The War Within Hotfixes - 26 March

March 18, 2025


  • Fixed an issue where players who have completed Let Me Solo Him: The Underpin had not received the Delver’s Gob-Trotter Schematic: Gold customization unlock. The mount customization will now be directly taught to you upon login.


  • Druid
    • Guardian
      • Fixed an issue where casting Mangle with Fluid Form could sometimes prevent your shapeshift to Bear Form while Stacked Deck was active.
    • Restoration
      • Fixed an Undermine 4-piece set issue that caused Lifebloom, Rejuvenation, and Wild Growth to be mana-free for a brief window after Regrowth is applied.
  • Monk
    • Mistweaver
      • Aspect of Harmony’s damage and healing over time can now apply to targets with absorb shields or heal absorbs.
  • Paladin
    • Holy
      • Fixed an issue that could cause Divine Toll to hit enemies you were not in combat with.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Cinderbrew Meadery
    • Chef Chewie’s High Steaks missile travel time increased to 2.5 seconds (was 1.5 seconds).
    • Chef Chewie’s Compliments to the Chef aura no longer makes nearby creatures immune to crowd control.
    • Hired Muscle’s Volatile Keg damage over time duration reduced to 6 seconds (was 8 seconds).
    • Benk Buzzbee’s Honey Marinade explosion damage reduced by 48%.
    • Ip’a’s Burning Fermentation’s damage over time reduced by 20%.
  • Darkflame Cleft
    • Timer reduced to 31 minutes (was 33 minutes).
    • Corridor Creeper’s Creeping Shadow can now be dispelled.
    • Addressed an issue where Kobold Taskworker’s Bonk! can affect area outside of the precast visual.
  • Operation: Floodgate
    • Swampface’s Mudslide damage reduced by 25%.
    • Darkfuse Jumpstarter’s Battery Bolt missile travel time increased to 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
    • Bubble’s Backwash initial impact damage reduced by 20%.
  • Operation Mechagon: Workshop
    • Fixed an issue that could cause Self-Trimming Hedge saws to not display during the Machinist Garden encounter.
  • Priory of the Sacred Flame
    • Timer increased to 32 minutes, 30 seconds (was 31 minutes).
    • Baron Braunpyke will now use abilities in a consistent order.
  • Liberation of Undermine
    • Stix Bunkjunker
      • Electromagnetic Sorting damage reduced by 20% on Mythic difficulty.
      • Rolling Rubbish duration increased to 24 seconds on Mythic difficulty (was 20 seconds).
      • Scrapmaster’s The Recycler cast time increased to 14 seconds on Mythic difficulty (was 10 seconds).
      • Territorial Bombshell health reduced by 16% on Mythic difficulty.
      • Junkyard Hyena’s healing reduction from Infected Bite reduced to 15% per stack on Mythic difficulty (was 25%).
      • Junkyard Hyena’s Infected Bite damage reduced by 33% on all difficulties.
    • Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
      • Sprocketmonger Lockenstock’s health reduced by 13% on Mythic difficulty.
      • Polarization Generator damage reduced by 12.5%.
      • Unstable Explosion damage reduced by 17.5% on Mythic difficulty.
      • Rocket Barrage damage reduced by 25% on Mythic difficulty.
      • Voidsplash damage reduced by 33% on Mythic difficulty.
      • Polarization Blast damage reduced by 30%, duration reduced by 25% on Mythic difficulty.
      • Reduced the number of rockets used in Rocket Barrage by 20% on Mythic difficulty.
      • Reduced the number of void orbs used in Void Barrage by 29% on Mythic difficulty.

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed an issue where the Cache of Delver’s Spoils tooltip would show the wrong item level.
  • Fixed an issue where map tooltips would show the incorrect amount of owned Radiant Echos.

Player versus Player

  • Paladin
    • Retribution
      • An issue causing Sun’s Avatar to sometimes not create the beams to link to Dawnlight targets has been resolved.
      • An issue causing Sun’s Avatar to be applied to incorrect number of enemies while talented into Radiant Glory has been resolved.

Reputation and Renown

  • Market Research is now Warband-transferable.

