Thanks blizzard you can flush your new "loot" system in the toilet

Read entire discusion thanks.

Readf entire discussion, Thanks.

There’s something interesting with people barely playing the game, or doing just a few M+, they kinda hide behind an alt… Almost like they don’t want us to see they lie…

no because loot was not removed from m+.

Yes it was. You have 1 per dungean less loot chance and no chance to coin or what not,.

Except there were never loot added to compensate anything. Stop making stuff up.

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Yeah either bought a metric ton of BoEs to fill out their ilevel

Bought armour stack boosts through m+ where all items were fed into them

or in someway lying.

Yes there was. Blizzard signitificaly boosted loot drops since Legion as they put more rng on gear.

Which will have had nothing to do with titanforging even if it’s true.

+3 bonus 3 chest in legion anyone ? you didn’t play legion good to know

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what do you guys mean? I raid and I do pvp. I just dont do m+

Yes it was beocuse of titanforing. Tell me have you played Diablo 3?

someone else claimed to be High ilvl by saying that.

How? Why would they boost gear drops because of titanforging? There is absolutely no logical connection.

What do you mean?

Did you play borderlands 3 ? Focus : Wow shadowlands loot. Not diablo, not movie industry just wow shadowlands loot. Please do it.

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Did you played Diablo ? Or any other ARP game?

well I dont think ilvl 204 is high ilvl. its not bad either but I dont think its high. Thats why I dont do any m+ because I dont even get invites as dps.

He means that you should buy a normal clear like he did and flex on people.

Edit : Gachi, next time you get boosted in Pve ask for private, not public logs.

A very long time ago.