The real Alliance Pvp players<

This is how you can play this game, its not a real premade, its just a motivated no voice pugs from LFG, who want to separate from this AFK “let them win” griffers and play like a real team.
I try to soloQ and this literaly unplayble when 2\3 your “team” auto giveup ant stay AFK, this is the real griffers and it shoud be banable.
Why are you farming pvp gear if you don’t like pvp and don’t want to play it ??


Finaly a good alliance player that doesent give up because horde has “op” shamans.
Well played mate.


When the alliance try, they actually win most of the time.
All this “we lose because shammys op” is cringe. unrelated but try fighting against a paladin as any class :rofl:

The truth is most alliance players are roleplayers / PvErs and most horde are PvPers, thats why they lose. Has nothing to do with orc racial or shammys.


You are playing on what seems different days with the same exact team. How is this not a premade xD You are stomping full on randoms (From what I can see every Horde team had different players). This is not “this is how real Alliance do it” its Premade v PuG. And good job, we all get the same results vs pugs xD

In most pug v pug atm its faster to just lose and que again as it nets more honor. Its not Alliance bashing, its reality. Blame Blizzard.

Also, yes Ele does insane pressure while having an amazing anti caster toolkit. While in a full Premade v Premade this is not a dealbreaker, but when its 2 unorganized pugs ? Yes, it tends to be.

In my experience a good Hunter or Boomie will make just as much difference as a Shaman.

True, but again, Blizzard made it this way. Cant really blame the players for abusing whats the fastest way for Alliance to get honor.

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Do you know what montage is? I should have posted full 3h gameplay with replaceing ppl from lfg ?

Be honest, works better. Pure premade alliance group. Sitting on Discord as well? :rofl:

If you open your eyes, you can see the communication in the chat.

Easier to watch the raid frames. Want to be a real pvp player? Sign up as casual …

To stay AFK with you ? No ty.

I saw different times, hence I assumed it was different days.

In any case, its a good run, and you played well. Im just saying its not rly “Alliance sucks” well… not fully. Its more the fact that players who want to do mostly PvP roll Horde because of buster racials. And Blizzard also made it so losing fast nets you a lot more overall honor than winning slow.

In my experience if alliance are actually trying they win most of the time, also on ally side there are always ~5 paladins, while on horde side its either 0 or 1 shaman at most since they got nerfed.

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Surely this is fake, right? A paladin can’t kill anything, let alone the almighty shaman!? Must be some sort of SoD private server.


Ally has good racials too, stoneform\ea and better healers priests, just stop creating useless pve humans.


Oh boy, you’ve really kicked the hornet’s nest now :grin:

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This is gonna stir some stuff up:P

grabs popcorn

Thank you for the vid, i loved it. I play feral dps with pretty good gear and Sulfuras for a wep but with a bad team it doesn’t mean a thing.

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nice to see retribution in action with Sulfuras

insane first clip, priest popped dispersion right away, druid healer got globaled and priest right after that right in the middle of hordes

doesn’t get any better than that. well played.

Wait so a ret doesn’t take 5 minutes to kill a shaman in pvp due to all the insane 300-500
shaman heals?

Wavé (of tears) has like 500 posts claiming just that. Impossible.

This is just fake illegal obscene shaman propaganda. It’s a paladin UI with paladin abilities but secretly it’s a resto shaman doing all this.

Could all the people that got globaled during a HoJ be actually right? Wavé was the first to denounce anyone as a biased no-skill horde troll if you said you died in a HoJ to a paladin. The man must be right, look at his post count…

look this how op paladin is!
nerf plz this is ridiculous op!

oh man, no need to remind of smth so toxic when we get such nice pvp video