The unpruning is great, I love it, BUT

Well for both PvE and PvP retri is lacking at the moment (and has been lacking in the entirety of BfA). As a ret main I might sound biased, but it’s an actual issue.

As a Ret I’m disappointed how Resistance Aura is the only paladin aura excluded from returning, which means we will continue to remain vulnerable to spell damage since we’re not getting Divine Protection back either. All classes get their iconic/useful/strong abilities back while we are neither getting our iconic Exorcism nor our Long Lost Friend: Pursuit of Justice (or a similar removed ability such as Long Arm of the Law or Speed of Light)… However it’s still a lot of time until the expansion is live so there will be many changes for sure, I hope returning at least one of these abilities will be among them.

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Don’t forget Sanctity Aura D: Now THAT is something I’d extremely love to see.

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Oh wow you’re right, same here. Would be amazing.

Sure, but “it’s a bit early” but they said we shouldn’t expect great changes. I would highly expect changes to specs that don’t work now - specs feel bad, and old abilities will not help fix anything.

Im all up for shaman totems returning :slight_smile:

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Kinda sad to read that for me.
The delicious irony for these mongrels who screamed that players need more of this crap now are happy there is one less player interested to play his class.

The moral for Blizz is simple: stop listening to the people who dont want to play your game with some competency in mind, not just die at few random BGs every saunday. they just want to bring other people as much as they can to their level of boring existance.


Certain eras of class design being favored is very subjective if you look back into the past. I prefer WoD personally for the ret paladin, it had so much to it, things like exe sentence being a heal OR dps spell, things like empowered seals giving you a constantly active ability to watch vs a very decent single dps spell in final verdict.

This is what made class design interesting in the past, even chasing after someone in classic and hoping that SoC procs with a potential double crit to end someone is more interesting that the current iteration of building 3 points and hitting a weak finisher.

HoW wings burst was a playstyle, SoC stun judge combo was a play style. Brainlessly using a few spells in rotation that are no significant is a playstyle, but its a damn boring one, and its a turn off.

Make the damn classes exciting again Blizzard, I can’t play retail because the character I play is so boring I’d be just as happy watching paint dry.

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Couldn’t have explained it better.

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Will with unpruning demon hunter playstyle change or will they still stay the simpletons as they are now ?

I highly doubt that Demon Hunters will ever change from being extremely primitive.

Demon hunters had too many abilities baked into spells.

It’s very bad design, and promotes boring lazy play styles.

I understand the idea, and I see why people who like convenience think it’s okay, but it’s badly damaging for a game that once had high skill curves.

It should be and once was that you play a class for enough hours you will get to the pinnacle of its skill curve, but if you log in every now and then to enjoy it you can still do OK, you just won’t be anywhere near as good as the man whose spent 100 days mastering it.

Yay, so we litterally get a 3 spells rotations !!

Just because we have a 3 button rotation doesn’t mean the class will be more fun. What matters is if those abilities are fun to press.

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What I meant is that : FCFS rotation style is no fun imho. Fortunately, 4P T10 gave us that free DS proc, the gameplay felt bad without that bonus set. I don’t like current ret because I don’t like having nothing to press. I really liked MoP version, it was complete. WoD’s too was excellent, with this proc based gameplay. Legion was stupid, but it was dynamic.

Then it becomes tedious though, no?

I ran ToS through some heroic versions, so I’m no expert, but feel like I played enough to understand that it was tedious, and has damaging effects when it comes to PvP, especially.

Build 3 combo points and use a finisher that has been diminished BECAUSE of PvP, even though they claim to have tuning between the two.

Prior designs was like a race in efforts to out perform your team mates, but now, you can’t out perform them because everyone’s abilities have been watered down, and you press a few of them then cast your finisher, over and over again.

Holy Power itself is the worst offender, it’s literally the embodiment of boring. The builder abilities are just that, pointless builders, the finisher is weak, just a filler, another DPS spell that has no consequence, the finisher may as well be a builder.

I can list off a hundred ideas of cool interesting finisher abilities the Paladin could have using holy power, literally anything, but what do we have? A weak damage ability, or a weak heal ability. Really? The guys who designed the interior of blackrock spire couldn’t come up with something better?

It’s the same dull thing again and again with each class. It weren’t like this in the past, there was flavour and variety. Where did it go?

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I defenitely agree that they should lower TV/DS damges so builders have more damges. Or increase TV/DS damages, more especially in BFA. We sucked for the whole xpac. As a MM raider, I’m disapointed that min maxing my character is not being translated on bosses encouters, where DH/rogues outDPS me. And I’m not even “bad player”, I don’t parse grey. But being outclassed by grey parses feels meh.

I think your missing my point though dude, in that, just because a class works fine or does fine DPS in an encounter, it some how makes them “acceptable”.

I’m campaigning for interesting class design, not for class design that works well in every setting.

I’m not disagreeing with you, I just think we might be looking at things from a different perspective.

I’m quitte tired XD

I just got your point. I do get why you don’t like holy power. But I don’t trust Blizzard to make an interesting and satisfaying gameplay without holy power. My fear is : FCFS gameplay again. I don’t think that using spells in the same order again and again is fun and interesting gameplay.

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