Tank/DPS looking for Guild for Keys and casual HC Raiding

Hi, I’m a tank main who’s looking for a guild primarily for M+s but would like to DPS in a HC Raid team as well (though my DPS is rusty atm as I’ve not really played it for years).
Last season (SL S4) I managed to get 2.4k rio, this season has been a bit slower as I’ve been trying to find the right guild for me. I’m an older player and I love helping people out. I’m a massive altoholic, being the Sad-no-lifer that I am, I’ve already got all the tanks to 70 (some of them multiple 70s (Warr, DK, DH and, for my sins - Monk (:Cursed takes a massive hit of copium: it will be good again!)).

I don’t mind playing Horde or Alliance and I’m happy to move servers for the right group.

As I said before, I’m mainly interested in pushing M+s, I want to get as high as I can but I hate pugging!.
For raiding, I’ve achieved Curve for every raid since it came out (both as Tank and DPS) and I’d still like to do that in this expansion as well.

I’m a chatty person once I’ve got over my initial shyness, and I’m happy on Voice as well.
In the past I’ve been a Raid Leader, Guild leader, Main Tank (obvs :wink: ) but these days I’m looking more to just chill and take it easy.
Once I find the right guild, I tend to go all in, I’ll do whatever I can to help the guild out (boosting re-rolls, helping gear, teaching people mechanics, etc.).

If you think you might have a spot for me, hit me up on Disc or BNet and we can have a chat!

Thanks for reading

BNET: CursedDark#2264
Disc: Cursed#3287

Hey, this sounds eerily similar to myself (except healer main) and I’m looking for the same!

I’ll keep an eye on your post, gl :slight_smile:

Punished on Dentarg/Tarren Mill could be the place for you. We have people who are interested in m+, just the lack of a dedicated m+ tank(s) at times is a stopper at times. We are not actively looking for raid tanks, but a sub when one of our MT is away would be awesome as well. I know that the post of ours (Punished is looking for more raiders) doesn’t list any melee(s) to be recruited, but regardless of that we are opened to all and relatively flexible with what people are doing.

Punished is mainly raiding focused guild, with m+ being more of a side thing on off nights and weekends/evenings. (Raid nights are Wed/Thurs 21 to 00 ST / m+ any other time)

We’re all mature, older, chill and enjoy doing things with a pace that matches people rather than going all out while pushing the weaker out of the way.
Besides that we do not require you to join us or be even from the same faction as we accept cross realm members and even alliance :wink: and when you think we are a fit for you then you are free to transfer/join the guild.

I will leave my discord here Mari#6813 if Punished is something you wish to try out in your in game journey and want to know more.