The War Within™ Pre-Expansion Content Update is Now Live!

wish it was sooner, nothing to do on WoW currently


(Hi!) Hmm, I wonder when S4 will end. I expected it to end when the pre-patch is released, but haven’t seen any mention of it. Did I miss it or do we not have an end date yet?

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So what happens with our Remix characters, can we move them to retail and experience pre-patch?

At present they are set to remain in Remix until it ends. Not seen any announcement to say otherwise. There is still time but they may just have to wait.

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Punynim is sneaking into Puny Inc!

LMAO you’re the right class and everything!

Why would they have it overlapping with Remix?
Remix finishes on 9th August so anyone (like me) trying to gather as many mounts etc before it ends will be more than 2 weeks behind on TWW pre-expansion.
It seems a very odd thing to do :cry:
(Unless I’ve got my maths wrong, which is always possible …)

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Isn’t it even later, like 19th August.

Nice to hear the dates finally but I wonder the need for over month long pre-patch during which all seasonal end game progression will be locked. What is there to do for month if one plays rated end game content for example and theyre locked for over month.

Because then you’ll buy 1 month subscription for the pre-patch release and 1 month subscription for the expansion release.

Now I know a lot of people on the forum just have a 12 month running subscription and are ready to say “What does that matter?”

But for the part of the playerbase who only check in briefly when there’s anything new, and then quickly check out again as soon as they’ve blasted through it, it’s favorable to Blizzard if they can 2 or 3 subscription payments out of them rather than 1 or 2.
So most releases are stretched to accommodate that.

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Yep, thats why Im not happy for this lengthy pre-patches, this would mean I pay for month while have nothing to do in my content which is rated pvp. Ill setup my characters in week but I dont know what Ill do for the rest 4-5 weeks. I hope I find something to do that can find use from or tis gonna be long wait.

You mean, not everyone is going to do Loremaster to get all the quest mogs, and farm raids every week? :dracthyr_a1:

I don’t actually care about the pre-patch event, just the warband upgrade.

Seems unlikely you’d need to be active for the whole of prepatch. If someone is that conscious of their game time they’d only need a week of prepatch at the most.

I think impulse and curiosity does a lot of the legwork.

Technically, you and I don’t need to log in on the first day of prepatch either. It’s not like anything important or time crucial happens.

But we, alongside a lot of other players, will likely have an impulse and a curiosity to check out all the changes and see what’s new as soon as possible.

And a lot of people who currently aren’t subscribed are of course going to resubscribe as soon as the patch releases, for that same reason.

I find most prepatches a flash in the pan. Nothing to keep me going that long.

I can understand that varies from person to person.

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Yes, this update is basically TWW, except the new content such as new continet on the map, new zones, etc…

So we have to do “The Harbinger” questline in order to??? Get acsess to pre-patch event (Raidient Echos)?? Start TWW campaing when it releases in August??

I think question actually was: if I completed the Dragonflight questline on my evoker, can I play Visions of Azeroth on my lvl 70 mage which did not complete DF?

Guessing from wording “Players” and not “Characters” I would assume I could do that. It would be consistent with warband feature as well. But I guess we’ll see. :wink:

But does any thing fundamentally change for the better in this expansion tho?

Won’t it just end up as “Try to join +16’s for hrs without getting invited”… but just in a new hub city now?

I really would like some of that motivation you have, Because every expansion feel the same.

fix the travesty of a character select screen. its a nightmare