The underpin achievement is anything but fixed. I killed him on ?? difficulty 2 hours ago and got nothing, and I’ve since tried relogging and I still don’t have it. It’s been 2 weeks, fix your game

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You need to remove the ret pvp modifiers the buffs are still not enough

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March 20, 2025


  • Druid
    • Guardian
      • Fixed an issue where Stacked Deck could sometimes target unexpected enemies.
    • Restoration
      • Fixed an issue that caused the Undermine 4-piece to not apply a heal-over-time effect when its effect extends the duration of an active Insurance!

Dungeons and Raids

  • Path of Light’s Reverence now teleports players to the meeting stone in front of Priory of the Sacred Flame.
    • Addressed an issue where Rixxa Fluxflame’s Propellant Blast can continue to push back players after the channel ended.
  • Theater of Pain
    • Addressed an issue where Demonic Art: Overlord can kill players with Blood and Glory during Xav the Unfallen encounter.

Items and Rewards

  • Prized Gladiator’s Last Resort should now have the correct amount of Intellect.
  • Fixed an issue where Ingenious Mana Battery wouldn’t activate its bonuses after being revived.

Player versus Player

  • Warlock
    • Destruction
      • Fixed an issue that caused the Undermine Class Set 2-piece to be reduced by more than intended in PvP combat.

Yo gm or gm assistant why are we ret palis so underpowered in pvp and why nerf Brann?

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yes as a plater it takes so much damage even if your full of conquest gear.
in my opinion they should increase the absorb of shield of vengeance . and increase the base vers and armor for it by 5% and increase all healing done and damage done by another 5% in pvp

And while they’re at it either buff our damage in pve by 25% in total or give us some amazing aura there’ll be huge for certain meta tactics. Right now we’re just another meele dps. So what i surgest is giving us a retribution aura there does not suck but boosts everyone’s dps by a certain dps.

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but my personal opinion is that they should add something on the damaging spells that break the armor of target that stacks.
like if you hit someone with tempelar verdict the first time reduces their total armor by 5% for 9 seconds and the second time that you do tempelar verdict on them in that 9 second.
it does 10% armor break on them for 15 second
but for the less powerfull spells like crusader strike 3% armor reduce on the target for 5 and the second time 6% for 10 seconds .
and for medium damage spells like that blade that comes from the ground or the hammers 4% =8% 4=8.
something that is match with the lore - effect and the phyisics of the spells.

Note doing something like this without nerfing any other spells. otherwise it will be useless

