They are not darkvil, they are not. They are based off of your responses in other threads, and people I have met in real life, and online. You have the same exact traits, and personality as many superficial twerps.
While you are incapable of seeing in nuances, and you dont see something minor as wrong, where I have more moral than you, and see it as wrong. Donât make you right, it makes me right.
Its hard to explain to someone as close minded, ignorant and sheepalized as you. Iâll try one of my great examples.
Imagine if growing up you had to shoot another person in the leg to get the feeling of using a gun, everyone did in schools.
Then I as an outsider, I grow up smart, or caring, not ignorant and blissful as a kid like you. I find out that thatâs not a good thing.
I would never be able to make you realize its a bad thing, not if the world stood in flames because of guns, or shootings. Its your way of life, upbringing.
I could also use learn about ammunition, or sharing guns with friends, small things that would become a norm that you wouldnât see as wrong. SOmeone like me would see as wrong, and you wouldnât be able to put two and two together.
Thatâs how you are now. Thatâs cool, ignorance is the way of life for many. Not caring, not giving a shiz unless it can boost ones ego.
But it wont safe the world, itâll only make it a worse place, and you preached it as a young peorson, and you still do ignorant as ever. And more will, unless we wake up.
Its small things in the majorities bahaviorual patterns that make people like bob exist, and other bad people. Very small things, tiny things, and then also some major things but a lot of things affect it and right now, our society is doing all the wrong things in every aspect of life.
The one thing people seem to be decent at is being academically skilled, when it comes to human relations and interactions they fail in eveyr way. You do too.