The current state of tanks and their ability to self sustain

My main is druid tank. Its so OP I love it.

It is considered the amount of idiots I encounter in keys… I only trust one person in life, and that’s me!
I take healers in group just to help me and keep the group alive, definitely not to save my life.

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The role of a healer has changed so much in the last few years, that it’s unfortunately only logical, that the tank’s role changes aswell.

I to prefer the old school way as I’m an old school healer, but it is what it is. The tank, healer and 3 dd composition is gone in M+. It’s 5 dd, with 1 dd pressing a healing button here & there, and 1 dd with bit more hp (as a vengeance DH, I usually outdps other players on every single pack that contains more than 4 mobs).

On the other hand, we’ll see how it’s gonna look like in M+, especially on fortified keys. Generally speaking, I feel the mythics 0 are abit more easy this time around, then they were in Shadowlands. They are abit more trash focused, and most of the bosses are tank & spank fights.

Current tanks can pull so much even dps cant even dps or healer cant out heal party.

Game should be enjoyable for all roles not jiat tanks. I dont like current tank self healing.

While leveling I dont even need healer in dungeon.

The tanking has got more volatile now than before, with the health bars going all over the place. If you check out any classic stream, the tanking there feels more predictable. Now you have to, as a tank consider the interruptible spells and have to manage group damage, as you said, the AOE and some interruptible spells. If you went back to how the tanking was in classic, you would have to be more proactive. Like of course it’s still the same in retail, knowing when to expect burst damage and using your defensives proactively, instead of after taking damage, that takes practice and skill.
If you have the mentality that tank is no longer to protect but keep up with, or as I’ve seen in other posts, that tanks go ahead of the group and complain about healers, it’s just a skill issue, as well as their head not in the right place. No tank can go alone, if you can do that then you are either overgeared for that difficulty or you are Rextroy. On single target, you won’t get as much healing, as one mob, a boss or a trash mob doesn’t deal enough damage to you, except on like a progression fight, as the BDK healing source is 30% dmg taken in last 5 seconds, so on AOE where there are more mobs hitting you, it gets as I’ve said before, volatile with the health bars jumping up and down. It feels satisfying to me, that’s the nature of the Blood DK for me. You could say that you sacrifice some survivability for more healing/sustainability, but that’s also not really true, in Shadowlands last season the tanks in really high keys or mythic raids, were the Blood DKs. Depending on what encounter it is. Other tanks have 50% damage reduction cooldowns while Blood DK only have 30%, although Will of the Necropolis is also there which should stack with Icebound Fortitude.
As game development goes on, so does the requirements of the game and skill ceiling and just the general comprehension of the game.

Healer dps seems to be less of a thing at the moment. Was already the case in the last season(s) of SL, but it seems it got even less now. Not that i understand the problem of casting some dps abilities during healing downtime. But the part of the total group damage that the healer is doing has gone down. Which instant makes it less impactfull.

OMG! So much this! It is all over the game. Content is either super-hard or super-easy. Tanks either die instantly or are borderline immortal. Healers either spend 99% of time dpsing, or just can not handle damage at all. It seems this game is being designed by edgy teenagers, who love all EXTREAME

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Nah, keep the great self healing how it is.
I play tank specs solo in the outdoor/old world, so that healing is needed as an elite would take longer to kill as a tank in most cases.

It’s why tank specs are fun for solo stuff, nerf the heals and they’ll be useless outside of dungeon/raids and specs that usefulness are locked only to that stuff is trash design.


There’s way too many people playing DPS.
I honestly as a DPS player, don’t care if the Tank is doing more DPS than I do.
I want that queue time reduced as I’m sick and tired of having to play Tank/Healer in order to get in LFD faster.

Blizzard should do what ever it takes to motivate people to play Tanks and if they have to be more OP so be it.


It’s a little odd getting done with a dungeon and looking at details just to realize that the tank healed as much as I did throughout the entire run. Specially when you think about the fact that I need to heal 5 people. Him only 1.

Tanks are pretty much always completely friggin’ OP and Dragonflight is no exception.

Tanks are not healers and should not behave as healers - same as DPS - and same as DPS and healers not being able to take that many hits.

Keep seeing the assumption that the removal of healing would render them useless and incapable of doing things, and Im confused. Why would that be the case?

Let’s say you had no healing capabilities, but instead something stupid like 90-95% damage reduction (just to illustrate the idea) you would still be able to survive for a very very long time and do more than any other class, you would just not be at 100% health at the end of it.

I mean he’s not entirely wrong either. My main has been bdk for a long time and for that class it makes sense to have this kind of selfsustain while also being able to get slammed in a global.

But you have to atleast agree with the fact that all tanks (incl warrior to some extent) have too much healing baked into their kit, on top of their heavy defensives.

if you design a tank with self sustain in mind, you can’t give them heavy defensives on top of that. Tanks are fairly balanced this expac so far which is nice, but that doesn’t mean they are perfectly designed either.

Beside a single spec (prot paladin) that healing is done to themselves, while your healing is dependant on how much damage the others take in your group, as you said.

I am personally torn about the issue. As I am aiming to tank right now I would much rather keep the entire package my spec comes with, with both the healing and damage that comes along with it.

We do not even have any form of challenging content in game, which is where we will see how this self healing is going to hold up. I would wait until then to see how it is going to work out, as it seems Blizzard feels that for a tank like Brewmaster the situation may be tricky, as we got both a self healing buff, a defensive buff, and a HP pool buff to compensate for the fact that our stagger mechanic looks to be borderline useless in dungeon content.

Yeah sadly tank will have no impact in most SL dungeons. All bosses and even trash mobs just cast AoE abilities that target the whole party.

Based on dungeons, tanks are pretty strong and i most cases don’t even need healing.

A good point from another thread. The way they are currently balanced tanks are not part of the dungeon group (except in very high keys) but are playing a solo game as they do not need healing and dps.
That also often results in them not paying attention to what the others and if they are ready.

TANKS NEED TO BE BUFFED and they should nerf bosses.

I kinda like it as it is now… back in the old days I hated warriors and - though I like the concept - never touched them as I died easily. I’m a potato, not a hardcore gamer, but now I actually enjoy both Fury and Prot.

I have 2 “oh :poop:” buttons as a dps if I aggro something and the healer doesn’t have to slap me in the face, as tank I am more confident that my potatoness won’t cause the healer to starve for a drink in 2 seconds. Or if I accidentally pull more than my body can bear I can make it work. Although being literally immortal as a warrior feels weird, it helps with making tanks popular I think :thinking:

I can’t wait to solo raids :stuck_out_tongue: joking. for me the easier the better ofc. I don’t like sweating much especially if I am doing the same content repeatedly. but I also see how god-mode tanks can exhibit toxic behavior in the future. It’s ok to be immortal if you protect others with you and, in the end, the group gets things done faster. What’s not OK is making the group feel inferior to you. It is group content after all.