March 25, 2025


  • Death Knight
    • Frost
      • All ability damage increased by 4%. Does not apply to PvP combat.
  • Demon Hunter
    • Vengeance
      • Deflecting Spikes (Talent) now causes Demon Spikes to increase Parry chance by 10% (was 15%).
  • Druid
    • Balance
      • Wrath damage increased by 30%.
      • Starsurge damage increased by 5%.
      • Elune’s Chosen: Lunar Calling increases Starfire’s damage to its primary target by 160% (was 100%).
    • Guardian
      • Druid of the Claw: Dreadful Wound damage increased by 20%.
      • Druid of the Claw: Empowered Shapeshifting increases Swipe’s damage by 12% (was 6%) and Mangle’s damage by 25% (was 15%).
      • Druid of the Claw: Wildpower Surge’s bonus to Rip damage reduced to 200% (was 225%).
  • Evoker
    • Augmentation
      • Developers’ notes: After our last round of tuning, we were pleased with Augmentation’s support capabilities, as that’s the strength of the spec. However, their personal damage contribution is lower than we’d like. We’re buffing their personal damage to bring their overall output up without further increasing their support contributions.
      • Damage of all spells and abilities increased by 15%.
    • Devastation
      • Fixed an issue where the final tick of Disintegrate would not benefit from Titanic Wrath or Iridescence while talented into Azure Celerity.
      • Developers’ notes: The Nerub-ar raid tier set bonus was too strong and was causing players to not want to equip new gear from Undermine(d). We’re reducing the Nerub-ar tier set’s effectiveness and buffing the new Undermine(d) set to encourage people to use the newer items.
      • Devastation Evoker Nerub-ar 4-piece now reduces the cooldown of Shattering Star and Eternity Surge by 1 second (was 4 seconds).
      • Devastation Evoker Undermine 2-piece now casts Shattering Star at 100% effectiveness (was 50%).
      • Chance for Devastation Evoker Undermine 2-piece now triggers 25% more frequently.
      • Devastation Evoker Undermine 4-piece increases the damage of your next empower spell by 25% per stack (was 20%).
    • Preservation
      • Developers’ notes: The Nerub-ar tier set bonus was too strong, so we’re reducing the Nerub-ar tier set’s effectiveness and improving Preservation output overall with some targeted changes to improve Preservation’s performance in raid and Mythic+.
      • Preservation Evoker Nerub-ar 4-piece increases the healing of empower spells by 5% per stack (was 10%).
      • Healing of all spells and abilities increased by 5%.
      • Spiritbloom healing increased by 20%.
      • Energizing Flame refunds 80% of the mana cost of Living Flame when used to attack an enemy target (was 50%).
      • Disintegrate damage increased by 25% for Preservation.
      • Living Flame damage increased by 25% for Preservation (does not apply to PvP combat).
  • Hunter
    • Beast Mastery
      • Developers’ Note: Beast Mastery is performing well, but we have a few planned changes to address some quality-of-life issues as well as a few bug fixes.
      • Dark Ranger: Black Arrow periodic effect duration increased to 14 seconds (was 10 seconds).
      • Dark Ranger: Withering Fire now prioritizes enemies that do not have Black Arrow’s periodic effect.
      • Pack Leader: Fixed a bug preventing Lead From the Front from increasing the Pack Leader Boar’s damage.
      • Withering Fire now fires 4 additional Black Arrows (was 2).
    • Marksmanship
      • Developers’ Note: Dark Ranger’s performance is lower than expected, so we are making some substantial tuning changes to bring them closer to where we’d expect. We’d like Phantom Pain to be a compelling source of damage and worth playing around in Mythic+ and AOE scenarios, especially when combined with Trueshot and Withering Fire.
      • Explosive Shot damage increased by 15%.
      • Volley damage increased by 25%.
      • Dark Ranger: Black Arrow damage increased by 50%.
      • Dark Ranger: Black Arrow periodic effect duration increased to 14 seconds (was 10 seconds).
      • Dark Ranger: Phantom Pain damage share increased to 24% (was 8%).
      • Dark Ranger: Bleak Powder damage increased by 100%.
      • Dark Ranger: Withering Fire now prioritizes enemies that do not have the Black Arrow periodic effect.
    • Survival
      • Developers’ Note: We’re increasing the frequency and power of Pack Leader’s summons for Survival to help make this Hero Talent tree more appealing.
      • All damage dealt increased by 4%.
      • Pack Leader: Dire Summons Kill Command cooldown reduction increased to 2 seconds (was 1 second).
      • Pack Leader: Bear damage increased by 40%.
      • Pack Leader: Boar damage increased by 40%.
      • Pack Leader: Howl of the Pack Leader duration reduced to 25 seconds (was 30 seconds).
      • Pack Leader: Fixed a bug preventing Lead from the Front from increasing the Pack Leader Boar’s damage.
  • Mage
    • Arcane
      • All damage dealt increased by 8%. Does not apply to PvP combat.
