Tank and friends LF active raiding guilds/communities

Language(s): English, Croatian
Class/Spec: Guardian Druid (438), Protection Warrior(442) (have several max level characters, can easily switch if needed)
Server: Kazzak
Cleared: Heroic
Faction: Horde
Btag: L4nceeEE#21635
Availability: most of the days, evenings.

Looking for active guild/community on Kazzak that is clearing HC raid and looking to progress on mythic raids. Also interested in M+ keys.
Any other server is possible but would like to avoid server switch at first, at least till we both see its working for us.
Also, I have 2 friends who are willing to join:
Enhancement Shaman
Beast Mastery Hunter

Hi Mate, Nightmare 9/9hc on Draenor are recruiting DPS for Mythic raiding - 8-11pm server time. Happy for you to join our raid until you feel its a good fit for you. all dps classes considered, we are currently replacing 4 players who have stopped playing this summer. discord name is senceii#3541 if you want to chat

if ur still looking check out Aurorae [H] [9/9H 1/9M] is looking for new Members 2 start some Mythic
we are on kazzak so thats a start lol :slight_smile: