The Void Elf Customization Megathread

Hmm if blizzard use my suggestions for with new heritage armor with 3 colors and same for new tabard with a unified symbol between the void elves and alliance high elves and blood elf exiles etc (Same for the mount that is has 3 color variation and maybe in time be able to choose a void unicorn/courser with 3 diffrent colors. But then again the hawkstrider is made from the void and so was the big T-rex so basicly they should be able to make any mount with void mass) and Alleria’s void form (I like her void form, blizzard can make up what ever story so all void elves can have it) and Visna’s hair color and hair effects (and Leinadh hair color suggestions which I missed) Then I think I can accept void elves as the alliance high elves. But the alliance high elves needs a story/cinematic that shows that they all choose this magic to move forward for the future for their race. Also I think void elves should have crystal weapons, from void crystals blue and purple for their weapons, shield and staff that glowing with a void aura. I always been drawned to the Silver Covenant High elves ever since they were a thing in WOTLK but maybe its time to look to the future. As void elf and if they get better heritage armor and tabard that match better.
The void elves banner at the Stormwind Embassy should look like something like this then what is there now.

I was in the Quel’dorai thread eariler today with suggestions but I was in Telogrus rift 30 mins ago with one of my void elves and there is just something about that place and the music. I just hope one day that feeling from Telogrus Rift can follow with me to rest of Azeroth seeing more void elves at Alliance outpost in Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor etc.


I agree, Void Elves might need work but they do bring something unique and interesting to the table with their Void theme. All we need is some variety with hair colours, some proper hairstyles for both males and females, and markings. There is a major issue with hair colours atm because there’re only 8 available of which around 5 are almost identical to each other.

Telogrus Rift: Definitely a zone that gives inspiration to do a lot of things with. I am hoping for a small Void elf city there with towers decorated in gold and dark blue and voidy purple crystal lights around them. Also maybe even a dark void forest around that area with the ground shining with starcursed void effect and the trees glowing.


Imagine a zone built like Korthia.

Now remove all the quests.

Remove all the grinds.

Recolour the palette so it matches telogrus

This is what they could do with telogrus. You have the velf base camp, and then this ruined landscape with scant traces of void dipped forests and crumbling cities (those there before the collapse). Dotted around are random beasts such as the voidstalkers as well as some other voidy creatures to give velf hunters access to these tameable mobs.

All races should have an area like this just for them.

Whenever I’m in Korthia I think “with a bit of colouration this could have been perfect for telogrus “


I would rather they not mix two colors for black.

I just want a simple pure black. Like the one some of the NPC’s have

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Ramavatarama has made more art for Void elves/Void High Elves that he put up his twitter. VE tattoos and hair colors.


Yes!! They look absolutely PERFECT!!

There we go:

And markings:

From Ramavatarama





The clip looks great but I think she forgot Void elf males. But would the blood elf players go for it? I don’t think so. Damage ear option would be great and hopefully it be in the next customization’s patch whenever that be, and with scars so a character can look battle-hardened warrior instead of a freshy or shiny :stuck_out_tongue: . And that all races such options.

Maybe she will do the void elf males in a separate video.


I would really like Blizzard to add an option to the hairstyles to have the posibility to display the tentacles or not.

This hairstyle is really gorgeous without the tentacles ! :heart_eyes:


Some of the male Velf hairstyles in the clip look absolutely hot without the tentacles honestly.


This YouTuber who made the clip needs more likes, show your support peeps (she also made mechanical limbs for races like Nelves and Draenei that look sick)


Here’s another recolour of the Void blonde with an Ash Blonde colour as base

Well im looking at Korthia area atm and yeah I agree Telestrian, Blizzard can use Korthia as base model for a void forest in Telogrus Rift. The animals don’t have to be fully void creatures, some can be touched by the void that altered their bodies (Just like the Void Elves) after the planet was destroyed but the animals found a way to survive. One such animal is the Panthara cats. Some of them can also go in to void form as seen in Mac’Aree and in other places on Argus. Same with the trees that glow with void powers. After the planet was destroyed by Sargeras, almost all the trees and plants and animals died with out its natural resources but some managed to evolve and survive and grow from the powers of the void.

I mean there so much more they could have done for the void elves to be a full fledged race instead of a incomplete race. But its probably because of lack of resources and personal due to all the mobile games they working “At the same time” and also Covid sure.


I wish. There is a specific hairstyle that looks like Tauriel‘s hairstyle, but the tentacles ruin it.

I doubt they will do anything about it tho. Because any work that requires more than 5 minutes is too much. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Aye the Tentacles ruins most hairstyles for void elves. So the option to remove it should be great but we won’t see any new customization’s or changes until the next expansion…unfortunately :neutral_face:



We have began a petition requesting customization for the Legion Allied Races, inc Void elves. Please kindly sign on, it includes suggestions for all the Legion Allied Races along with example pictures.

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Thanks Visna! Updating the OP :slight_smile:

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