Well tbf while what you said is borderline insane, it’s not something we haven’t seen people defend sooo…
Let me correct you on that
Butt Buddies being a secret underground community explains why you never see them running around ingame lol
You no take candle.
OP i have nothing but dislike for you because of your incoherent ramblings and sabotaging my wholesome apology thread i did few weeks ago they had to lock my thread cause of you.
Also you are no saint you offended alot of people.
I can take a day or a week of forum vacation if need be for calling ya out.
Hehe trolls like da OP mostly hide in da dank depths of basements mon’
Your ideology is over -9000!
Srsly, what made you see, in that light is beyond me and other scientist around the world!!
Great, we need welps like you to run this company
You take that back, basement dwellers conduct themselves with more respect.
Also we really need to know how Robin/Bluetrain unlocked kobolds as a playable race.
It was an inside job apparently.
On the upside OP really did succeed in spreading positivity, I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time.
Hali ma friend , glad to see ya well…
You may not be knowin’ me as a troll.
But ya spirit be knowin’ me.
I try to stay away from the voodoo. Messing with spirits can’t end well.
Ma apologies void elf.
You be sayin’ da truth.
Dis OP must be from some forsaken place.
The arm chair shrink inside me (obviously I ate him) kinda wonders what his life was for him to end this way.
His Spirit may be poisoned by one of the most foul vodoos :
- political ideologies and conspiracy theories
I don’t know Mon’
Mending such a Spirit is not known to me.
Even we forsaken say no…
Can confirm.
The soulless undead are too pure for him XD.
Maybe from da void itself, yet i be knowin’ da void elfs would suggest otha wise.
My wisdom is nearing da end.
Maybe in a slither of truth , he be born outta da darkest places of our society.
May his Spirit find peace one day