The War Within feels like an Alliance Story

Alleria has zero rights to give the Horde PC any orders and I hate every minute of it.


To be fair, haven’t you felt this way for at least the previous 2 expacs?

Free people feeling they like each other and choosing to have kids with each other is genocide? I dont know where you normally hang out, but seems like you misclicked your post to the wrong forum this time.


People like you and me…we dont get to hide.

We fight to the end yes.

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When people think of genocide they are often trained to view it through the lens of hard genocide, involving direct slaughter. There is such a thing as soft genocide as well, which is often much more subtle and indeed framed as a good and pleasant thing.

I’m quite clearly in the correct location given that I am discussing the game’s established storyline and the inconsistencies of its world-building/framing of character motivations.

Couldn’t agree more. As a horde player I felt like I was playing on my alliance alt in BFA. Felt exactly the same with the only difference that there was no horde campaign waiting once I finish this one.
That might be the reason that the first time I was playing new expansion I couldn’t dive into the story. Basically „purple bad, yellow good”.


No, they shouldn’t because it’s a Horde faction city. Not a neutral city you grind faction for.


It does feel rather jarring. You very briefly work with Thrall early on during the campaign but then he vanishes entirely until much later. Even then, what Horde aligned characters you encounter have a far lesser role than the likes of Moira, Anduin and Alleria.

Lillian Voss shows up but it occurs in laughable circumstances. A character is corrupted and Lillian - being the apparently good and tolerant Forsaken that she now is - makes certain to yell out that they are not ‘themselves’.

…because of course one of the Nerubians decides to go by they/them pronouns. I guess this is what ‘Horde representation’ is now. It was bad enough having to watch Lillian randomly befriend a Night Elf and apologise for the Burning of Teldrassil. Which would be fine, if the Alliance had ever been made to apologise for the likes of the Purge of Dalaran…

It’s unfortunate but this really does give the impression that the Horde is being cast aside whilst the Alliance is still very much allowed to exist as a distinct organisation as well as being the primary protagonists, no less.


The overall problem of the plot for everything that came after WOD. The Horde is just an afterthought.

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Yep. Everything unique to the Horde is simply handed over to the Alliance. The core Blood Elf fantasy was ignored and is now being given to Void Elves and the Arathi. Both of which are far closer to the Alliance than the Horde despite the supposed ‘neutrality’.

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Forever mad the Fel.magic was dropped so void elves can succeed.

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Furthermore, allowing Void Elves access to the full array of Blood Elf customization, was a massive hit to the Horde Blood Elf RP Community. I can only imagine the number of Blood Elves that transfered to Void Elves, simply to get access to the prettier cities and better RP locations. And the faction that Blizzard actually cares about.


I can confirm blood elf RP died here when everyone moved to Stormwind.

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Yeah, it’s unfortunate. It was years ago now - we’re talking way back in WOTLK - but I helped set up and run two different Blood Elf role-playing guilds. Silvermoon City was bustling back then. Every niche related to them was accounted for.

Now? It’s practically dead. Sure, there’s some activity now and then but you can’t stumble across quality role-play with the same ease as way back then.

It doesn’t seem like the Horde gets a single bone thrown its way these days. Imagine if, for example, Eredar weren’t added as a customisation option but rather as an Allied Race that joined the Horde? It’d at least be something.

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Because it has only alliance characters as main leads

I have told you years before maybe people will finally listen.

Well you see even from really old expansions that Alliance always got everything what they wanted, they slowly turned into the poster boy. While they had potential in horde for something more its so rare in fantasy that monstererous looking races actually have some nuance and lots of good in em

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