Thank you. :-)

Pretty much loathe the current CEO and the board of directors. Their actions are inexcusable and them trying to pass the proverbial buck anywhere else is embarassing to watch.

No problems with the developers themselves. You know, the people putting in the hours to make games.


And you’ve never wronged someone? You’ve never done bad. made mistakes. Never been superficial. I doubt it.

Have I ever sexually harassed someone? Or knowingly hid the fact someone else did?



Not the point here.

Da more i ready, de more i think dis blood elf be believing in lizarrrrd people.

Hahahaha mon’

Me be laughing ma stripe of ma face

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Nihilism isn’t worth my time, sorry. You have a good time though. :+1:

Keep making the world a worse place - You should make a hat “I make the world bad”, would fit you.

Your views are irrelevant now because they are not based on experience and knowledge of individuals they are just made up fantasy to reinforce your beliefs.
You dont know people, you generalise, and you judge based on nothing.

The real point is why, what’s the point in filling your life with judging others.



They are not darkvil, they are not. They are based off of your responses in other threads, and people I have met in real life, and online. You have the same exact traits, and personality as many superficial twerps.

While you are incapable of seeing in nuances, and you dont see something minor as wrong, where I have more moral than you, and see it as wrong. Don’t make you right, it makes me right.

Its hard to explain to someone as close minded, ignorant and sheepalized as you. I’ll try one of my great examples.

Imagine if growing up you had to shoot another person in the leg to get the feeling of using a gun, everyone did in schools.

Then I as an outsider, I grow up smart, or caring, not ignorant and blissful as a kid like you. I find out that that’s not a good thing.

I would never be able to make you realize its a bad thing, not if the world stood in flames because of guns, or shootings. Its your way of life, upbringing.

I could also use learn about ammunition, or sharing guns with friends, small things that would become a norm that you wouldn’t see as wrong. SOmeone like me would see as wrong, and you wouldn’t be able to put two and two together.

That’s how you are now. That’s cool, ignorance is the way of life for many. Not caring, not giving a shiz unless it can boost ones ego.

But it wont safe the world, it’ll only make it a worse place, and you preached it as a young peorson, and you still do ignorant as ever. And more will, unless we wake up.

Its small things in the majorities bahaviorual patterns that make people like bob exist, and other bad people. Very small things, tiny things, and then also some major things but a lot of things affect it and right now, our society is doing all the wrong things in every aspect of life.

The one thing people seem to be decent at is being academically skilled, when it comes to human relations and interactions they fail in eveyr way. You do too.

Can I join your cult, oh great prophet?

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I was thinkin the same thing. Or he is the best person in the world, a modern day prophet.

Or just an hypocrite.

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A message to everyone if you want to hate on bob, then go around hating one everyone you see, 99% they’ve done bad to others.

Start movements and protests against all of them.
Redicilous people…

Enjoy the Game, let the rtards worry about bob, they are hypocrites anyway, thanks for the w ord tesla.

PS: I have never wronged or done bad to anyone. I’m not a prophet but I do have a brain and compassion / common sense. I do care about others, just not twerps like these on the forums, I treat them as bad as they treat others.

Well judging by this tread and his posts on other topics (because apperantly thats enought to get a full picture of ones character) I can sefely deduce thats the latter.


If 99% of the world’s population knowingly dismissed sexual harassment cases, Bobby would be the least of our problems.

p.s. he won’t ever love you, stop simping

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Idk how a person that promotes something positive for the community can at the same time be one of the most unpleasant people I have ever seen in the forum.

Are you using this place to relieve the stress or something? Your arguments are beyond pathetic.


Alright ya’ll, there is no denying it anymore… It’s time we just fess up and admit Mcbluerainbin is right! We are all terrible people, everyone single one of us!

But I say it’s not too late for redemption, we can still change and pretend to be better.

Let’s just start paying people in order to boost them! It’s the only logical next step to boosting for free which as we all know is what makes a person good.

So anyone reading this, if you need a boost I will pay you to let me boost you! Please allow me to pretend I’m a good person too!


true. isnt it? i feel sorry for the ppl like him putting his alleged “goodness” in the face of others (pride is a sin - Proverbs 16:18 “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.). I feel not angry but sincerely sorry.
Anyway: is a good wednesday - finally some interesting topic.


Pfff I’m a void elf warlock, ofc I’m evil.


I don’t even know how you think these opinions / rants are anything approaching normal Bluetrain.