The next patch has been leaked

I almost believed it up to this point.
This broke the magic :rofl::rofl:

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You do have such a negativity all the time. No this, no that…
Without these changes people will leave and the game will die.
I’m sure you don’t give a damn and it’s fine, but let people enjoy the game and new features that come with them.

I want my game to add new engaging things or it gets stale as it is now, where you have to stay on one covenant because the work required to level up another one is tedious.

I want the game to be good. I want people to enjoy it and stop moaning about it.
I don’t care if you’re unhappy with the world, let the people dream a better game.


But I really should advise the OP to not post his fantasy patch in Engrish…

Defeat Zovall’s creations.

No need for capitlaztion.

You have used the correct American spellings so far. Why the slip up?


Dude, just admit that this is your fantasy patch. Don’t try and spin it as “leaked official notes”

And most certainly do NOT take us all for idiots.

I’ll believe this when I see it

What’s more annoying is that I usually write honour and armour, but the forum check speller insist on the american spelling.

Like me many people here in the forum are not native English speakers, but checking every single error present seems a bit excessive to me, what do you think?

It seems to me that the OP has not indicated anywhere the official nature of the thing and with a little mental effort you can also appreciate the exercise of imagination that he has performed, at least it has paragraphed it quite well :slight_smile:

Come on have a laugh and don’t get mad, there is worse around


I do not particularly appreciate being taken for a fool.

If the OP had clearly stated that this was in fact a wish list and not to be taken seriously, he would done so out of courtesy.

But the OP wanted you to believe these were official.

That is what I have an issue with. maybe you find humour in being taken for a fool.

More fool (pardon the pun) you if that is the case.

but how else can people who only know 1 language flex on others? :smiley:


Who’s flexing?
Oh… You mean me.


First time ever saw someone pointing out obvious flaws as “flexing”

Do you often walk up to police officers when they are taking notes and yell “stop flexing! You only know one language!”

But meh. Whatever scores you a “like”.

yeah, i see how i touched your soul there
totally not baited

I… don’t really believe any of this. Seems like the wishlist of a Legion lover which I’m not sure is the right way to go about cleaning this up.

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The Sepulcher has been referenced several times during 9.1 so it will most likely be a zone or dungeon or raid, but more likely a dungeon.

This is my point of view and for me it is not a real problem if someone thinks of making me a fool (I believe however that this was not the intention of the OP), especially if we are debating on a topic of such great importance which is a video game.

Returning to the topic, maybe some points of what has been indicated can be a suggestion for those in charge, instead they are advertising new arrivals that seem more like an out-of-season April fool

You’re right I wasn’t because I would have to care for your opinion to care at all.


oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah… flexes madly

Is that the right way to do it?

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I saw a youtube video that speculated it was actually Azeroth.

oh ney, he said the words
what am i going to do…

of course, you are doing just fine
here is your participation medal
in a 2 mans race you got your :3rd_place_medal:

Well , im already leveling both of my nbornes :smile:

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feels like the Nightborne are going to be pretty famous soon :relaxed:

I like it!