The New Year Vault

Because it’s the only place I can get runed crests whereas I can get valorstones from various places, if only I had the time.

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Same thing I usually get: 6 coins. :sweat_smile:
Which translates into 45 runed crests. Which translates into 1 gilded crest.

So I got one single upgrade for one of my items.


Ah man, are you sure you don’t want me to run you trough some dungeons (chill runs ofc)?

I’m sure.
I appreciate the offer, but it’s just not my thing.

I’m really itching for the new season (even though I’m very hesitant about some of the patch’s features and not sold on the new zone at all - no flying and that DRIVE mechanic are making me anxious). :smiling_face:

Not a fan of the zone, but I want to see the new ground mount mechanics (again copied from GW2), not a fan of the car mount but I’m sure that it’s going to be like dragonriding and implemented to all mounts at the end of the expansion.

This is what I’m afraid of. I don’t want it.
I hate it. I hate racing mechanics and I don’t want travelling to become ‘gameplay’. I really, really don’t.

Finally got my back piece, so that was nice. Maybe I’ll finally get around to go die to Zekvir ??


It’s really easy as ret, just use freedom on the DoT, the egg you pretty much one shot with wake+hammer. GL.

Why don’t you buy valor then instead? (I know it isn’t much, but will add up over the weeks)

My vaults were… okay-ish, since I’m done with mog farming I don’t really care anymore; BIS items will get replaced soon anyway.

Hm, I don’t know… can’t see how they want to “translate” drifting to a ground mount with legs… looks very silly in my head. Plus I don’t like that it’s supposed to be faster than skyriding, my stomach craps up if I’m racing too fast on the ground, worried to collide with stuff… well, would prolly stick to “steady groundriding” just like I go with steady flight most of the time.

I didn’t do any high enough content last week. So my vault will be a transmog at best. Tokens at worst.

Rogue: Nothing of value so I got a socket instead. Rog only “needs” scardyns grace on myth track and since it took me a month of mindless GB farm to get the hero version…well I am not expecting it to get on the vault this season :rofl:.
Mage: That shadows trinket from GB(which gives haste+intel proc. I am bad with names). Not bis but a good upgrade regardless.
Protadin: descent myth back.

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