The Maelstrom (PvP) Alliance Reconnections

Kiniguwi Human Paladin!!
Added you on discord, im also joining boyz!!

Wow I remember both of you guys been a long time its Misstres the mage. I’ll prolly end up on Shazzrah alliance.

My chars during Vanilla, TBC and WotLK:
Imar (mage)
Veilana (priest)

Guild membership:
The Phoenix Guard (vanilla)
Lux Mundi / Usual Suspects (TBC).

I am thinking of going horde this time, but time will tell.

My chars during Vanilla, TBC and WotLK:
Imar (mage)
Veilana (priest)

Guild membership:
The Phoenix Guard (vanilla)
Lux Mundi / Usual Suspects (TBC).

I am thinking of going horde this time, but time will tell.

The post above was made with the wrong profile on another server, and it seems I can not delete it… :confused:

I have a char both on shazz and mag, alot of norwegians rolling mag, we will see…
I tried the name Eraser… But he has obviously taken it;P
Il add you guys;)

Characters during Vanilla were: Zidor, Night elf druid and Magan, Human mage.

Going Shazzrah Alliance with a warrior named Krastoff.

Hope to see some familiar names there.

Another old Execute member here, in TBC I joined Shadow ryders and raided with them in Wotlk and Cata later on on my warrior Selverak.
Remember all of the old Execute ppl. And our guild meeting in croatia haha.

I am still raiding active on my warrior and will play a bit of classic.
You can add me on:
Discord: Selverak#2306
Bnet: Silthrax#2667

Azyrel, Gnome Rogue
Guilds were Dirge of Cerberus / Rachels Angels / Rebuff iirc, a few more in between those

You’ll find me on Shazzrah with the same name :slight_smile: and class… and race :smiley:

Hope to see some old faces that remember me! :slight_smile:

About a 130+ of us who used to play on The Maelstrom are going Firemaw if anyone is interested. Changed from Shazzrah because Blizzard are idiots.

No freaking way

Slicez, Human Paladin

Would like to get in touch with anyone I played with back then :slight_smile:

Hey Mesk! I remember you :slight_smile: Onifux the warlock here, which realm will you play on? me and some mates considering razorgore horde side.

Looking for players that remember me aswell, open to all realms, but prefer PvP.
From Repent/Rebuff/Excute.

Was in guild: Repent–>Execute–>Rebuff.

I was a Gnome Warrior called Cave and only really played in Vanilla on this realm.

I am really looking for one person who was a human mage named TBC/Loki, we levelled most of around level 20 to 60 together and it would be great to play again in Classic.

Wow there is a name i havent seen in a long time…but i do remember you from tto

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Beliskner - Human Warrior
Soulflame, Destiny Awaits, Repent
Going Razorgore PvP Alliance

So will a few other Repent guildies

Waaait!!! https: //imgur. com/a/IY6uELF lost all my Vanilla Screenshots unfortunately but this should do :smiley:

Holztmeister - Human Warrior
Repent etc

Eraser - Dwarf Rogue

Playing on Gehennas as a warlock named Phayde, alliance side!

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Still got some drunken ninja pulls in you? hah :smiley: