The class you will play on your zandalari/kultiran

I’ll prob level a Zandalari rogue because I really really need to lvl a rogue anyways for Warmode shenanigans, and I may change my main (this mage) into a Zandalari. But that depends on how much I like the animations and mog potential.


Zandi Druid! Dino forms are soooo cool, also love that the boomkin isn’t a boomkin, it’s like an arakkoa :heart_eyes:

Shark. Raptor. Pterrodax.

What isn’t there to love?

Edit: Forgot to add if I would make it my main. Erm… it depends, really. Probably not. I have 1 Alliance main, who is my loremaster and currently working on a Horde loremaster who will likely end up as my main, but you never know. This character is currently the Horde main only in that I do everything with her first but tbh losing my love for Paladins a bit :frowning:


Kultiran has druid i will try it out but i doubt that i will level it to max character model is just too big i would much more prefer wildhammer druid.

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Zandalari Male druid. Turtle tank 4 life…

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Except the big scared face chicken form…


I’m not planning to play either. I’m forever a gnome. :smile:


I’m not going to level either. Why should I level up a new race toon just to experience the same medicore content bfa served us?

Zandalari pally

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im excited too, to see if my faction change ll remove my mage tower appearances from that class :smiley:

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If they really lets them be Troll Paladins then they better give us Kal’dorei Paladins aswell else it’s only the horde there have a race with the ability to be both a druid and A Paladin.

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i’m making a zanda; paladin, rogue and druid.

As for KT; a druid and a mage.

i like the druid forms.

EDIT: As for the choices, I’ve been wanting another horde paladin for ages. All 3 trolls are basically redone versions of older trolls i used to have years ago. With the rogue being the only one that keeps their class (pala used to be a priest and druid used to be a mage).

As for KTs, I love the KT druid forms and for mage? I wanted a Tidesage-styled character.

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If there are only going to be fat kul’tirans, I’m not making one. I want a thin male human mage.


Blizzard cant wait to Milk those Race changes and 110 char boosts.

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I wanted to roll a Zanda priest, but if they are keeping that sh!t broken racial then I’m out.

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I play everything as a hunter eventually!

But I will also race change my troll druid to zandalari coz troll druid forms kinda suck and I would much prefer to be a dinosaur…

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Zandaladin first , Zandruid and maybe a Zanpriest, maybe… , I do not like Kul Tirans at all, so I will prolly unlock them at some time anyways since I am playing both factions, already got the stuff done for the 2 new mounts that come out.

I never play human characters of any type in a fantasy game. :wink:

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I was planning to race change in a heartbeat for skinny KT, but i got soooo dissappointed that they are not included since they share the female undead animations which are my top 1 favourite. Plus gear looks amazing on them.

But, since this isn’t the case i’ll stick to my boring human :frowning:

Edit: To be fair, skinny KT should have been an option to compensate for the Orc posture feature as a counterpart for the Alliance.


Im going Zandalari on my priest the moment i can!

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Kul Tiran Druid all the way. Have no interest in Zandalari. Main will stay my trusty Gnome Rogue.

Would give anything for Gnome Paladins though!

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Zandalari Warlock…