The vote kick system needs to be changed or improved as it is being abused excessively

its bad and clearly getting worse these days.

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This isn’t a discussion you’re going to flatly state your opinion without anything to back it up. I personally think the vote kick system is fine and is working as it should.

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The problem isn’t the system, it’s the ‘go go go’ folks clicking the ‘yes’ button without reading the reason or even looking who is getting kicked just so they can get rid of that pop up to go back to mowing down enemies.


It’s become so bad and toxic now, that I just stick to follower dungeons and I hardly do LFR anymore.

People are using and abusing this feature.

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I have used the vote kick system to remove various toxic or unhelpful players. I can still count on one hand how many times I’ve been wrongfully removed over the years. The bulk of dungeons complete without issue.

Ofc sometimes a tank will over pull etc but on the whole groups just sort it out amongst themselves, no need to kick.

I know some really seem to have a rough time with it. I wont agree to a vote kick unless I feel it’s justified.


If you are standing afk in the dungeon it’s your problem that you got kicked

does that have to do with anything I just said?

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It is pretty much typical behaviour of people who lament about kicks and “go go mentality”, constantly afking.
Why i was never, and i mean NEVER got kicked for no reason? Go figure

Thank you and to all other’s who click yes or no after a moment of consideration and not just to get rid of that pop up. Just had it earlier that a vote kick was initiated. The reason? “earthen.” I declined, it did not go through. I’d bet my tooshie half the time it would go through because people don’t spend that single moment to read and consider its the reason we get the threads about unfair vote kicks.

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still has nothing to do with what I wrote. Let me rephrase.

People are trying to kick other’s for the darnest reasons (my post is NOT about valid ones like afking) and people click yes to get rid of that pop up as quickly as possible without even reading just so they can go back to being go go go.

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Thats probably the most random reason i have heard of. Most of the time i see the window pop up its just “bad” or “slow” but dont liking the race of someone is a new one

Alas it’s not new, there were several complaints about this on the forum in the past few days and I’ve seen it first hand. I always, always take a moment to read the reason and by the gods the crap I have seen. I’ve seen people put in a persons class, their race, their slowness, their low damage, I’ve seen random words, I’ve seen derp, I’ve seen gibberish. People bank on the fact that the other’s in the party won’t read and simply click yes and sadly it happens often that they do just that.

Okay, i see your point, i have witnessed 2-3 times attempts to kick for reasons like “vulpera” or “alliance” but they were all thwarted, i don’t see it as some regular occasion at all

They even made it so the option to vote yes to a kick is slower to become active. So that anyone wanting to get rid of it off their screen will just click no.

I remember when the first store helms came about and people were kicking for that.

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The only super wierd one i habe seen was “survival” when blizz changed the surv to be a mele and that guy had a burning hatred that they mutilated his favourite spec so he was trying to never be in a group with one ever. He rage quited after no one was willing to kick the poor hunter

Argh, what a memory to bring up. It was such a fad I had to take off my tmog crown when I joined RDF just in case someone would get offended enough by its mere existence to try and kick me out xD

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I was so pissed when they made that change.

But I didn’t go through kicking every survival hunter
unless they stood in crap, then we kicked them
but that applies for everyone.

Its a shame i know many people who hate the new surv. I always thought the idea of giong into battle with you trusted pet was kinda nice i just never liked how the surv played

I loved Survival in Cata in PvE
I remember topping DPS in the Well of Eternity dungeon because of the power of Serpent Sting, Explosive Shot and Black Arrow and then the night elf adds between bosses
AoE heaven

But then they started nerfing and MoP was when Beast Mastery started to become very OP and then Survival was just left in the dust with sub-par AoE damage and depressing single target.

Oh how the tides have turned. Ironic that BM is now in survivals exact place.