They are on your account regardless of being installed.
how anyone could call this a bargin when its a price of a game flabberghasts me , some people have more money then sense espcially in todays climate and just encourages blizzard to milk players more.
These are not worthy enough to spend even 1€ bro.
An ordinary elemental mount, a pet, blizzcon flag and banner… When it is Blizzcon related shop stuff you need to release something extra ordinary so that you can make money, there is no doubt even these have their buyers but you can’t sell these to half of your playerbase.
If you were to buy all the elements individually they far exceed the price you are being charged. That’s how some justify it being a bargain.
However, its mostly cosmetic fluff. So no loss if someone doesnt feel its worth getting.
I disagree its the price of a game , even with the items being spread over 5 games still does not warrant the same price.
The last few months they have been milking a lot with shop items and now this and another promo coming on Thursday the prices are insane and not warranted at all.
The wow items alone are worth £37 of the Legendary £42.99. Thats without accounting for the value of the Overwatch, Diablo, Hearthstone and Warcraft Rumble items. I could probably work out a lot more values from that list.
Whilst i understand people don’t want to spend the money on a bundle of electronic goodies. I can’t see the argument that its not a big discounted bundle.
If you desire a new game more and have the money to spend then do that. The choice is yours. Its totally understandable if someone feels something like BG3 is a better investment at £49.99.
I’m not gonna buy it because i’m very unhappy with PVP in this expansion.
I guess we look at it a different way . £37 pounds could buy a whole game not just a few pixels but i guess we will have to agree to disagree as the prices and how they milk players are bonkers.
I just cant understand anyone defending such silly prices for a few pixels, thats a whole lot of money from my already tight budget.
I am very happy you like them though, the pet is nice for sure.
i could understand if they threw in a re colour Yeti mog but this is just to pricey.
I don’t know what to think of this,other than that there is no respect for playerbase ,50$ for a virtual ticket is insane.
The ticket is free , its the goodies you have to paye for.
I know,last ticket was 30$ with more rewards and 2 wow mounts
So… if I never played Overwatch whether I’ll get those cosmetic items if I install the game in future e.g. in 2 years?
It’s not a virtual ticket. You can view for free this year.
It is literally a virtual collection, the Legendary pack has everything.
- World of Warcraft: Ysergle pet
- World of Warcraft: Chilling Celebration Banner toy
- World of Warcraft: Bound Blizzard flying mount
- Diablo IV: Lapisvein mount
- Diablo IV: Cobalt Ensign mount trophy
- Diablo IV: Demon-Mother Countenance mount trophy
- Diablo IV: Midnight Harness mount armor
- Diablo IV: Premium Battle Pass
- Overwatch 2: 1000 Credits
- Overwatch 2: Murky Weapon Charm
- Overwatch 2: Mystery Name Card
- Overwatch 2: Season 7 Premium Battle Pass
- Overwatch 2: Drowned Warrior Sigma Epic skin
- Hearthstone: BlizzCon 2023 Cardback
- Hearthstone: 5 Standard Packs
- Hearthstone: 5 Golden Standard Packs
- Hearthstone: Mystery Signature Legendary Card
- Warcraft Rumble: Murloc Player Portrait
- Warcraft Rumble: Murloc Kobold Skin
- Warcraft Rumble: Murloc Tower Skin
- 10% Blizzard Gear Store Discount for one item
I could work out the monetary value for each item but I think people are smart enough to see that each thing sold separately added up together is far far more than the £42.99.
That people don’t want to spend £42.99 on virtual goodies, is perfectly understandable.
Yeah pretty much.
Years ago one of the BlizzCon goodie packs included HoTS items which I had never played and hadn’t even installed. Then when WoW did a cross promotion and I had to play HoTS to get a mount in WoW, all those BlizzCon items were on my account when I installed the game years later.
I presume however with things like a specific battle pass they are time sensitive. I would have to look into the terms and conditions.
- Requires World of Warcraft®, Diablo® IV, Overwatch® 2, Hearthstone® and Warcraft Rumble™ (downloaded/sold separately). Internet connection,® Account, and® desktop app required to play.
- ¹Requires World of Warcraft® Subscription or Game Time. Not available in World of Warcraft® Classic games.
- ²Mount access must be unlocked in Diablo® IV before using mounts.
- ³Battle Pass unlock applies to one Diablo® IV Seasonal Battle Pass only.
- ⁴Overwatch® Premium Battle Pass is only available for Season 7.
- ⁵Overwatch® 2: Mystery Name Card will be available in game by October 31, 2023.
- ⁶Each Hearthstone® pack includes 5 cards, with at least 1 rare or better. Each card in a Golden pack is either Golden or Signature quality. Information on the probabilities relating to the content of your purchase.
- ⁷Hearthstone®: Mystery Signature Legendary Card will be revealed by November 5th 2023, and will be available in game by November 14th 2023.
- ⁸Warcraft Rumble™ items will be available in game by November 3, 2023, and may be claimed after completing the first campaign zone, Elwynn Forest.® Account required to access Warcraft Rumble™ items.
- ⁹Exclusions Apply. Excludes Preorders items, Marked-Down products, and Collector’s Edition items. Excludes shipping and handling. Cannot be combined with any other offers or redeemed for cash. No cash value. Blizzard® Gear Store 10% discount codes will be sent via email no later than four weeks after purchase. Codes can be used for only one item, and is redeemable until 4/30/2024 11:59 PM PDT.
- Any applicable VAT included
- Product Details
Throw in a starcraft III beta invite and i -might- consider it.
Please remove the rewards for Diablo 4, Overwatch 2, Hearthstone AND warcraft rumble, and adjust the price accordingly.
came here again to defend the price, it’s ok if you play all the games, i’d prefer a solo wow bundle but this one gives you 2 battle passes , ow credits, cosmetics in all of them i mean it’s just a great bundle but they need to realise not everyone plays all of their games
I’m very happy with PvP this expansion but I’m not going to buy it because that’s an absurd amount of money to throw at a recolor of the Legion Shaman order hall mount.