    • Fire
      • All damage dealt reduced by 3%.
    • Frost
      • All damage dealt increased by 4%. Does not apply to PvP combat.
  • Monk
    • Brewmaster
      • 3% increase to all ability damage.
      • Undermine set bonus now increases damage of your next 2 casts of Blackout Kick by 250% (was 150%).
    • Mistweaver
      • Developers’ notes: We’re decreasing Mistweaver’s overall damage while leaving their healing relatively unchanged. Spinning Crane Kick has still felt a touch weaker than we would like compared to the rest of Mistweaver’s kit, so we’re increasing the damage of Spinning Crane Kick alongside these changes.
      • All damage decreased by 25%. Does not apply to PvP combat.
      • Jadefire Teachings now increases Ancient Teaching’s transfer amount by 215% (was 160%). Does not apply to PvP combat.
      • Spinning Crane Kick damage increased by 15%.
      • Awakened Jadefire now transfers 120% of damage done (was 110%).
    • Windwalker
      • All damage decreased by 4%. Does not apply to PvP combat.
      • Slicing Winds damage increased by 20%. Does not apply to PvP combat.
  • Paladin
    • Holy
      • Developers’ notes: Holy Paladin’s throughput has been below our targets so we are combining an overall buff with targeted increases to a few spells we would like to feel particularly more impactful.
      • All healing increased by 3%.
      • Word of Glory and Eternal Flame healing increased by an additional 20%.
      • Light of Dawn healing increased by an additional 20%.
      • Holy Prism AoE healing and damage increased by an additional 30%.
      • Holy Prism single target healing and damage increased by an additional 50%.
      • Shield of the Righteous damage increased by 30%.
      • Beacon of Light no longer transfers healing from Dawnlight or Sun’s Avatar.
      • Dawnlight’s healing increased by 15%.
      • Sun’s Avatar healing increased by 15%.
    • Retribution
      • Final Verdict damage increased by 20%.
  • Priest
    • Discipline
      • Lenience now causes Atonement to reduce damage taken by 2% (was 3%).
      • Atonement now causes spell damage to heal all targets affected by Atonement for 32% of damage done (was 35%). Not applied to PvP combat.
    • Holy
      • Developers’ notes: Our aim with this Holy Priest tuning is to increase healing from weaker spells and talents. We’re also tuning up Oracle to improve its viability.
      • Prayer of Healing healing increased by 25%.
      • Prayer of Mending healing increased by 20%.
      • Renew healing increased by 60%.
      • Lightwell healing increased by 30%.
      • Divine Image healing increased by 20%.
      • Divine Image damage increased by 20%.
      • Holy Fire damage increased by 20%.
      • Renewed Faith now increases healing done to allies with Renew by 10% (was 6%).
      • Renews from Empowered Renew now heal for 120% more than a normal Renew (was 60%).
      • Oracle: Preemptive Care now increases the duration of Renew by 40% (was 25%).
      • Oracle: Preventive Measures now increases the healing of Prayer of Mending by 40% (was 25%).
      • Oracle: Preventive Measures now increases the damage of Smite, Holy Fire, and Holy Nova by 40% (was 25%).
    • Shadow
      • All damage done reduced by 3%.
  • Rogue
    • Assassination
      • Nerub-ar 2-piece set bonus - Vile Tincture max stacks reduced to 5 (was 10).
      • All ability damage increased by 3% (does not affect PvP).
      • Mutilate damage increased by 40% (does not affect PvP).
      • Ambush damage increased by 40% (does not affect PvP).
  • Shaman
    • Elemental
      • Developers’ notes: Elemental is performing lower than we would like in single target, and our changes to Primordial Wave in season 2 left it feeling a bit lackluster. We’re increasing damage of several core spells, and significantly increasing the damage and Maelstrom generation of Primordial Wave.
      • Lava Burst damage increased by 8%.
      • Lightning Bolt damage increased by 8%.
      • Icefury damage increased by 8%.
      • Frost Shock damage increased by 8%.
      • Primordial Wave now generates 12 Maelstrom (was 3).
      • Primordial Wave damage increased by 500%.
    • Restoration
      • All healing increased by 3%. Does not apply to PvP combat.
      • Undermined 2-piece set bonus: Fixed an issue that caused Totemic Projection to apply Insurance! while using Surging Totem.
      • Undermined 2-piece set bonus: Insurance! healing increased by 30%.
  • Warlock
    • Demonology
      • All damage increased by 3%.
  • Warrior
    • Protection
      • Shield Slam damage reduced by 5%.
      • Colossus: Practiced Strikes’s bonus to Shield Slam and Revenge damage reduced to 10% (was 20%).
      • Colossus: One Against Many reduced to 3% per target (was 5%).
      • Colossus: Tide of Battle reduced to 7% per stack (was 10%).
      • Mountain Thane: Strength of the Mountain’s bonus to Shield Slam damage increased to 15% (was 10%).


