So HORDE should pay $25 to fix YOUR problem on those realms? How is that fair?
okay, but will you try to address actual issues the alliance has, not this overblown “world ganking”, but the bleeding of players? There was no private server in recent history that gave incentives to play horde, and did not give incentives to alliance. You horribly mismanage this game.
Horde should pay to fix their own problems. Faction transfer service was in original tbc. I’m not the one who wants retail changes in game. Alliance are not asking for changes, but to prevent this one change. To keep me quiet all you have to do is leave the game alone, not introduce retail changes that ultimately cancels classic, because this is not a recreation of tbc anymore.
Thats pretty hypocrit. Your feelings > actual data. I think you know you are just causing drama where there is none.
No arguments then? Just non-sequitor ad hominems? Because you know this change is totally against the spirit of classic.
Or what?
Did you unsubscribe when they gave alliance spell(s) they didn’t have in tbc?
Did you unsubscribe when they gave us a patch with updated loot tables and talents that weren’t in the game at this stage of the game?
Why don’t we get dual spec now? Why don’t they add the lfg tool now? They even gave us hotfixes from tbc when we were playing classic.
On one hand you alliance crybabies whine about wpvp while playing on a horde dominated server (same applies to horde crybabies playing on an alliance dominated server), you’re all in favour of adding changes that weren’t in the game, but not one that would actually fix horde bg queues? Why? Racials? Afraid that min-maxers will change faction?
Here’s a hint, if they were min-maxers, and if horde racials truly were superior in any way, they would already be playing horde despite the arselong queues, the rest of you simply never cared about racials to begin with so why start now? I’m guessing you’re all complaining for the sake of it.
You have listed 3 findings, from which only the first (the one that we all can see) has the data before & after.
For the last 2 findings how can we draw a conclusion if we don’t see the data before the test ?
Maybe is was better for alliance and this change made it worst.
What I’m trying to say is that you need to provide the data before and after the test for all your “findings” to see the improvement you are mentioning.
I bet this guy drools
a lot
Thank you for looking at the metrics. Im sure this little change will help boths factions despite some posters saying otherwise with no foundation for their claims.
Thank you and I hope the change comes sooner than later.
you guys were telling everyone to reroll just 2 weeks ago, what made you think that faction change is a good idea all of a sudden?
Show one post where alliance asked for retail changes to fix this. The solution, as horde said a million times, is reroll pve. Activision added pve server transfer service. Ok.
Compared that an entire month of horde blanketing the forum and getting their game-breaking change. Did Activision test faction change service first? Nope, straight to the panic nuke button.
I don’t want ANY changes. Till now, changes could be ignored, now they’re having a material effect on gameplay. The change makes the server imbalance issue dramatically WORSE by adding a declining total server population problem too.
How about we start a couple of mins ago with you? Faction change did not exist in TBC.
How is it game-breaking? Racials? Do you think that the min-maxers will suddenly roll horde? (If they were min-maxers and hordes racial are supposedly superior in any way, they would already be playing horde). The simple conclusion would be that those who play alliance today do so because they want to, they’re obviously not min-maxers if hordes racials are supposed to be superior in any way.
First off. Faction change was never in TBC.
Secondly, this isn’t a “panic button” solution, evidently it shows that during this test period we had, horde didn’t dominate bgs and they didn’t dominate wpvp.
Except ones that weren’t in TBC.
How? How how how how? If hordes racials are, without question, superior in any way, the min-maxers would already be playing horde. Ergo, the ones playing alliance either don’t care, or it don’t affect them.
99% of you won’t even get to a level of arena gameplay where racials would’ve changed the outcome.
I’m playing horde on a 70/30 balanced, in favour of alliance, server, yea outdoor questing, farming, or even going to and from dungeons is cancerous to say the least. You’re talking as if horde dominating everywhere is something objective when it clearly differs from realm to realm, just how hordes are moving away from alliance dominated realms, alliance are moving away from horde dominated realms, server transfer was a service in TBC, why not utilize that to combat imbalanced population rather than a service that weren’t even in TBC?
Blizzard is slower than the slowest bureaucracy. Just add the change permanently already.
Naaah, its because insert paranoid reasons
No way. Op racials and all and so on.
no pun intended. Well, maybe a bit.
How many threads you wanna read today about AV, P2 and Seal of Blood?
Just in case it ends up with too many threads to read for you.
Btw. They catered all they asked for. Just saying. I know board warrior like you gonna ignore that and keep beeing a fool towards one single change for horde.
Just add seperate queues for premade (raid group 5+ ppl)
As i keep reading in this thread, except if it’s an ally premade, horde NEVER loose a bg (because they are top tier pvp player, cool and so skilled)
Taking AB as an example, it takes 30min average of queue time for an horde player. Each games is average 20-25min, for a ally looser it’s 2 marks and ~80 honor, and 3 marks and 120~ honor for horde per hour.
Seems like horde wins and that’s normal, they are the best players!
That’d be a dream. Do that x2 or x3 on Average.
If you queue for only one bg at a time, yes of course, but this never happens, don’t fool me everyone tag for all bgs, except maybe AV. 30min average. I have seen less, and more of course = average.
That is to fix YOUR bg queue problem. I am happy with NOCHANGES.
Because it has precipitated servers dying that were healthy and growing two weeks ago. Read the thread.
Faction imbalance, ganking, win ratios, etcetcetc weren’t the problem. Server populations that were healthy and growing two weeks ago that are now dying is the problem.
Read the thread. Because there are no new players now coming to alliance. Instaqueues were the ONLY reason for pvpers to roll/reroll alliance. New players are required to sustain server populations. If people perceive there are no new players levelling behind them, they will perceive there is no future to the server and transfer off to megaservers creating a snowball downward spiral to the total server population as more and more follow. This is why if you check ironforge pro for my server, for example, the population was growing for two years till HvH was announced and has now dramatically dropped by 10s of %s in a mere two weeks. This may not be rational, but it is predictable crowd behaviour that was warned about in the month leading up to Activision’s decision to change classic into retail.
Its 25 wsg, 70min AV and 37 ab rn. And its fairly early on EU rn.
Numbers pls.
You just repeat what other trying to make you believe.
Blizzard - no one else - is the one entity that has the numbers and if they testing stuff like that you bet it isnt as doom’ish as you “end of the world soon”-doomer trying to pretend.
If you come up with Numbers, official sources and so on i gonna believe. But i doubt you working for blizzard, nor you work for any other publisher, do you?
Just asking because apparently 50% of the alliance here is turning into a professional analyst.