The War Within Physical Collector's Edition shipping

are you insane, over 100 euro on shipping?


Shipping rates is determined by the national/local couriers and import/duties if required by law.

For example from the EU Store: The base CE 200€ to my location is;
Standard delivery is 99€ extra. (Includes €51.89 in taxes)
Express Delivery for 191€ extra. (Includes €67.86 in taxes)

It probably costs significantly more due size and/or weight since standard parcels are about 4.95€ here (under certain weight/dimensions) from my national courier.

For feedback please also post here:

Why can’t stores in our country sell the collector’s edition like they did before?


That’s a good question, you should ask it on the main thread here:

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For some reason the shipping cost drops to half if you try from the UK store

Yea see my special post here about that:

Buy now, sell it on ebay for 1k euro or more.

Yeah its dependent on location. It cost me $20, but I live in Colorado.

For a second I thought I was posting on my US toon.

M+ is dead on US so I might actually do something with this character for a change lol

£8.00 on Uk store, pretty happy with that.

100€ standard delivery is insanity,…

I send a lot of parcels and even bgi ones are 20€ max,… blizz get’s ripped off by their contractor and thus we get the bad end,… we see the UK gear store can ship for cheaper to the EU than the EU gear store,… (yeah due to extra costs from taxes and such it won’t be cheaper sadly)

this is a total desaster,… it needs to be sold directly at retailers,…

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this only really affects the EU gear store…UK seems to be reasonable

Steady on, I don’t think that’s a statment anybody had made in a hot second.


shipping from the UK store to UK customers seems to be reasonable :stuck_out_tongue: yeah

UK itself not really

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Its just stupid to ask 100 euro for shipping an item that costs 200 euro.


Like Danellos said, looks like it depends on location. My shipping costs at the EU store are 13.50€, and in France and Germany seems it’s 37.50€, a bit high, yes, but not 100€. So wonder why crossing from Germany to Denmark (seeing the report of other player) adds 67.50€ of shipping.

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but that’s portugal and spain at best I think

I’ve just had HoMM3 The Board Game shipped for $25 from China and it’s a 12kg monster.

It says there’s €50 worth of taxes in the price. I thought it might be VAT, but then it’d affect Germany, too. They have the same VAT rate.

This shipping price is outrageous. This is far, far, faaaaar above international rates. I don’t know what’s going on.

Open invitation here. :slight_smile: I love to do M+ every now and again.

Is it really though? Stats claim it’s like 10x more popular than PvP and PvP isn’t dead. I mean it’s getting there, but it’s kicking.

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I’ve gotten bigger and heavier parcels from the US for €30+ in shipping. This EU Shipping within the EU is an absolute ripoff, and Blizzard should be ashamed of themselves for going with the courier they’ve chosen for their EU deliveries…