The War Within Hotfixes - 23 October

Guys can you finally check the Warrior dps specs properly ? We are completly a MEME SPEC now. Zero AoE dmg, Single target is worst then Aug and that is support spec … We dont have any choice. Arms is useless, Fury is now worst then tanks. With our logs with best we can do, we are still behind most of raid group and M+ ? Insta decline, not a chance to play a fun game anymore. Bring the TRUE warrior back to the game and stop ruining game for us :frowning:

October 23, 2024


  • Druid
    • Feral
      • Shred damage increased by 20%.
      • Rake damage increased by 5%.
      • Wild Slashes increases Swipe and Thrash damage by 40% (was 25%).
      • Druid of the Claw: Ravages cast by Convoke the Spirits now trigger Killing Strikes.
        • Developers’ notes: The Feral changes above were intended to be a part of the 11.0.5 patch, but temporarily went missing.
  • Hunter
    • Beast Mastery
      • Corrected an issue causing Phantom Pain to unintentionally deal repeated damage to the same enemy player.
  • Shaman
    • Enhancement
      • Resolved an issue causing Fire Nova to be disabled while there are Flame Shock targets around.
    • Restoration
      • Resolved an issue causing Ascendance to not duplicate healing as Restorative Mists.


  • Fixed an issue where the Burst of Knowledge trinket was not sharing a cooldown with other on-use trinkets.
  • Added a 1-second cooldown to the Burst of Knowledge trinket, to prevent some spells from causing more than one stack.

User Interface

  • The world boss icon for Orta, The Broken Mountain will now appear on Azj-Kahet’s zone map as well as the City of Threads map.

WoW’s 20th Anniversary

  • The Awakening the Machine weekly quest now rewards a Bronze Celebration Token as intended.
  • Blackrock Depths
    • Moira Bronzebeard will now respect her cooldown for Shadow Word: Nemesis in the Emperor Dagran Thaurissan encounter on Raid Finder difficulty.

Frostfire Mage is still bugged
Somehow when the 20th Anniversary patch launched it reverted the buff to F
rostfire Bolt so any spec that plays Frostfire Hero Talents is significantly weaker

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Frostfire fix required too. Please take the game down for a while tonight and do some testing, many classes are clearing not performing as expected.

So first, you completely mess up beast mastery, the rework is incredibly boring I feel like a physical affliction warlock in pvp im just fishing for dark arrow procs to do any kind of damage a 40% nerf (because they also removed the 5% kill command buff talent) is INSANE.

Your pve nerfs to frost dk in pve trash on it in pvp because for whatever reason you cant make it apply to pve only? last time frost dk saw some good light was maybe legion?

You for whatever reason buff feral not only for pve but in pvp while it is already top of the game right now. I hope those buffs came in mind with some pvp nerfs to them in the future.

SP survivability is off the charts, 15million soul leech healing or whatever that bs is per game, on top of absurdly high damage which can be bearable. the survivability however not.

3v3 participation has been extremely low, they bring in solo shuffle which killed it off a tad. THEN they bring in blitz, wow! which gave so many players titles that they should have to earn with skill in an arena. not being dished out for free. I have seen people who have never touched wows pvp who are rank 1 viable in bgblitz it’s ABSURD. remove obtainable arena titles from blitz.

I look forward to the changes they announced (if i remember correctly) at the end of the month or whatever, but i’m very close. on a fine line of giving up on this game when it comes to pvp, i just want a balanced game. they’ve done it before, what’s so difficult?

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Dear Blizzard, will you make numerical tunings of Dark Ranger please ? This whole idea of turning kill shot into black arrow + new visuals looks and feels really good, but numerically Dark Ranger is significantly weaker than Sentinel or Pack Leader, both in ST and AoE, can you please tune it, I and many other hunters want to play Dark Ranger!

Regarding Sentinel (MM), the current Lunar Storm Design (being stationery + proccing of rapid fire and forcing us to delay rapid fire) is awful, despite cool visuals because of this design I loath Sentinel with passion and will jump to Dark Ranger as soon as it becomes viable.

