The vote kick system needs to be changed or improved as it is being abused excessively

That was my past experience too, but this expansion seems to have been frequently getting kicked for no reason whatsoever.

This is starting to get super super annoying.
I highly doubt that this is the case, people are really fast to votekick , I’ve seen stuff fly by in normal dungeons like “AFK” while the person was just slightly too low damage.
It’s just getting abused.

I myself have been kicked from groups 5 times today, not a single time with any validity to it either. My damage is fine, sometimes even above 580s while im 558. I never ninja pull, I have yet to get anyone killed on mechanics, I don’t afk in dungeons. Like what is even the reason? Just pure trolling? This is just pure abuse for no reason but to get you a locked out of the dungeon. Nor have I said anything at all, so it can’t be because they don’t like me.

Honestly there should at least be a report function for the group your in so they can look into the players, at the very least. get them a few days of a ban to think twice over this sort of behaviour and use it for what it’s actually meant for. If it stays this way

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I was in a dungeon the other day where a vote kick was initiated on the tank. The reason was ‘Next.’

I hit no.

The vote passed.

I left.

Wasn’t even mad about getting Deserter. There’s a large amount of players who think they can just cycle through the queue and kick wantonly for the most inane reasons. The run was going as fine as it could for Cinderbrew Meadery. I refuse to run with people like that.

My guess for the abuse? Timerunning has ruined people’s view of dungeons.


I have a story to tell for that, you tell me if the vote kick system is working as it should :
The other day I join a random dungeon while levelling my druid healer. We start but immediately after 1-2 pulls, something is wrong. First, the tank is very bad and takes all my concentration and CDs to keep him alive. Rare to see, but it happens, I can deal with that. Second, one of the dps is below me in damage (like half my damage…) and another one is literally doing ZERO dps, just riding around on his mount or following the tank.

We try to kick the 0 dps one and after several attempts, they all failed. It becomes obvious there is a 3-friends group covering each other’s backs. I told them to either start pushing buttons or I leave. They don’t so I left. Whatever. Immediately queued again, because we killed 1 boss. Lo and behold, I get grouped up with the SAME group again. I left again, but this time I get hammered with a 30 minute deserter debuff.

Who is wrong and who is right in this case ? Why do I get punished for other’s stupidity and obvious trolling attempts ? Why, in the name of all that is holy, do I get grouped up with the same group I just left ? Shouldn’t there be some CD or priority system to deal with that ?

The current kick system needs work. The 3-friends group should not have 3 votes and become the controlling party in a group, this leads to abuse. If they queue as 3-man party, they should have 1 vote collectively for any kick prompts, so they can be overruled. Fix this, it is beyond annoying at this point.

And those are the very people that then proceed to cry about tank shortage. Wtf is wrong with this community. Everything, it’s freaking everything.

I don’t know what people do to get randomly votekicked.

I have maybe once or twice been kicked in all my years of gaming, one time I did deserve it, the other I was just removed like no reason.

Found the toxic player.