[A] The Celestial Light Social/leveling/casual raiding guild

The Celestial Light guild is on The Doomhammer/Turalyon server. We are focused on the social and leveling aspect of the game.

We are aimed towards people who maybe have a limited time to play the game, wish to take their time with the game and enjoy the story, and generally enjoy a more relaxed game play experience.

We are not a raiding guild so there is no pressure for people to be online at certain times or days of the week however, members are free to organise runs between themselves if they wish to do so.

We have some Raid leaders who organise dungeon and mythic + runs and members are able to join if they wish. Everything is relaxed and kept light, there is no shaming people if they don’t perform well or are just learning.

Looking towards the new year, we wish to organise ‘fun runs’ to run old content with the aim of gaining some Guild achievements and having a fun time with guild members together.

If this sounds like a perfect guild for you, join our Discord server: 4ZcngUrUAz once in the server go to #Roll-call and apply the role ‘Applicant’, you will then be able to apply in the #Apply-to-the-guild channel.