The 400 ilvl piece of gear ruined Warmod even more that it was

u know its based on participation right?

What if it isn’t? What if it was set to 30% manually and later it was decreased to 20% manually? Playing both factions I can clearly see who has more VM players, probably most of us know it. If blizz said buff is dynamic it doesn’t mean it is dynamic for 100% and I cannot believe it is dynamic, although I tried.

I do understand that horde was dominating, but it was so not because of some “extra”. Now alliance has this extra. I tell it is an utterly stupid move from blizzard. They do not have idea how to balance it, so they just give a weaker kid advantage instead of curring the actual issue.

Probably people working on mobile games would know how to handle it…

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I think its just realistic. Horde morale has always been a bit wonky. perhaps the guards are sleeping or got bribed.

We know it has nothing to do with crying and the two situations were completely different. They had equal numbers then sharding made them feel outnumbered and they started turning it off. Then more turned it off etc. The issues they faced were being outnumbered.

The issues Horde faced were becoming a quest mob and every Tom Dick and Harry joining 5 man hunting parties (which equals many swarms of five man parties) all with the sole purpose of killing Horde. A non stop flow of people actively seeking out 25 kills does not compare to just being outnumbered in the world. Many of those will do the quest then turn WM off again.

And instead of being decent humans and sympathising with two different issues that essentially drive people out of being able to use WM. You just get jeering and gloating.

I think I read this morning they are upping the guards in the port.

  • Sylvanas has dispatched additional Horde guard support near the Banshee’s Wail and Warfront staging areas of the Port of Zandalar. The scamps with scrolls that were previously found in the Warfront area have been relocated to other parts of the Grand Bazaar.

The Enlisted buff is adjusted based on participation in WM. This is why in the US they successfully drove enough NA players out of WM for theirs to drop to 15% and that doesn’t trigger the kill 25 for gear quest. In the EU where we are clearly more stubborn and wont be bullied into turning it off, it’s 20% and that does still trigger the kill quest. It was lowered because the item level was so high. So high in fact that two guilds changed faction and back again for the realm first race.


I know of a way to save warmode.

Remove the bonus rewards from it or give us our damn servers back instead of this shallow sharded world that has been created, warmode should be played for the fun of participating in PVP. Not because you can’t help yourself from following a carrot on a stick.

I miss Defias Brotherhood. All these people running around from different servers mean nothing to me.

Well I’ve done an invasion using a char on both sides now and it’s definitely a bit more evenly matched on either side than it was last week. Alliance packs seem to be concentrating on the Horde base camping rather than anything else given the length of time the fp and boat remain under attack. More Alliance than Horde around but nowhere near the numbers from a week ago. The new lfr and it being day after reset may of course have had some effect rather than just the % and ilvl item drop. Even got my 10 from Voldun done as we had a decent group that hit the terrace fp campers :stuck_out_tongue:

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I have done a couple of assaults since reset and I clear AP WQs every day. I have hardly seen any Alliance players. I imagine they will be back up to 30% Enlisted next week.

No something else is happening, I don’t come across Horde anymore. it’s like shards are sharding everybody away now.

The new WM :rofl:

I don’t doubt they may have tinkered with the tech again. Or people are ruining it by only forming massive raids, I never group up I help or fight in organized masses but never group up.

I will group if people flight path camp. It’s quite fun to fight back if it’s not everywhere you go.

But on a day to day basis out in the world I’m mostly solo.

It seems very off the shard I started on no Horde, the 2nd after I had to group for a group because with my talent setup atm there was no way to solo a quest filled to the brim with Horde assassins couldn’t even ress without getting instagibbed and then switch to a 3rd because of 15 minutes of just corpse running isn’t fun gameplay no Horde depsite joining 2 man group making it a 3 man.

What I noticed we are back at the start normaly if you left a group you would get send back to your own shard or redistributed but I just stayed on the shards. So from the last few invasions I cna only say they aren’t fun anymore either it’s spot the rare Horde/Alliance or get corpse camped by the overwhelming amount of enemies.

While i would love this i dont think blizz will change things back.

WM is an fun pvp option for people who came from pve servers. but to people who came from pvp servers its just a slap in the face

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hmm thing what I have noticed when running whit WM on for a while now doing incursions mostly, there is almost no horde at all arround, maby one or two rogues who tries to get away most of the time.

though I did have a realy nice fight at a world quest point against horde where they did fight back, both sides died and it was quite fun. wish it would always be like that.

I do think both sides should have that quest up and then some nice daily quests also up, so there can be some good pvp going on.

I play alliance as my main and tbh there are still much more horde than alliance in warmode from what I’ve seen.

Going to world quest usually me and 5 to 10 horde after a few deaths some alliance usually show up and I can get quest done.

And assaults well if you get them done quick on Alliance they are easy. Wait longer than half an hour horde are everywhere often in raid or there is just that many it looks like raids.

25 horde quest equal numbers of alliance and horde, I do this quest during assaults but I have seen flight path ganking in the zone on 1st few days after reset, its more fun to do the quest during an assault

Tried to, no single Horde showed every single time, had 3 kills in 3 invasions. So had to resort to do actual WQ and kill my remaining 10 (360 egar) and 22 (385 one) at Vol’dun. It wasn’t fun though but otherwise I never meet enough Horde to get my kills. Why are invasions suddenly in such a way that Horde and Allliance are split?

Darkshore warfront just became available Horde side. The quest for it rewards a 400 item. Bet this kicks it all off again lol.

So the “mature” horde is still crying?

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Where is anyone crying recently?

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it does not matter
it never did

i wish people would understand that by now, but no, That is not the case, they just know their salty tears got what they wanted the ‘’ unfair’’ advantage is gone


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