I see alot of myself in that model apart from the hooves, wings, horns, ears, eyes, skin colour and body shape. But I have worn a belt before.
It looks pretty nice!
I see alot of myself in that model apart from the hooves, wings, horns, ears, eyes, skin colour and body shape. But I have worn a belt before.
It looks pretty nice!
I hope it sounds like an angry mobster, but more so than goblins.
“C’mere mortal, I’m gonna murder ya!”
He looks awesome, very cool!
Now they need to update the succubus model as in comparison she looks like a potato…a sexy potato, but a potato nonetheless.
Something more like the Shivarra model maybe, they look pretty nifty.
I want one!
It’d be nice to have more shivarra on offer.
I like the Matron Mother’s model and the ones that are more vibrantly coloured.
I hope for mtf trans demons
Warlock minions are ‘a tool to get a job done’, the Warlocks don’t care about what gender their minions manifest as, as long as the job gets done.
However, where that line gets skewed is when players let their personal ‘fantasy’ get in the way (so to speak). Only the minions that revolve around seduction are even considered to have a gender… which is only ONE of the tools the Warlock has at their disposal.
Why are Felguards or Voidwalkers (or any other minion, for that matter) not seen to have any gender aspect to them…?
Looks good too!
Felguard and Voidwalker with boobs
void walker with what…? Sounds like nightmare fuel to me
This is my point entirely… taking gender assignation to childish levels, esp. where there is never any basis for fact.
A succubus/incubus is still JUST a method of getting a job done… end of.
If you’re still unsure, ask any major/national spy network.
Settle down Mary. It’s a joke. Maybe go outside and breathe some air if you’re finding yourself getting upset over such a trivial thing
I wonder, will men start crying about “sexual objectification” now ?
A friend who plays Warlock commented how he hopes the female version will get an updated look too. The male Incubus looks great, nice detail etc.
Nah. I would like to walk around in naught but a belt, but I’d probably get arrested for indecent exposure.
Hey man, follow your hearth and screw the rules.
does it come with a fruit bowl loin cloth?
I’m all for it, having attractive and sexy things in RPG games is a staple of the genre. But this really surprised me after the painting stunt. Again I am happy for people who want this model, but we would like to have some new revealing armors in the game and attractive female models. Roleplayers have been using the same skimpy gear from Vanilla wow. I am hoping to see some improvement in this area in the spirit of equality.
especially when most of the player base are adults…
I want one.