Teldrassil and lordaeron

It is funny that the siege of lordaeron etch showed that Tirisfal Glades has already recovered and it has sunlight etc again instead of being an eternal night.

I think Gilneas is still inhabitable from the blight back in cataclysm. I might be wrong and they just haven’t returned there cause of the Forsaken occupying it. Either way, they always take a while before updating the world again, and I think they’d probably start with restoring the Worgen capital

Personally I’d love to see a new Night Elf city in Feralas, making use of the ruins of Eldre’thalas.

But it remains most likely for them to have a major hub nearby Nordrassil, although probably not quite ON it…

That’s exactly what they’ll do, they don’t need to change the story of it, Exile’s Reach is pretty self-contained. New players will always be sent to the expansion 1 behind the current one.

Yeah, but calia is an allaince character running the forsaken. Maybe it will be rebuilt to its former glory and be a neutral capital like dalaran was in Legion same with teldrassil. Or maybe they are truly lost to the war and will remain shadows of there former self’s :cry:.

Aye instead of working on old areas they are lazy and made a new one :smiley:

Story of WOW.

Doing Horde campaign atm and had to go through Swamp or Sorrows and it looks terrible. Such bad textures

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Still not as bad as eversong woods :smiley: shame really…it could be beautiful and the music is lovely

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