  • Fixed an issue where the Wave Scrambler 2000 consumable could unintentionally go on a 24-hour cooldown instead of its intended 1-hour cooldown.

Items and Rewards

  • Developers’ notes: Damage effects have not kept up with their stat competition as we intended them to. Our goal is to increase the number of viable options across the trinket pool for the season.
  • Increased the damage effects of most Season 2 trinkets by 20%.
    • This increase was applied to Junkmaestro’s Mega Magnet, Flarendo’s Pilot Light, Geargrinder’s Spare Keys, Mister Lock-N-Stalk, Zee’s Thug Hotline, Torq’s Big Red Button, Vexie’s Pit Whistle, and Chromebustible Bomb Suit.
    • This increase was applied to Candle Confidant, Siphoning Lightbrand, Blastmaster3000, Ratfang Toxin, Noggenfogger Ultimate Deluxe, Turbo-Drain 5000, Papa’s Prized Putter, Bashful Book, Ominous Oil Residue, and Goo-blin Grenade.
    • This increase was applied to Ravenous Honey Buzzer, Conductor’s Wax Whistle, Remnant of Darkness, Bursting Lightshard, Voltaic Stormcaller, Charged Stormrook Plume, Sigil of Algari Concordance, Ringing Ritual Mud, Gigazap’s Zap-Cap, Grim Codex, Viscera of Coalesced Hatred, K.U.-J.O.'s Flame Vents, and Razdunk’s Big Red Button.
  • Mister Pick-Me-Up healing reduced by 10%.
  • Tome of Light’s Devotion damage effect no longer triggers for non-tank specializations.
  • Viscera of Coalesced Hatred damage now reduced for tank specializations.

