Survival hunter SL

Survival had a great rotation and feel in Legion. But I’m not playing a melee hunter even if the sky falls.

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Mongoose bite has to go. Ruins the entire spec imo.

Survival hunter feel extremly fun to play in Shadowland.

Since they added the change that we will be able to swap weapon in combat

that mean with the unprunning we will be able to be a real hybrid melee /ranged when situation ask it.

Survival hunter gonna be my melee spec
And Marksmanship my love :smile:

I just feel meh for Legendary power, i don’t feel my gameplay on stacking latent poison , i think it need an another single target legendary power for single target ( without RNG )

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i’ve always had the conspiracy, the less popular a specc/class is the less blizzard care about it…

when they can Get hype from a Large crowd of players by doing up Warriors and Demon hunters etc etc… why concentrate on small minorities…

Aren’t they removing hunters and rogues altogether in SL ?

This is why I never played Survival hunter in Legion. I am MM hunter main since started WOW, never liked BM/Surv.

So when they made the spec melee and reading the comments here I did not feel I missed anything.

Then I tried mage tower challenge for the appearance and it replaced MM as my favorite spec since then. I regret not playing with it earlier in Legion. Now BFA pruning jon did not bring much fun to the spec, and made it feel clunky and very less fun. SL is not bringing back Legion build I was hoping that for the unpruning expansion.

It does feel annoying at times, especially when you want to hit that enemy hard but there is no focus to build 5 buffs.

However it is part of the uniqueness the class had in Legion. It requires you to calculate your moves way ahead, in addition 5 buffs strike animation and dmg is so satisfying IMO.

Vulpie bites Henoriel…Ouch!

Remove that, Mage!

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Yup, in Legion it actually felt “more hunter” than BM and MM but I still wouldn’t play just because it’s melee.

The thing is, most classes are way worse in BfA not just survival hunter. BfA and Shadowlands are probably the only two expansions where I was not excited to play any class. In legion, I actually wanted to play most classes and they were all fun, got my challenge weapons on all classes/specs excluding shaman and monk.

It’s a talent, so there should be other viable builds. The animation is indeed the only thing I do love of mongoose bite!

I really love the idea of survival hunter as it is now. I’ve tried to main it for 8.2 and I actually got curve on it before my actual main back then. Sadly I couldn’t keep playing it because not only was the mongoose bite combo really annoying to pull off, 1 mistake also really lowers your DPS. I can play a dozen of other classes where DPS isn’t hard to keep up with.

Nah, they can revert it back to Cataclysm though. The fact they made a superior spec (range damage that can move while doing damage) and turned it into a melee spec that no one plays.

I would call that an epic fail for redesigning. I thought the whole concept of redesigning something was to make it fresh and make it more enjoyable for more players. Yet now we have a spec that majority of the time you forget event exists.

I didn’t start playing until 7.3.5, so melee SV is all I know. I don’t mind more archer based specs though, it’s my favorite archetype. I’ve just always played melee in WoW cause I’m bad at ranged.

You would’ve loved it. I envy you in a way because you can’t miss what you never had :sleepy:

I’m genuinely still butthurt over the changes, and it was 2 expansions ago

I really loved the Legion survival, but BfA feels clunky to me.

I actually agree with blizzard stance. It didn’t make sense to have MM and Survival as ranged spec. Having one melee spec is actually good change.

Not this

What they should have done is just creating a 4th spec for Hunter .
They try to set survival ranged into Marksmanship gameplay but it not work with the gameplay.

Ranged Survival is absolutly different than Marksmanship hunter

Marksmanship hunter is based on a stance of reloading gun, and then stop to make the big shot. Also this is the spec if you like hunter without pet.
The mobile caster.

While Ranged survival was instant button constant mobility, setting poison and getting thing that empower your instant abilities and managing trap and pet ( pet still got influence as survival ranged but not as much as BM hunter and got more influence than MM hunter. )
This is so based on instant spell + dots + spell.

I think they should have done a 4th spec, so everyone would be happy.


It’s not, adding a melee spec was fine but taking something away players loved was not.

Sub, assa are practically assasains with a different burst window and one with dots and one with buffs, essentially you don’t need 3 melee specs as all they add wigh new classes is melee so let’s take one away and replace it with a ranged spec.

How would you feel.

Now on the surface they are the same but when you played MM and SV they where completely different the fact ion stated they felt the same shows how out of. Touch with those specs he is

It did feel little different in Cataclysm/MOP. What was the difference between them? Black Arrow, or maybe one/two spells? They can make it in MM if they wanted.

Sub rogue vs Assasin rogue comparison is also different IMO. How would it make sense for Stealth class to be ranged, it cannot be designed.

Also lore wise there are no ranged rogues, whereas we have Roxxar being melee hunter also lets not forget that Survival was supposed to be Melee spec in Classic.

Hunters always had melee range spells that were removed with the removal of deadzone in MOP. It was good to see them back.

Hero classes are not specced, prime example is jaina using arcane to fly a ship and fire cannons when she’s primarily frost. By lore. Logic arcane and frost should be the same then and arcane should be turned melee mages.

The difference was explained above by Deatraion very well they played very differently just as sub and assa do on the surface they seem similar hell with azharas Palace sub style of spam glomblade I think it was you could of argued it felt the same. As sinister strike.

Blizzard is simply trying to justify adding a melee spec to hunter hell I love the melee spec and play it alot but I really wish they add it as an alternate option in survival tree or a 4th spec I don’t want anything to be taken away from players adding is fine.

They did try to make the ranged sv style work in the MM tree the fact no one touches it with a barge pole is a great indicator of how infarct they where nothing alike in actual play it’s missing tons.

Dead zone was removed before MoP way before and melee weapons where removed yes I can’t remember when again a mistake was a nice flavour it was so balancing was easier and bows could be more front loaded

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Don’t forget beast mastery!

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