The War Within Hotfixes - 8 October

The type of items you get is in no way relevant? It’s repeatable content with a guaranteed reward, ofc it’s not gonna give unique items every run. Then you’d be done in like 4 days.

From that perspective - pls lets go back to normal < hero < mythic, while dungeon < raid.
So Mythic dungeons give heroic raid gear - and m+ just gives some extra upgrade currency and is your challenge mode. Oh and normal dungeons can just take flat 60 minutes on normal. So gearing really takes time.

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RIP delv no one is playing it now
major hate for what you did bliz dev team again another backslash and oneshot to your customers


great job blizz. Delve is dead. on tier 8 mobs one shot players in 600 ilvl. solo is not possible in group is harder.


No but having to sweat for the same piece over and over again is not fun. Ofc it’s rng but with all the overtuned scaling thing going on…

Good Job Blizzard now Delves are overtuned and you cant play them anymore at all! Thx for that. Plz undo the Hotfixes!


I feel like it is impossible to complete a Tier 8 delve with these changes.

598 ilvl fury warrior - level 30 bran

I tried Earthcrawl mines solo at tier 8 with bran as both dps and heal.

Mobs did so much damage to me that even with a level 30 bran as heal I could not handle it.

I tried it with a group, 1 tank 1 heal 1 dps all 600 ilvl and we had a terrible time, especially after we reached the respawn point. The first pack after the respawn point had 2 packs stacked together as well as the big nerubian elite bug that literally one shot the entire group (5 mil damage from 1 hit)

I find this tuning absolutely ridiculous and makes me not play this expansion anymore.
This was supposed to be a solo experience that right now you cannot even complete either solo or a group.

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I have a thousand alts I planned to gear solo through Delves because Delves were advertised as “solo content” and I expected them to be balanced and fun for all classes/specs. As far as I can tell, they are (or rather were, before this “hotfix”) much harder and slower to solo than in a group. And now they are just a pain for all group sizes for some reason. Why is advertised solo content not balanced and doable for all classes/specs? Should I just ignore Delves and play in a group and do M+ instead?

Honestly I’d prefer to solo in this game if given the choice and I thought Delves were it, but Delves are not it. Please fix Blizzard ty

The rewards aren’t good, though. After next week none of the loot from delves will matter ever again, because they’ve already stated that their intention for S2 is to not have a “heroic week”, so people will be doing M0 on week 1, making delve gear instantly obsolete.

Definitely, yes.

If you’re playing solo, you can’t get gear from delves, and if you can put together a group, you can get better gear from M+

Good job on this one lol, What a joke. You do realise you killed all the fun right?


Whilst I appreciate there has to be some form of challenge for a solo player, this is ridiculous to the point that it’s no longer even enjoyable.

We were 2 manning T8 delves on Wednesday and it was actually a lot of fun. Now it just feels like yet another over laborious task.

Please revert this whilst you work on a proper fix and we can forget about it for what it simply was: a knee jerk, untested decision.

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They don’t test their game and make crappy decisions…as usual. My subscription won’t last long.


Enjoyable? this is beyond enjoyable and it is not doable for 90% of players…

Fix delves please :joy:

Where character restoration? Its so long off …

September 13, 2024


  • Players will now earn the achievements Harbinger of the Weathered, Harbinger of the Carved, and Harbinger of the Runed immediately upon outgrowing the use of those crests.


  • Demon Hunter
    • Vengeance
      • Shattered Souls missiles will no longer display for allies.
  • Druid
    • Feral
      • Fixed a bug preventing Ferocious Bite from damaging crowd-controlled targets.
  • Evoker
    • Devastation
      • Fixed an issue where Mass Disintegrate was not benefiting properly from Iridescence or Titanic Wrath.
    • Preservation
      • Cycle of Life no longer accumulates healing done to pets and guardians.
  • Monk
    • Mistweaver
      • Fixed an issue that caused Jade Bond’s increase to Yu’lon’s Soothing Breath to not function in some scenarios.
  • Paladin
    • Protection
      • Fixed an interaction causing Judgment to trigger Righteous Protector’s cooldown reduction when Bastion of Light was active.
      • Fixed an interaction causing Bastion of Light’s stacks to not be consumed when Shining Light was active.
    • Retribution
      • An issue causing Empyrean Hammer to not function on training dummies has been resolved.
      • Instrument of Retribution will no longer trigger Dawnlight.
      • An issue causing Instrument of Retribution to trigger Avenging Wrath when talented into Crusade (and vice versa) has been resolved.
  • Shaman
    • Fixed an issue causing Farseer Ancestor spells to have a damage reduction adjustment applied twice to their spells.
    • Corrected an issue where Stormbringer Tempest would consume multiple stacks when striking multiple enemy targets.
    • Fixed an issue causing Mastery: Elemental Overload to not increase damage from all pets.
    • Elemental
      • Fixed an issue causing Mastery: Elemental Overload to not increase damage from all pets.
  • Warlock
    • Increased the threat generation of voidwalkers’ and felguards’ Threatening Presence.


  • Addressed scaling issues causing enemies in Delves to deal more damage than intended, especially for groups and tanks.
    • Developers’ notes: Over the last day, we’ve sought to address the unintended circumstance where certain group compositions made the health of enemies lower than they would be if you went into a Delve by yourself. We also tried moving some of the harder affixes from first appearing in Tier 9 and above into Tier 8. The results were not what we hoped for. We’ve now brought enemy damage back down closer to our targets, the most-difficult affixes have been sent back to Tier 9, and scaling adjustments should make group and solo play less lethal.
  • Nightfall Sanctum
    • Resolved an issue where players could get stuck in combat after dying to Speaker Davenruth.
  • The Underkeep
    • Reduced Crazed Abominations’ health.
  • The Waterworks
    • Waxface’s Throw Wax damage done reduced by ~15%.
    • Waxface should not immediately begin casting a new spell upon completion of Noxious Gas.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Nerub-ar Palace
    • Silken Court
      • When Binding Webs is broken by immunity, it will now correctly remove it from ally and they will no longer falsely appear connected.
      • Triggering intermissions while a boss is stunned will no longer cause Anub’arash or Takazj to stay during the other’s intermission.


  • Awakening the Machine
    • Addressed an issue causing the Awakened Phalanx to become stuck in an unattackable state.

Items and Rewards

  • Class Set items purchased with Web-Wrapped Curio or Mark of the Spelunker Supreme should now be refundable.
  • Fixed a bug where reaching Renown Rank 11 with the Council of Dornogal was not presenting a quest with Carved Harbinger Crests as a reward.
  • Warbound-until-Equipped gear obtained from seasonal legacy dungeons should now have correct item levels. This fix is retroactive.


  • Pale Weavelashers should now respawn accordingly in the Silken Ward, improving the local quests and the World Quest “Enforcer Extermination”.
  • “Zekvir, Hand of the Harbinger” no longer requires that you complete the Delve seasonal journey.
  • In Azj-Kahet, “Special Assignment: A Pound of Cure” has been adjusted to be faster to complete.

Still cant restore deleted character … its joke rly … maybe stop balancing useless delves what will die sooner or later and fix important game feature first.

“few weeks” btw.

just dont delete characters, problem solved

Another stealth ret nerf, despite what’s happening on the 17th?!?