Player versus Player

  • Developers’ notes: We’re adding a healing reduction effect to Rated Battlegrounds and Battleground Blitz this week to reduce the potential for stalemates in these modes. This does not affect unrated Battlegrounds. Similarly, 2v2 Arena matches are being drawn out when there’s a healer on both teams, so we’re increasing the starting healing reduction in 2v2 Arena to allow for initial kill opportunities to be viable earlier.
  • All healing done is now reduced by 10% in Rated Battlegrounds and Battleground Blitz.
  • 2v2 Arena matches now start with an additional 10% healing reduction.
  • Death Knight
    • Developers’ notes: We’re aiming to improve Death Knight defenses against other melee specializations while increasing the damage of some underperforming abilities.
    • Bloodforged Armor now lasts 4 seconds (was 3 seconds) and reduces Physical damage taken by 25% (was 20%).
    • Soul Reaper’s damage to targets below 35% health increased by 75% in PvP combat.
    • Blood
      • San’layn: Vampiric Strike damage increased by 30% in PvP combat.
    • Unholy
      • San’layn: Vampiric Strike damage increased by 30% in PvP combat.
  • Druid
    • Balance
      • Developers’ notes: We’re increasing the damage of multiple Balance spells and reducing the spec’s reliance on Harmony of the Grove for burst potential. We’re also looking to increase the spec’s survivability by removing the PvP reduction on Frenzied Regeneration.
      • Moonfire and Sunfire damage increased by 33% in PvP combat.
      • Frenzied Regeneration is no longer reduced by 38% in PvP combat for Balance.
      • Keeper of the Grove: Harmony of the Grove increases spell damage by 4% in PvP combat (was 8%).
    • Feral
      • Tireless Pursuit (PvP Talent) now increases movement speed by 25% (was 40%).
      • Wicked Claws (PvP Talent) now decreases healing received by 16% (was 20%).
    • Restoration
      • Frenzied Regeneration healing is no longer decreased by 50% in PvP combat for Restoration.
  • Mage
    • Developers’ notes: We’re adding some reductions to the power of Mage mobility and defensives with emphasis on Arcane which is especially tough to chase. Overpowered Barrier is something we’re excited to see used. We feel the 5 second duration is too high to encourage the gameplay we want from this talent, which is for enemies to consider waiting for the barrier to expire to continue attacking. We’re reducing its duration to encourage that. This also reduces its defensive value since it has indeed been a bit overpowered.
    • Overpowered Barrier now causes Barriers to last 4 seconds (was 5 seconds).
    • Barrier Diffusion is now 50% effective in PvP combat.
    • Accumulative Shielding is now 33% effective in PvP combat.
    • Temporal Velocity is now 50% effective in PvP combat.
    • Incantation of Swiftness is now 50% effective in PvP combat.
    • Arcane
      • Chrono Shift now increases movement speed by 10% (was 25%).
      • Spellslinger: Slippery Slinging is now 50% effective in PvP combat.
      • Arcane Surge now increases spell damage by 15% in PvP combat (was 20%).
      • Arcane Surge damage increased by 40% in PvP combat.
    • Frost
      • Spellslinger: Slippery Slinging is now 50% effective in PvP combat.
  • Hunter
    • Marksmanship
      • Black Arrow damage reduced by 15%.
      • Undermine Class 4-set effectiveness reduced to 25% in PvP combat (was 50%).
  • Monk
    • Mistweaver
      • Developers’ notes: Mistweaver’s general throughput has been lacking since changes to Jade Empowerment and we would like Celestial Conduit to be a more impactful cooldown as its effect can feel lackluster when split between several players in PvP.
      • Mana regeneration is now reduced by 40% in PvP combat (was 50%).
      • Celestial Conduit healing increased by 50% in PvP combat.
      • Vivify healing increased by 25% in PvP combat.
      • Enveloping Mist healing increased by 25% in PvP combat.
      • Renewing Mist’s healing increased by 40% in PvP combat.
    • Windwalker
      • Celestial Conduit healing increased by 50% in PvP combat.
      • Last Emperor’s Capacitor now increases the damage of Crackling Jade Lightning by 300% (was 400%) per stack in PvP combat.
      • Slicing Winds damage decreased by 15% in PvP combat.
  • Paladin
    • Blinding Light no longer removes damage over time effects from enemy players.
    • Holy
      • Divine Protection now reduces damage taken by an additional 5% in PvP combat.
    • Retribution
      • Developers’ notes: We’re pulling back on a few of Retribution Paladin’s negative PvP multipliers that we no longer feel are necessary.
      • Avenging Wrath now increases damage and healing done by 15% (was 10%) in PvP combat.
      • Blade of Justice damage increased by 20% in PvP combat.
      • Divine Protection now decreases damage taken by 15% in PvP combat (was 10%).
  • Priest
    • Discipline
      • Developers’ notes: We’re making some adjustments to Discipline’s emergency healing, set bonus, and would like their mana to be more of a factor in matches.
      • Mana regeneration is now reduced by 45% in PvP combat (was 30%).
      • Evangelism healing reduced by 25% in PvP combat.
      • The healing taken bonus from the Undermine Class 4-set is now 20% effective in PvP combat (was 50%)
    • Holy
      • Developers’ notes: Between these changes and the game-wide changes above, we’re looking to improve sustained healing and mana regeneration for Holy.
      • Mana regeneration is now reduced by 50% in PvP combat (was 65%).
      • Flash Heal healing increased by 8% in PvP combat.
      • Heal healing increased by 8% in PvP combat.
      • Holy Word: Serenity healing increased by 8% in PvP combat.
      • Holy Word: Sanctify healing increased by 8% in PvP combat.
      • Prayer of Mending healing increased by 8% in PvP combat.
  • Rogue
    • Outlaw
      • Preemptive Maneuver now decreases damage taken by an additional 15% in stuns (was 40%) and reduces the cost of feint by 10% (was 30%) for Outlaw Rogues.
  • Shaman
    • Elemental
      • Developers’ notes: We’re increasing Elemental’s sustained single target damage with our changes in the game-wide section, with emphasis on Maelstrom generators. We are also positioning Primordial Wave as a more threatening spell which should allow for more kill opportunities.
      • Stormbringer: Tempest damage increased by 20% in PvP combat.
    • Enhancement
      • Developers’ notes: Our aim is to increase Enhancement’s overall sustained damage while reducing some of its burst. We’re also looking at small increases to uptime and survivability through a targeted Healing Surge and Ice Strike buff.
      • Stormstrike damage increased by 15% in PvP combat.
      • Windstrike damage increased by 15% in PvP combat.
      • Lightning Bolt damage increased by 10% in PvP combat.
      • Chain Lightning damage increased by 10% in PvP combat.
      • Ice Strike damage increased by 10% in PvP combat.
      • Ice Strike now slows enemies by 60% in PvP combat (was 50%).
      • Healing Surge healing increased by 15% in PvP combat.
      • Primordial Storm damage reduced by 15% in PvP combat.
      • Windfury Attack damage reduced by 10% in PvP combat.
      • Stormbringer: Tempest damage increased by 20% in PvP combat.
  • Warlock
    • Affliction
      • The Undermine Class 4-set bonus now applies 2 Unstable Afflictions in PvP combat (was 3).
  • Warrior
    • Arms
      • Developers’ notes: Execute, Bladestorm, and Demolish have not had the impact we would like from them, so we are increasing their damage.
      • Execute damage increased by 25% in PvP combat.
      • Bladestorm damage increased by 20% in PvP combat.
      • Demolish damage increased by 15% in PvP combat.

