The Amani troll megathread


It is a rare sight to witness a Sin’Dorei with such explicit obsession for trolls… Is it an identity crisis? A desperate search for his origins? Or might it, in fact, be a secret weakness for curvy troll ladies and Talanji in particular? Stay with us as we discover the spicy passions of Erevien (yet again) in this thread…


Real Sin’dorei hate the Amani

They are our ancient enemy and always will be.

We may have put up with the Darkspear and Zandalari. But Amani is crossing the line.


Well they are technically High Elves
Just like how the Blood Elves are High Elves too, by blood and ancestry; they not changed biologically when started to call themselves “Blood Elves/Children of the Blood” because that is soooo edgie
They are Quel’dorei; you can call an apple an orange it still will look, taste and be an apple
The Void Elves are Quel’dorei who either been Blood Elves or tagged along an just absorbed Void energies
Elves are sponges, absorbing energies left and right and mutating
Well Trolls are sponges
Dark Trolls absorbed arcane and the energies of the Well of Eternity and became Kaldorei
The Kaldorei absorbed more arcane and the energies of the Well of Eternity and became Highborne; the ones who absorbed the energies of the Dream and Nature became druids, with antlers, feathers, claws, etc… and who absorbed Xavius’s curse became Satyrs…
…and the Kaldorei druids who absorbed the energies of Goldrin and Elune became Worgen
The Highborne absorbed more arcane and the energies of the Nightwell and became Nightborne
The Nightborne absorbed Fel and became Felborne – while those who not abdorbed enough energies, became the Withered
The Nightborne absorbed Nature and arcane and became then Fal’dorei spider thingies
The Highborne absorbed Old God energies and became Naga
The Highborne absorbed more arcane and the energies of the Sunwell and became High Elves, with purple/blue eyes and mana addiction
The High Elves renamed themselves to be Blood Elves
The Blood Elves absorbed Fel and became green eyed Blood Elves, or if absorbed too much, became Felblood Elves - while those who not absorbed enough energies, became the Wretched. Or the dead ones who absorbed the energies of Death and Blood became the San’layn, the vampiric Darkfallen
The Blood Elves absorbed Void energies and became Void Elves
The Blood Elves absorbed Light/Naaru energies and became Blood Knightst with golden eyes
The Elves who ate a Demon’s heart, drank is blood and absorbed its energies became the Demon Hunter “Demon/Half-Demon Elves”
Beware of these sponges!!!

Would be nice if we have a sponge race

Talanji is a fool. She agreed to the peace treaty which makes her useless as leader.


Platinum is truly a gem.

Yes, more trolls and troll customization yesterday please.

I want Ice trolls and Forest trolls to be added as playable and include a buff female model.

TBH they messed up with the allied races, most allied races could be customization for the regular races and then revamp the racial skill system to make it customizable since many of the racials fit the regular and the allied race most of the time.

And how has Ogre not been added to horde yet? I don’t understand.

I think the only reasson could be the lack of female Ogre models? :thinking:
I mean we never seen or heard them
And maybe because the common Ogres never were portrayed as… bright
Dumber than a Peon so to speak (wich is strange, since the had an Empire and strong magic and quite a navy made out stone)
Mostly in a loincloth or a toga
I guess it was easier to make new (and unecesarry - well except the Vulpera, basically the first non-variant race since god knows when) race than make the Ogre 'workable"
The mysterious island of Ogrezonia is said to be inhabited by giant female ogres who are rumored to perform horrible rituals on men who happen upon their island :flushed:
Not to mention, accoring to the Bash Ale: “No self-respecting ogre goes into battle sober” :roll_eyes:
Immagine the backlash… :grimacing:
The funny thing is… with the Titanic and Arcane heritage, Ogres would be ideal members of the Alliance
They not really joined the Horde out of sheer joy you now!
On the main universe, the Gorian Empire wasn’t the best of friends of the orcs, after the little incident with the Throne of Elements ignited a great war between the ogres and the orcs, and the Red Pox, basically a biological/magical weapon designed by the Ogres wiped out countless Orcs, but they ultemately lost Goria, their capital to the Orcs… but from the Orcs part, that was more of a pyrrhic victory.
The empire was eventually destroyed during the rise of the Old Horde. During the orcs’ war against the draenei, most ogres joined the Horde. That is, except for the ogres of their capital Highmaul, and Blackhand wanted the last holdouts dead. After the orcs destroyed Shattrath, the Warsong clan and Twilight’s Hammer clan went to Highmaul, with their chieftains Grommash Hellscream and Cho’gall (the latter an ogre himself, exiled from Highmaul) also part of the siege. Eager to exact vengeance, Cho’gall personally killed Imperator Mar’gok. With the powers of fel and the Void, he bound Mar’gok to his throne and burned him alive
On AU Draenor, Imperator Mar’gok to aligned himself with the orcs to ensure the Gorion Empire’s continued survival when the Iron Horde made its debut…
Either version, the Ogres who remained, had no choice, but join or die.
They are survivors of the wars of the Orcs and tho’ they have a certain worldview (like Coliseum fights, slavery, etc, Roman Empire style) they have more in common with the Draenei and the Humans of Azeroth (both suffered from the hands of the Orcs and were almost destroyed) than the Horde races.
We just got used to think Ogre = Horde

I would like a more muscular troll customization toggle with full tribal caveman hair, a beard, and different “types”, that represent amani/raventusk/winterax/etc. Dark spear trolls seem weak/ugly, but trolls are cool in general.


Two headed Ogre mage is my dream. Also Ogres are Draenor natives just like the Orcs. They make no sense to join the alliance.

Would make as much sense as natives of azeroth join the invader aliens’s team, who were almost destroyed by the said invader aliens… *cough * Elves. *cough * dead Humans (who also murdered the aforementioned Elves while were mind controlled dead Humans)

The two largest clans are the Chrushridge and the Gordunni.

Whos leader, Mug’thol, was enslaved by the Banshee Queen? Tho’ he freed himself of Sylvanas Windrunner’s and the Forsaken control
That fate is worse than what Marshal Redpath done, hiring murderhobos to hunt the Crushridge ogres…

Remember, the whispers from the Emerald Nightmare plagued King Gordok’s mind, urging him to madness and slaughter. He commanded his clan to indiscriminately murder anyone they could find
Inculding Hordies…

Not the best track record when “The two largest clans, the Chrushridge and the Gordunni.” would kill any Horde member on sight with a good reason
Sure, they not the biggest fans of the Elves nor the Humans either, but at least those races are NOT responsible of the fall of their Empire and enslavement of their kind… oh, and the lost of their home planet!
Out of the two, the alliance would be the lesser evil

Maybe they can’t handle that Night Elves came from Trolls…

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I mentioned those because if Ogres ever joined the Horde they should weigh in the military. A clan like dunemaul or Stonemaul are too small to make any relvant change if we ever go to war again.

On the other hand, to the survivors, their Titanic origin and heavy arcane heritage would make them more usefull (and logical) as alliance battlemages to take revenge on the Orcs for their crimes against the Gorian Empire, the Ogres and Draenor

Ogres and Orcs have common roots. Also Ogres were not inoccent themselves. They ruled Draenor quite tyrannical until the Orcs united against them to destroy Goria. The genocide didn’t start until the demons came.

There, fixed that for you. As an old German proverb says it so formidably: Hit dogs bark…