The War Within Beta Test Now Live!

The realms are down for restarts atm.

Warcrime. I have just started the beta for the first time and was very confused.

Is there any information, how long the restart will go?

Not found anything so far I’m afraid

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Is “PTR TWW 11.0” availabe to EVERY B. Net user in the launcher for installation and only people with beta access can log into beta or is something bugging out?

I only pre-ordered the physical CE from the Gear Store with my B. Net account, no etxra dgital edition, so I assume I have no beta access, but I have the option in my launcher (recieved no eMail whatsoever, either).

When I start it up though it starts as DF version 10.2.6 (DF Login Screen yes okay, but the version in the login screen should be labled as if I remeber correct from other betas), and under Category “Test Realms” under “Population” servers are marked as “Incompatible” and there is a categroy named “Invalid Category” which has three Servers: Alleria, Khadgar, These Go To Eleven. which are flagged as offline.
So…huh? Never seen something like that happen before, either account is not flagged for beta and has no access via launcher or account has access and loads correctly.

Or is that something related to the servers being restarted? Therefore the “Invalid Category” category? Which would be new to me, too, as far as I remember.

No I don’t assume I am a “lucky” physical pre-orderer who got day one beta access, just interested if this is something new or what’s going on :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, I can’t create or reply to topics in beta forum, so that’s no beta confirmed then at least, but heck is going on in the launcher then :dracthyr_shrug:

Servers down again?

Cmon bois n girls! servers r up

Liar, they’re “Incompatible” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Okay found the cuplrit…“PTR TWW 11.0” is not the beta, “TWW Beta” is. Never seen a PTR for new expac before, so got confuse by that. Anyway, got that figured out, back to invitation waiting game :joy: Over and out :saluting_face:

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however the disconnects are endless. quite unplayable.

played for 25mins, crashed 3 times. got into my first delve and crashed and could not get back in, sadly this cant be called beta its more pre alpha for me.
Yes Ive done countless beta in my my gaming years and this mess is the worst from a game that been out 20 years.

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Are you sure? Day one servers were never really that stable in WoW, were they?

I have beta access and I can’t create or reply to topics on this forum either

Punyelf mentiones somwhere, that clearing browser cash and login back in should resolve this.

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You my friend win post of the year

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Thank Puny not me xD But thanks <3

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Looks like they finally got the message, CE pre-orders are getting beta access, not sure why we have to wait an extra week, but at least we get in…

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