March 26, 2025


  • Evoker
    • Devastation
      • Fixed an issue causing Shattering Stars from the Undermine Class Set 2-piece to be able to target enemies far away from the Evoker.
  • Hunter
    • Corrected an issue where Spearhead’s debuff duration was longer than intended.
    • Fixed an issue where Aimed Shots from Aspect of the Hydra had a chance to proc Deathblow.


  • Demolition Dome
    • Resolved an issue where player cooldowns would not reset upon being defeated by The Underpin.
    • The Underpin’s pals no longer force raid combat.
  • Nightfall Sanctum
    • Fixed an issue where Nimsi Loosefire would not interact with players who were Unfriendly with Steamwheedle Cartel.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Darkflame Cleft
    • Resolved an issue where Ol’ Waxbeard’s Reckless Charge could hit players after his charge had completed.
    • Addressed an issue where Ol’ Waxbeard can charge out of the encounter area and despawn.
    • Addressed an issue where Crawler Mines did not reacquire their target after they exit and re-enter combat.
    • Addressed an issue where the Alliance entrance for the dungeon could be invisible for some players.
  • Operation: Floodgate
    • Darkfuse Demolitionist’s R.P.G.G. damage reduced by 20%.
    • Geezle Gigazap’s Thunder Punch initial damage reduced by 40%.
    • Swampface’s Razorchoke Vines can now be anticipated.
  • Priory of the Sacred Flame
    • Addressed an issue where Baron Braunpyke can fail to cast Castigator’s Shield.
  • The Rookery
    • Stormguard Gorren’s Dark Gravity pull duration reduced from to 4 seconds (was 6).
    • Dark Gravity’s explosion radius reduced by 20%.
  • Theater of Pain
    • Nefarious Darkspeaker’s Dark Winds can now be seen on the ground.
    • Xav the Unfallen’s Crushing Slam is now more visually distinct.
    • Oppressive Banner’s health reduced by 14%.
    • Bone Magus’ Bone Spear cast time increased to 4 seconds (was 3.5 seconds).
  • Liberation of Undermine
    • Adjusted the scaling difficulty of the Rik Reverb, Stix Bunkjunker, Sprocketmonger Lockenstock, Mug’Zee, One-Armed Bandit, and Gallywix encounters so that damage is lowered for smaller raid group sizes, with the greatest reduction applying to 10-player groups, in Raid Finder, Normal, and Heroic difficulties.
      • Developers’ notes: We’ve seen data and feedback that smaller group sizes were having a particularly tough time in much of the raid. There is no change for 30-player groups.
    • Mug’Zee, Heads of Security
      • On Mythic difficulty, Gallagio Goons’ Gaol Break now functions the same as on other difficulties.
    • Rik Reverb
      • The Lingering Voltage debuff duration in Heroic now scales with group size.

Items and Rewards

  • Noggenfogger Ultimate Elixir – Fixed an issue where the summoned guardian was scaling with unintended class-specific attack speed modifiers.
  • Rings no longer drop as loot in Operation Mechagon on Heroic and Mythic 0 difficulties.

This does NOT work. It’s still where the mob is facing, line is very misleading