[Tarren Mill/Dentarg] Punished (cross realm/faction) guild is recruiting (or is open to collab. with another guild)

Hey there all!

Punished is a relatively old guild which has been in many servers and now finally settled in on Dentarg/Tarren Mill. We are casual older players who come together (from various realms) to raid and so some m+ if people are up for it. Our aim is to clear Heroic content.
What might set us apart from other guilds is that we accept everyone to our community regardless of their faction or realm!

We are seeking mainly DPS and healer(s). Your experience is irrelevant, as long as you are willing to listen, improve and have a laugh file wiping badly.

Currently we are seeking people to finish of s4 on heroic and go with a strong team into Dragonflight.
We are also open for a collaboration between another guild or community who seeks more members as well to help each other out, to remove the need of puging.

Presently opened to all classes of healer(s) and DPS;

Our raid times are Wed/Thurs from 20.30 to 23.30 server time (might extend half an hour if things are goiing really well)
M+ for weeklies we mainly run on weekend evenings if people wish to or after raid time if we called the raid earlier - nothing is set in stone.

Present progression is (with focus on heroic progression):
All fated raids cleared on normal
Fated Castle: 9/10
Fated: Sanctum: 8/10
Fated Sepulcher: 10/11

We do not have much to offer to you except the chance to raid in a chill group with mature and older people who accept you the way you are.

If you are interested in joining us, add me on discord and lets talk things over. Also if you are seeking a collaboration either to finish of s4 or beyond with your own community or guild - do not hesitate to contact me.
Discord: Mari#6813