Tanking in This Expansion: A Huge Challenge and Why No One Wants the Role

I still remember when it was considered a raid-ability and we would use it only when the raid leader called for it and not on our own.

Tanking was better in Dragon flight. The shorter queue times for dps and the number of keys run shows that’s what most players preferred. Players vote with their feet.

And that is why the tank nerfs should be reverted.

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This is a bit more complicated than just tanks.

Blizzard stated that their intentions were to shift some of the party damage to the tank, so that they can keep “healers busy healing” and lower down party damage to stop the 1-shot mechanics of DF.

And on paper it sounds like a really good idea if you ask me. But the way they executed was a total fail.

  • First and foremost, party damage has not gone down.

  • Second, if they want healers to heal tanks then we need the tools to do so. Even the chunkiest ST heal we have is peanuts compared to the massive HP pool tanks have, thanks to that extra 60% HP we all got at the beginning of TWW to limit the 1-shot meta.

Problem with this is that if they buff healers to actually be able to do something about tanks, then we all need an external CD (which not all healers have) AND it goes against their policy of “making healers heal”. Because if they gave us the tools to heal a tank, then we would top a DD in 1 GCD from 1% to 100%. And we would have nothing to heal.

So basically it backfired like that. Poor execution.

Big mistake from their side. They should revert this ASAP.


In my opinion, this is what they should have done instead of all the BS they did that you mention:

Go back to how things were in DF. Except that mobs instead of having random targeting they get a “smart targeting”. What this means is that blizzard now has to impose rules on who gets hit by spells. Using a prio list.

So a group of mobs in combat with the party cannot target the same person twice within 1s. Or target them with 2 things at once for some X seconds. At the bottom of this list would be the tank, which would funnel all that extra casts and party damage, but with inmortal OP talents you guys had in DF.

That kills 2 birds with one stone. First it eliminates the most frustrating part of the DF 1-shot mechanics. And second, it addresses the “inmortal tanks” with out nerfing them.

The second step is to limit the damage of spells to a maximum cap. In a way in which it almost kills people with out CDs or versa but not quite. That is enough to keep healers bussy spamming heals, but nobody would ever get 1-shot (if you heal properly). But, as you increase in key level mobs and bosses would not do more damage. Instead you have to optimize your gameplay and do more DPS to clear more key levels.

This “cap damage” would allow healers to heal as they should, but would shift the “limiting factor” of difficulty from surviving to damaging.

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