Thank you. :-)

go touch some grass :joy:


To make sure the coast is clear for you?

Ouh funny to see, how many people took da bait đŸȘ€

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In all seriousness, please read what you wrote, do you not do this?

I have no problem with you voicing your opinion, but please don’t for one second think that what you say is in any way different.


Actually people did start saying WoW was dying at the end of Vanilla. I remember it.

Thing is, you cannot make such a blanket statement. Do you know them? Please, do list their heinous crimes

Actually, do you know what? It isn’t. Now you are using the word ‘evil’ when perhaps you mean ‘illegal by the mores of that time’. Evil is a concept that is hard to define. Legality and Illegality however, in any society with those mores is -not- hard to define. By definition it is the exact opposite.

No we don’t. That is a fairly nihilistic approach to have.

Now now, is it really the -community- at fault here? Is it? Some people, naming no names, do have a track record for behaving abominably towards people on their alts and mains and when called out about it love to scream about ‘Woke culture’ and painting themselves as the victim, now don’t they, hmm?

Simply factually incorrect.

‘Every person’? Well, OK, I mean I now know you are wrong. I’ve not looked away from it when it is wrong, I bet many people around this forum have not also. What about the Women’s Refuge workers? The charity workers, the sexual violence counsellors, and that’s not even taking into account the hospitals, police and so on.
You have a very jaundiced view of the world it seems.

Which is wrong behaviour, an he -should be- and -is- being called out on it. He doesn’t get a free pass.

Absolute rubbish. Where are you getting this 99% from? You must have a factual source with that figure.
Do you know you have just committed an act of Libel against 99% of the people in the world. Libel is a criminal act in most countries I’m afraid. You willing to stand up to it and state that you have just committed a criminal act and therefore are a bad person?

So you’re saying the money he has and tiny amount he spends of that money gives him free rein are you? because that seems to be the distinction there in your mind, which is a pretty twisted way of seeing things.

The amount they earn offsets the crimes they commit, is that right?

Factually incorrect.

It has however ever, sadly been thus. Which is why we invented the concept of legality. Without Legality the world may be as bleak as you say, but the point is we -do- have legality and have from the very first hunter gatherer societies.

Because I highly doubt, in fact I am certain, that 99% of people have not. Claiming judgment without proof, as you are doing here, is in itself extremely morally questionable to a very severe degree.

Interesting. You have no facts. You may want to look up the average wage bracket of those people who do actually go to prison for the things you decry. I think you’ll find being rich gives you a natural advantage in ‘getting away with it’ far from all these ‘nobodies’ you are claiming do so.

Got any proof, because that’s libellous otherwise.

Where the heck do you live where the majority of people on the planet does something criminal?

Ah, now you have moved one step onwards with your criminal behaviour, in stating that your answer to Denetra, and then saying that ‘you’ and the majority of people on the planet, you have directly just committed a criminal act.

Pffft I just love schooling these people and their ideas, and I have nothing better to do right now


No problem mon’
At least i got somethin’ to read while i sip ma mojo coffee :coffee:


Not sure if I should reply to all of it, but again the fact that you yourself don’t know you’ve done something criminal tells me why bob did what he did. And why the world is a mess, should be be excused? No. But it wont change a damn thing.

People will keep being awful, like you, like some of the others in here. And more bob’s will appear thousands of years from now, and it will only get worse, and the problem is that you dont see, and others that what you’re essentially doing how you live, interact with others is a crime. People are awful towards each other so its no wonder its such an awful world.

Screaming about it and punishing one person wont help. We need to re-educate people on how to interact with other people and start shaming alot more.

You do not change and you do not learn you are like a stuck CD . You claim you are good always and call everyone else bad , do you not learn at all . You are rude and disrespectful repeatedly to others constantly you are no angel and i am sickened you could defend people like Bobby .


Do enlighten me, as you claim to be able to read minds. What is this criminal thing, that I do not know that I have done?

I mean to -make- such a sweeping statement, you must know what it is? Yes? You wouldn’t just call someone a Criminal without even knowing what they did?

How dare you! You don’t even know me :stuck_out_tongue: Who have you spoken to that tells you I am an ‘awful person’? I mean heck, I’m even still on good terms with my Ex’es so it can’t be any of them

My clean Criminal Record (Which always has been clean) would argue otherwise.
But again, by all means, do tell me of my criminal deeds and I shall hand myself into the local constabulary forthwith, I was going into town anyway for a spot of birthday lunch, so please, do recite my crimes that you seem to know of.

I think you’re really confusing how the legal system works here. You don’t punish people who didn’t do the thing, you punish the ones who did.

Don’t you rather think that is what is happening right now?

Besides, didn’t you know, some people on the forums don’t like it when you try to educate people on how to interact with other people, you get called ‘Woke’ or something.

Any way, come on, my rap sheet, what are my crimes?

Dis’ demon hunta bloodelf be trollin’ harder den da whole mossflayer tribe.

No, its the truth. But sadly its too incredible an epiphany for you lads and ladies to comprehend.

He has the supernatural ability to know someone’s entire life history from reading a couple of their posts or speaking with them for just a bit. Don’t doubt him. Don’t be superficial.

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Oh I do love me a good epiphany I do, so come on, crimes list.

Me no be thinkin’ so. Him just sayin’ de same things as usual, der be no originality mon. But ye, it true he get many replies, so da score be a couple points.

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No mon’
Keep goin’ i be entertained by your arts.

Da only truth i be listenin’ is from da spirits.

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I cant even tell if its trolling or not anymore, been spouting this stuff about evil mankind since bfa :sweat_smile: they are persistant at least. And its always best to have some popcorn ready when opening a robin topic :popcorn:


Ohh I am honored mon’
Da great Forum troll answered me.

Waves , bow’s down


It’s just weird people dont realise that its their fault, including you. You’ll never believe me but i hope that you’ll eventually learn once you grow older. Start looking at the world and how awful we treat each other in the schools, social lifes, and just how superficial and not caring we are.

You probably wont since its human nature to not care about anyone but yourself. But its comical that the world is so bad, and people actually complaint about it, but can’t figure out how to fix it, and the reason we cant is because the problem is us.

The democrats rule the world, and they’re too stupid to blame themselves, look at biden. Same mentality around the world.

Kid, i could probably be your mother :joy: but do go on :popcorn:


Then you’d have a lot to answer for! :rage: