The Darkthyr are a lore-void

:disappointed: I get what you mean. I think it’s why the story forum is so barren now as well, this board was pretty busy back in Legion. Now it’s ghostly.

Nobody wants this. As you said, fans want grit, that’s the very basis of the Warcraft universe when you look at original themes like the Scourge, Lordaeron, the Legion… even all the various flavours of Elf come from places of depth and struggle.

I’ve never enjoyed the Titan themes. Ever - for the reasons you have already stated. Despite being within the lore since the beginning - they’ve always felt out of place.

I don’t think the original writers ever really intended the titans to be any more than just a religious belief in-universe, and somewhere along the way it got out of hand and now we’re stuck with this crap.

In Pandaria running around to put down various pests, help fending off bugs, etc. was justified, because the tone of the expansion was based around the rivalry between the Horde and Aliance going on a “Whatever you can do i can do better!” spree, in an effort to gain allies among the locals and beat out their opposition. Meanwhile DF has introduced “new mysterious existential threat, which has been there all along, but nobody noticed” number 67. These appeasing the locals quests work a lot less, when a mountain is being exploded by genocidal maniacs like 100 meters to the right.

No. They’re artificial soldiers and should have no concept of it.

“My team believes that continuity exists to enhance a story, not to tie the hands of creators”- Sean Copeland

This is the most idiotic comment ever made by anyone aspiring to write. Continuity must tie your hands in some ways. Otherwise it literally cannot exist.

But I believe him. This way they can do whatever they want, whenever they want like a child in a candy shop.

Amateurs could do better.

It’s a quote that’s been memed to death, even when it wasstill fresh around the first half of BfA.

Why should charcters act based on their established moral compass and motivations?
Why should magical mechanics remain consistant?
Why should relationships good or ill matter at all?
Where did the 30th secret organisation that was there all along come from?
What are stakes?
Why should there be consequences?
Why doesn’t the audience care about any of our monotone drivel, where nothing matters and anything can change on our whim?


And that’s pretty much where we are now. There are no stakes, because there are no consequences, because idiots can’t separate a fictional world from the real one and still have it behave logically, in accordance to what was established.

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There is a reason why the tone of these story forums increasingly seems more reminiscent of a self-help group than a common fandom. Even making fun of the lore used to be more fun than it is now… For me at least. I myself am coming closer to the acceptance-stage of the end of this particular abusive relationship.


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