Nice to hear from you mate. Feel free to hit me up anytime for a chat.
Indeed i remeber evildst!
Was fun times! You mean to play priest again? Or going some other?
I’m considering to go ud priest again…
Or ud rogue
I’ll never leave my ud priest.
I’ve never used Discord.
I’m 43 and feel superold now…
add me on then Sustained#21963
alot of us playing on Gehennas horde sida, come join us!
add me on bnet: TheCormega#2856
I will!
I’m gonna play quite casual tho since I’m old as funk now, and love the
no-obligation time I’ve gotten used too the last…11(?) years w/o raiding.
My name =>Rawen, Orc Hunter, The Maelstrom.
My guild => Guillotine
some players im looking for => Madmax(maxt)Pleasedie, Traglosh,Puglia,Phyx, Donavon, Leha, Stilgar, Tornflakes, Allcor, Majster, Abstrogiat.
Hello there!
I used to play a troll warrior named Clearasil, also an undead mage named Ehrmz, and a tauren shaman named Taurenthalex.
I don’t really remember any guilds, except Violence Reborn.
Hi Torrent. I have sent you a friend inv on Discord.
Btw. what server you play on?
Hi Maelstrom. Not my first server but I played there the longest - mostly as Nishima. BNet subothai#2840 or Discord subothai#2855 if anyone wants to say hi or play together suuuuuper casual because I am 100…
Hi Nishima, we do have a 'The Maelstrom ’ discord
We are playing mostly on Firemaw, Horde now. (but queues are bad)
Ok update, I am on Firemaw with (most of) the rest of the discord group
Just in case anyone does want to catch up a few of the guildies from Delusions have/ are reforming on Dreadmist server as Horde naturally - under the guild name Delusional (yes still no imagination). Would be great to catch up from with anyone who was part of the guild or on my old friends list which I don’t have anymore.
Anyways hopefully catch up later.
Battletag is chewie#2180
Most of the Maelstrom lot have gone to Firemaw, however if anyone is on Mograine we have started up Havoc again so do get in touch!
That being said the ques are still around 7k at peak times, slightly less than Firemaw and defo less than Shazz and Golemagg!
Hey. Glad to see you guys are still alive Wow you must really be old by now Darkreaper here, the elite tauren warrior offtank, with Hellion on The Maelstorm since the first MC days
/Im playing classic on alliance side with my friends, but really im just a spy waiting to strike them all down/
Xentahl, no Maffo in that list or Elderflower. I’m dissapointed… our amazing ghost wolf race to silithus