
Don’t flip this. It’s not funny.
‘My dude’, when they write storylines that don’t involve carnage and murder, with their own storylines, it is not because they were having fun. In fact, it is quite boring to only focus on those details because… dark world?
Yes, which you continue to prove. I’m amazed you haven’t tried to dispel them yet.
Just because one quest does not involve you burying your axe into the head of another, doesn’t mean it is ‘funny’ or made just for the kicks of a dev.
Own opinion, but clearly WoW storyline isn’t a thing for you if you dislike that part so much.
You try to compare them to literal game cinematics, as if they’re somehow comparable.
Can you name me a few questlines? I find it hard to believe there wasn’t a single thing involved that makes you kill something lmao
Huh? I compared wanting “quirky and funny interactions in a book” compared to that.
Because obviously that show caters towards those people.
Umm excuse me? Find me a single quest line, again, that doesn’t contain “kill X things”, preferable before Cataclysm, thanks.
Seriously “world of warcraft”.
I get that the game has its moments depicting other emotions, but we’re still talking about World of Warcraft here.
I get what you mean on the aspect of “well it doesn’t need to be grim and dark all the time”, to which you’re right.
But I don’t get why there needs to be an entire book around 2 “witty” characters interacting quirky and funny with eachother.
Okay you can have your poop gathering quests, I suppose they’re very meaningful to you lmao
You have the wildest form of assumptions I have ever seen in a poster. Did Tekra really hurt you that much? Lmao.
Where did I say I dislike that part? Please point it out. I have said other elements are inclusive of it.
You were given one right this moment: Having to recover seeds through that way of waste disposal. Which is part towards understanding using what you can in the region of Grizzly Hills.
You have a lot of delivery quests throughout new zones even before Cataclysm as a popular way to announce you into the zone. Check entering the Barrens, as an example you so desire.
You have a lot of quests revolving around the expansion of culture without outright murdering them. A literal TOUR is done around exploring certain areas and zones such as that of exploring Garad’ar and Garrosh’s depression to finding out the truth of his father.
You have quests revolving around crafting materials and discovering why they were needed to be done. Such as that of Horde Leatherworking and the importance of drying hides or the quest chain around the revolution of Gnomish Technology and how it is integral to Alliance engineering.
You can’t be THIS blind and not have noticed this even during your apparent legendary journey for Vanilla Loremaster? It’s just unbelievable.
Yes, and somehow you painted even those who accept these elements as only inclusive of such elements and refuse to see your vision of the game for some reason?
And i’ve not yet figured out why?
Refer to the above. Three times, just in case.
Feel free to ask more examples.
…Okay? If that’s the only non-kill quest you understood, then you haven’t been properly interacting with the world at large.
Playing since a month after release and Vanilla had silly quests as well.
Like i said: Just because you don’t like an aspect of WoW doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t exist.
Remember the Poop-Quests in (if i remember correctly) every addon since BC?
Noggenfogger Elixir? Escorting a robot chicken? Deviate Supreme?
All the pinnacle of dark and gritty, sure, but also maybe a little bit funny in some situations.