Take a Dive into Plunderstorm’s Plundersurge Now!

Not really, it’s up to the other 59 players how much you can get.

I did two of them, got 7 in first and 0 in second. That’s because someone killed me.

And with double I’d get 14 and 0. Still not good enough for me to try again.


Aaand you can still earn 0 rep…
Highest rep ive gotten is 397…
Still 2500 rep pr lvl
Played for my 2 hours today. Still renown 5…



This really makes me feel my accomplishment to farm this at the beginning of the event was worthwhile. At least next time I’ll know to wait until any event that I don’t typically enjoy is almost over and needed into the ground before I start to play. I guess when Blizzard say they respect players time, they actually mean they want us to think that and ignore the facts.

I love how mad people are over the first sliver of content that isn’t DOOD MUH DUNGENS N RAIDS in the last decade.

Please do more like this.

U can think about that when they release mop remix, first u get low bronze stuff and when u done they will just buff it so everyone will get it without any effort.

I’ll pass. This event is not for me.

I don’t like

  • PvP in general
  • “Vehicle fights” where I don’t use the abilities of my regular character
  • Battle royale

Best of luck to those who play this game mode! :four_leaf_clover:


It’s up to me, I land solo, do the quest and run into the storm.

I played a couple of games this morning. It seems like there plunder score in-game is then doubled after game when applied to the renown track.

However it’s confusing because you would expect the in-game track to show how much you get in total as there’s a ‘2 x reputation’ note next to it.

You’d have to take careful not of before and after renown and compare it to plunder to find out if it’s working correctly.

So basically another poorly executed element that confuses more than helps.

Even with the increased Plunder it won’t be a lot faster I think. All the players who did the quest and ran into the storm are done now. So you’re left with those who enjoy the mano a mano conflict and will likely be quite good at it. So even getting the quest done will be tougher now and there will be more matches where you earn nothing.


It sucks doesnt it? Ive finished mine but as PP said alot of the players left are just griefers now.
Also all the really good spots are now known and somebody else will take them.
(my favourite spot was the top left of the map…a couple of rares, not too many other people around and you could sneak around the back fairly peacefully).

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I just checked out to see if I felt it was duable …and I feel it’s not
15 battles today
A total of 1800 rep…not even a renown

Why this is a thing bewilders me…

Im still out

Yeah, only way I’d ever do this is if they’d had a Daily to do 10 Matches and earn 1 Renown as a reward. I’d maybe earn a bit more doing the matches but I’d know that I’d be at least 1 renown up each day.

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I thought the daily quest gave you one renown? That was before the doubling etc.

Nope it only gave 800 plus what you managed to plunder. For the average player this would be have been 1200 - 1800 depending on survivability. It took 2+ games to get 1 renown per day.

PS: Judging by some of the comments - post wowhead’s post of showing the best landing spots it appears to have gotten much harder. Yet another reason why I hate things being spoilt by 3rd party websites.

I needed a different Daily, one that didn’t need to survive long enough to complete a task.
I needed one that was just Do 10 matches.

I realise I’m askng for the moon on a stick so I don’t resent the fact that it wasn’t there.
There are planty of things in game I can’t do and I’m fine with that.
If you look through my Achievements you’ll see I’ve done all the Quest / Explore ones for each expansion (up to around WoD). But there are gaps like the Orgila Bombing run in 2 minutes. The Netherwing race. The Molten Front one to fly through 30 birds or whatever. I’ll never get the Dragon Riding ones so the DF meta is out.
Tis what it is.

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I really hope Plunderstorm as a game mode will not end here. :smiley:

It’s been a great fun!

You make a good point

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did alot of battles today… and yes you can still get 0 rep…
those who play it now seems to know all the routes and the attacks… i got no chance

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Just when u done with lvl 40 they add dubble, it’s always the same thing.

I guess it will be same for mist remix, u get what u want then when u done they buff it so all can get it without any effort.