[Talk Show] RP Talks - Spotlight Night 19th Nov!

We’re going live in roughly 15 mintues or less with RP Talks: The Story So Far (BFA)!

If you missed out on yesterday’s RP Talks here it is, our poor interpretation of the story so far for BFA Part 1 ^^


[Insert not so subtle bump here]


We stan the boomp

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Woooo! Been thoroughly enjoying tuning into this since its return! Keep it up guys!


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Gutted i wont get to listen live, ill be recording my own Podcast then :sweat_smile:

look forwards to listening to the VoD!

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We’re going live in less than 10 mintues with RP Talks: The Story So Far (BFA) Part 2!

Before I share the video, I’d like to go ahead and apologise for the way this RP Talks and the prior one has been presented. It lies on my shoulders, and my shoulders alone for giving us such a small time frame to do such a topic in.

It wasn’t a great idea in highsight, at time we ‘thought’ SLs was going to be released come the 29th so we though it’d be cool to invest into a conversation about the Storyline with everyone who may watch. The problem is I didn’t make it engaging at all for anyone watching, because I wanted to get it all done in the time slot we set for our shows.

Initially we had planned to bring on guests to talk about specific highlights in BFA but going through the storyline we didn’t think we could fit all the story in and a guest into the conversation. So it was evolved into something that’s basically us just reading a script, which isn’t fun for anyone to sit through and hear either. I’m going to try do my best to make amends with the last two streams regarding this topic if I can for you guys.

I’ve created RP Talks in hopes of shining a lighter image on roleplay, and perhaps attracting new roleplayers or helping out those that already do. Furthermore doing interest lore -discussions- as well as roleplay that we’ve done or is going on. Keyword being discussion, this is meant to be interact for all and informative for outsiders too, who might not see the side to roleplay that is fun/creative.

I’m sorry once more, and would love to hear your feedback and suggestions in regards to all this.

If you missed out on tonights stream, here it is.

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Going live in roughly 10 minutes with RP Talks, we’ve two guests for todays Story So Far talk!



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We’ve RP Talks in roughly 10 minutes!

We’re having two weeks off and will returning on the 12th of November, you can vote for the next topic here: https://strawpoll.com/6bj5yzpad

If you missed out on last nights stream here it is:

We’re coming back with RP Talks on the 12th, last chance to vote for the next topic after tomorrow I’ll begin planning.


You know the drill kids, we’re live on the 12th (it’s tomoooroooooow) <3


Today friends

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Looking forwards to this subject! :pray:

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awww yisssss i’ve been looking forward to this one

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We’re going live in roughly 15 mins with RP Talks, today’s topic Guildless RP!

If you missed out on the latest RP Talks catch up here!

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Last episode of the year tonight!