The War Within Pre-Expansion Content Update Notes—Now Live!

I’m impressed with the Guardian druid changes!

I mean, it IS pretty impressive to ignore a spec completely for an entire Beta.


Summarized this patch looks more like nerfs to most abilities and talents, without much buffs or improvements. The point of an expansion upgrade is that it should be better, not make us feel worse.

The prepatch event does not look very appealing either:

  • A 32 slot bag that you can buy from the event is not worth the effort when you can buy a bag with equal slots on the AH for 10g. Same story for the reagent bag, but for 1k gold on the AH and with more slots.
  • Another heirloom ring, what about heirlooms for slots that have not yet been made such as bracers, gloves, waist or boots?
  • Another mount you will learn and eventually regret farming because you will probably never use it. Yawn.
  • More pets that are pricey.
  • The ilvl 480 gear rewards (with some room for upgrading) from the event is very low, and is lower than Awakened LFR. It would be better if the ilvl was higher to keep people occupied throught the prepatch and gear up alts, I do not think people will actually use the event to gear up at all as it is right now when the reward is so poor. Not asking for ilvl 525 gear, but ilvl 490-500 would be more acceptable.

Also I do not like that Vengeance Demon Hunters remain unchanged and are not nerfed. Three lines of patch notes for the entire class is embarassing. For the entire Dragonflight expansion the spec has been the default tank spec for high Mythic+ keys, as it is simply overpowered in Mythic+, making every other tank spec look like paper tanks. High health, high self-healing, high crowd control and very good defensive cooldowns- all with short cooldowns. Fix it now Blizzard before the expansion officially launches so that we can have more quality and equality between Vengeance Demon Hunters and every other tank spec in the game.

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this will probably be the worst expansion so far. after a promising blizzcon announcement the alpha and beta was one of the worst beta in history of gaming. and then no feedback communication. beta was a paid promotion of the game nothing more.


so… why are you still here? Bought a 6 months sub? Waitin for the sub to finish? Havin a gun at your neck?
I have few hope for this exp and i wanna check by myslef.

But you seem to have no doubt so im genuinely cuurious why ppl with no hope still stay subbed.

have you played the paid early access? no? the balance of the dungeon and classes are worse than ever. the hero tree system is a failure but thats my impression. feels like a worse covenant system. and covenant had at least content and cosmetics behind it.

you can do whatever you want. we gave them enough feedback over the past months with zero communication :man_shrugging:


What did you expect after this? Rushed expansion is rushed.


Since i play for mogs, quest and fun the problem of balance doesnt bother me a lot. So i just hope to have a bit of fun for some months - after that ill unsub for 6 months since i get bored soon.

The hero talents imho are just sand in the eye to try to give a more “customized” experience but in the end the class is the same and ppl will go just for meta.

So i could agree with you. The path of wow is clear since BFA and a 18 years old game cant give anymore the hype of old times. Is old. the mechanics are the same, the classes are the same, everything has the scent of ancient times…

This is why i was askin about why you stay subbed. It wasnt trolling. There is no possibility (or few possibility) to have positive surprises from this game.

Imagine that the main reason i stay subbed sometimes is just to come here to chat in forum and side activities like ps and remix… not the game itself.

So true, the simple fact that there is a spec that is entirely missing is just sad.

Looks like there is a lot of nice quality of life changes which are exciting so good work! Really nice to see additional UI changes and additional settings added too. Excited to check these out. Not one to comment on class changes, we will see :slight_smile:

I checked drui forum and there is like 2-3 posts when comes to feedback on druid. Druids are fine you just dont like that class nothing els.

Most skyride though, unless it’s changed since testing it was only the otherworldly ottuk that didn’t skyride out of all the flying mounts.

I hope you are joking mate, because this comment is so uneducated that it is no longer funny or sad…

But let me help you learn something.

First there is a section of the forum specifically dedicated for the WW Dev and testing done during the beta. You can find it here - Latest In Development/The War Within Beta Test topics - World of Warcraft Forums (

Second - there is a sub-section for each class. On the US forum, for druid that sub-section alone has 939 posts, as of my writing this, here is a link - Feedback: Druids - In Development / The War Within Beta Test - World of Warcraft Forums (

Third - here is the EU forum sub-section 213 comments - Feedback: Druids - In Development / The War Within Beta Test - World of Warcraft Forums (

Forth even Wowhead are now actively calling out that druid has the worst class talent tree in the game, by a huge margin. Link to article - The Problems with the Druid Class Talent Tree in The War Within - Shared Issues Across 4 Specs - Wowhead News

Fifth - even popular streamers have been putting druid in the lowest possible categories, due to multiple factors, some specifics:

  1. Restro druid - has a clincky gameplay at the moment on the beta, only one major cd that is more of a meme at this point. And even after getting 15% and 25% healing increase two weeks in a row, was still one of the two worst performing healers on the testing in terms of output. Hero talents are meh as well - same across the class

  2. Boomie - the gameplay is terrible, the niche that they were fulfilling is smaller then ever after the tank nerfs, the class has no survivability cds, and boomies have been very vocal about it. Hero talents - well see the comment above.

  3. Feral - everything about boomie, but to an even worst extend, specifically after the mele attack range nerf. And again - Hero talents are meh.

  4. Guardian - this spec is completely forgotten, we have seen nothing in terms of changes, outside of the nerfs, and that is to a tank spec that was not one of the two meta picks for the last 2 seasons, and was struggling to find a spot in raids. Also has by far the worst gameplay in the game - that is extremely slow; has the worst talent tree from all tanks (there is an extremely good forum post on the US druid section, it is a massive read comparing the talent trees), no actual tank mechanics to talk about and was already struggling.

So ye druid has given a lot of feedback, people have created talent calculators with suggestions of new talents, there are entire papers published with thousands of words describing issues on the forums, from me included.

For me this is a complete failure of both the developers for letting the class go into an expansion in this state and complete failure on the community managers side, for not communicating a single time. After 1k posts, the only blizzard response, was announcing the tank nerfs.

Blizzard, if you are reading this, I know it is to late for a rework, but here are few simple quick wins for Guardian, that we have been asking since start of DF.

- Change the requirements to spent 5 points on Berserk
- Change the position of Lunar Beam - you have already done this for over classes
- Reduce some of the 2 points talents - you have already nerfed some of them to the status of unusable. Few exampalss - Layered Mane, Vulnerable Flesh, Fury of Nature, Reinvigoration (no longer worth investing in it)
- Remove FR from the GCD
- Ursoc’s Fury needs a buff, it was hardly picked in the last 2 seasons, and now with the new nerfs it is unplayble.

This is a set of quick wins that can make us all happy!

PS. - See also my suggestion for Twin Moonfire and the interactions with the hero talent, on the druid dev post.


Please fix the achievement called [Taking From Nature] ASAP.
Multiple players lost “burning ascent” progress on it.

Whining about it in every thread won’t get it fixed sooner.

question why is today prepatch day when there is nothing to do? the event goes live in a week. this quest in tanaris took me like 2 max 5min to complete.

I don’t like that there’s only one option available: skyriding or normal. I prefered it better, when some mounts had only dragonriding option and some normal. Way better for gaming. The switch time is waaay to long. It should be instant. Or each mount should have an idividual switch.


The next time please do some proofreading. For e.g. the Update Notes say that Cat Form increases the ability range by 3 yards. However, further down they say that Cat Form no longer increases the range. Then there’s a change with “Tear Open Wounds” mentioned, but below the Notes say that this talent has been removed.

This is not an exhaustive list but it’s most of the big things. There are others they are aware off that haven’t made the list.

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