Tank LF weekend guild

LF weekend guild pref Sat/sun
I can raid thurs/sun/sat but there always potential on thursdays i might not be there.

Please add bnet Zakuza#21776 or reply here with any oppertunitys

I have raided HC azshara as DPS but im looking to tank as its generally my preferred role, i don’t mind off specing DPS
im looking to progress HC next tier with some mythic progression where possible and just looking to improve at the game as well.

Play DK and Warrior (tank/dps)

Hi there,

If you’re still looking for a guild, please check us out

Hope to hear back from you :slight_smile:

Hey I’ve added you

Seems like my battle.net is not wanting me to communicate with other players. Feel free to add me on Discord, Nerz#2932

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