Terenas Horde Reconnections

remember you got banned for going into CoT ???=)))))

Kharlogan - NE warrior, rank 13 PVP. Just came to say HI :slight_smile: Garl, Carnagewitz, Tala, Breytak, Ixoho, Kotsi, Memnoch…was fun and exciting, would love to run it one more time :smiley: /salute

Tcepsa Undead Priest / then Blood elf / then Undead

Tauri Ordo

Terenas Tavern <3

Galrath, undead warlock

Fist of Fury, Convergence and Happy Fun Rock

Surprised to see some names in here I still recognise after so long. Happy Fun Rock is playing classic on Mirage Raceway with a fair few of the old guard for anyone interested.

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That we are!

Rosso - Warrior

Happy fun rock and convergence, Currently playing with the old timers again and damn does it feel good!

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A little late to the party but -

Kishalmighty, Undead Rogue. I have a brother who played a troll shaman, Sprinkles.

Shout out to The Lost Vikings, who carried my young nooby-self through vanilla and TBC, times I still remember fondly!

Shout out #2 to Tagna and Reboon from the guild Dragon Lance who I spent a lot of time with outside of raids, they were always willing to help me out.

I remember your name :open_mouth:

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Hellsing undead priest
made a lot of friends and lost contact with everyone RIP so if anyone is about chuck me a message

Kenjo - orc prot warr

Heretic Outcasts TBC (our own guild)

Looking for anyone from days gone :wink:

I remember Happy fun rock. I used to be in a guild called Rising shadow back in wotlk. Played a protection paladin