The PvP gear change won't fix the problem

People wanted to play on a balanced playing field. There should only be 2 ilvls the PvP gear scaled too, so for example with the current ilvls

All honor gear should be scaled up to 220 no matter rank

All conquest gear should scale up to 226-233 no matter rank

People want to go in and be competitive as fast as possible.

I don’t care what ilvl it is outside of instanced PvP, this change won’t fix anything it will still be a gear gap of 20+ ilvls and people can grab the gear from any bracket, then go fully geared to a bracket they have really low rating or anything like that or just to sell boosts etc.

Just let the gear be upgraded to heroic ilvl outside of arena when people have gladiator rating then PVE players don’t even need to look at PvP.

Let things be whatever you want in random bgs/skirms, that is the place for people to one shot noobs etc since you can use toys/pots and all that good stuff.

Gear should not matter in a competitive setting
But this is an mmorpg I think you are in the wrong game.

They are trying to make wow eSports then they should make it as easy as possible to get to a competitive level.


no they do this because they want pve players to buy token and boost their ranks.

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Getting gear and stomping - one shotting is what makes PvP fun.

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You could still do that in random bgs or open world, so what is the problem?

No, I am complete pvp noob, but thanks to gear I can just pwn all the pvp pros hard. This is what makes pvp so fun. They might be more skilled, but getting one shot by my pyro gets me to relax in pvp occasionally.
I really hope they dont change the gear for pvp and pve.

Sure but that is what random bgs/skirmishes are for, just grab the 30% increase damage pot and “pwn” whoever you want.

But in the rated brackets it should only be skill dependent not gear dependent.

Let’s pick a game like CS:GO, if a person has higher rank and queues with a silver, should he start with more money since he has played more?

Should a player go up in rank if he plays the campaign from the seasonal passes or whatever it is called?

^---- This.

We wanted the WoD system. Not just parts of the WoD system. It’s beyond me how Blizzard is able to mess up all the time.


The only people who will benefit from this change are those who only do pvp or only do pve. Everyone who does both will be at a disadvantage and need to farm 2 sets of gear. PVP is going to become even more of a one-shot fest.

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OP, absolutely.

There are TWO big issues with PVP gearing in SL: (a) PVE people have to PVP, and (b) PVP play is bonkers because of ilvl walls – this design was tried and rejected before, because it DOES NOT WORK, it is terrible, in SL suddenly they decided to repeat the same mistake they already committed in the past and recognized as a mistake in public.

They are fixing only one issue. Not completely at that, and making the second issue slightly worse.

Blizzard devs are inept monkeys.

100% agree OP.

  • PvP Gear low abseline Level (using ilevel atm, 200)
  • Honour gear gets +20 ilevel in PvP
  • COnquest gets +26-33 ilevel in pvp
  • Rank yields titles, mounts, mogs, enchants

The result?

  • No incentive to use pvp to gear for pve because pvp gear is trash for pve
  • Getting an alt ready for pvp doesn’t take a week of play
  • As rank is only about cosmetics, boosting less prevalent in pvp.
  • Where boosting does occur, it’s much more fair for those meeting the booster in combat as ilevel gaps will be small or won’t exist.

The downsides?

  • PvP gear is “pants” in pve and world content. Small prices to pay imo.
  • “I can’t stomp noobs anymore” - Go gank newbies in Elwynn forest if this is your thing. If you’re as good as you think you are, you’ll still be able to hand people their backsides in proper pvp settings.

Totally. This is what I was expecting when I read they were going back to the WoD PvP Gear System. They are just catering to the PvE issues instead.


You don’t do either, so you have nothing to worry about.

If they do not regulate the difference in power, this change, although good, will be useless.

A bunch of clueless people tend to comment on these ideas saying “No, 1 shotting people is fun”… have they seen the state of the game? That wont change just because of item level, it might just take a little setting up to do consistently, rather than solely relying on gear.

I totally agree with what you’re saying, everyone should have roughly the same item level in rated PvP based on their honor gear or conquest gear, regardless of rating. Rating should be rewarding higher conquest cap. Also like you mentioned, doing this would reduce boosting massively. Anyone that thinks it wont is delusional. Boosters are boosting based on their huge gear advantage.

I agree, totally, they should do this or MMR scaling with PvP gear in rated to make each fight fair.

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Yes and no.

Boosters already existed before this huge gear gap existed. It’s just way more efficient and easier with the gear gap.
Without that gear gap boosters could not boost a 1.2k pleb to 1800… they could boost him to 1400 though.

In that sense it would ofc drastically reduce boosting.

Ggjjthjuggh yes it is

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