I no longer get new invitations to Dragon Flight expansion. The quest “Aspectral Invitation” from Wrathion I would get on login has been removed on the characters that accepted it pre-anniversary patch and no is no longer available. Going through Chromie does not work either. None of my characters get the quest, regardless of level.

I am incredibly tired. Returned after 4 years of not playing due to issues with the game. Was doing fine now, did a longer subscription and now you broke exactly what I was doing. Again.

I very much regret returning at this point.

ETA: you also make it impossible to make an in-game ticket about this kind of issues. The patch broke the game, not me. Why can’t I make a ticket about game breaking issues like this.

The guild banks you guys robbed are still empty… Fix that before doing other minor pointless stuff

So Linxy… When is your follow-up post to the guild bank issue coming? Or don’t you or your masters care about that anymore and hope for it to go away?

Prot paladin values are bugged/incorrect:
[11.0 Paladin bug list by Hammer of Wrath Discord]

Sentinel and Avenging Wrath are not the same button anymore so you kinda have to make a /cast [known:Sentinel] Sentinel /cast Avenging Wrath macro

/cast [@mouseover] Lay on Hands macro does not work without Empyrean Ward

Interrupting with Avenger’s Shield does not trigger Authoritative Rebuke

Sentinel increases damage by 40% instead of 20% (or 0?)

The 20% Word of Glory and 6% Prot Paladin Damage aura buff mentioned in 11.0.5 patch notes is missing.

Sacred Weapon always goes on healers instead of closest DPS

Refining Fire is not on Protection’s Aura nor affected by Avenging Wrath

Selfless Healer does not update the Flash of Light tooltip.

Sacred Strength tooltip says “2% more effective” but in reality it is 2% more damage/healing and it does not make Shield of the Righteous also give 2% more armor.

Steed of Liberty + Unbound Freedom gives the other target a full duration Blessing of Freedom instead of a short one that only lasts the duration of your Divine Steed

Hammer and Anvil 40% Damage Increase hotfix buff from 2 weeks ago is reverted.

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Good that the issues for enhancement and resto shaman are resolved, but how can you not adjust the insanely broken dps of elemental? Friend of mine doing +3M single target dps on his fresh 80 540ilvl shaman??

You should really tell your boss and US counterpart to discipline their staff really really harshly, especially their boot-licking moderator, so they won’t suspend their customers’ account, just bcs someone criticized “your balance is horrible”.
What’s worse your US moderators also left those fanboi trolls unchecked since they support your idiocy unconditionally and unreasonably.
ATM your boot-licking moderator and troll combinations are biting everything in the forum, so they can cover up your incompetence and irresponsibility, instead of finding a solution for this horrible “anniversary patch”. Disgusting.


Please fix Frost Shock and Flame Shock for Elemental Shaman (I’m uncertain if Enhancement & Resto’s version of those spells act the same since 11.0 pre-patch went live).

It’s auto-targeting (and forcing my character to melee auto-attack the target) when pressed, when I’m not targeting anything.

For some reason, Earth Shock does NOT act the same way as Frost and Flame. That’s working as expected, but not the other two.

(post deleted by author)

have we fixed the issue of people leaving in rated pvp ?

everyone is getting kicked out

pvp is unplayable

Since the patch, I got UI issues. I have created a custom layout which I use across my characters. Every time I log in, /reload or exit a special encounter that changes the UI (like pet battles) action bars 4 and 5 either appear in the top left corner of the screen, disappear or get by a bit on top of action bar 3 (my action bars are a stack one on top of another). I tried disabling add-ons, saving the layout as a new one, reset game settings and so on.

That’s a good step in the right direction for feral, even though I changed to balance when I thought that feral wasn’t gonna get any attention, still, thanks

My friend had the same issue. What you can do as a workaround is reset the position of the offending action bar, then put it into place again. That seems to fix the issue.

Did someone fail to merge the right branches to the release one or something :sweat_smile:

frost dk nerfs need to be rolled back, there is no point to nerfing so early in a patch, why not just save this until the begining of a new season. A lot of people find this to be very unfair.