Add to that the fact that the goblin theme probably has less of a general appeal.
I also want to add the no flying is bad…Drive feature not being very friendly or interesting either…stress inducing,for me at least.
And again, underground and cramped…meh.
Very very meh.
We’re not getting the next expansion this year, only its reveal.
People always come back for a new raid. Our guild hasn’t quite died in the downtime. But it was a busy as ever in a discord call about season 2 plans at the weekend.
Wow has always been highs and lows since the seasonal system was stepped up a gear in legion.
It’s the waiting and wasted time that keeps me from war within.
There’s no reason that it should take so long to find M+ groups, Make a better system.
I’m happy with Sod/Cata in the meantime.
I agree. I’ll try it for a month. If it’s not to my liking, I won’t be renewing.
It’s a stupid concern.
I’ve been playing this game constantly since Tomb of Sargeras in Legion.
I’ve never experienced an empty guild or an empty server.
There were patches that seemed like everyone was going to quit, yet people still played.
Now, I said what I said because, most of the time, the people dooming this game are the ones who have like one friend on their friends list and play in a dead guild where, occasionally, someone logs in to say “hello” and then goes offline again.
It’s tedious the way people describe the game like there are just a handful of people wandering around.
Dorn is as busy as always for me. There are lots of pugs listed for M+ and Raids. My guild is still active. My friends still play. Ofc they may spend some time on other games too as well as WoW. Quite a few guildies play other game together as well as WoW.
I do enjoy the quieter time, gear grind wise, towards the end of seasons because I can do other things. I don’t need to fill my vault so I can level some alts, the queue for TW dungeons is fast even as DPS. I can mog/mount farm. In fact a friend and I have a standing date to farm weekly. It’s really fun and chill. We chat on discord while doing it.
5 march!?!?!?
man i have to wait another month?
I thought I would come in 10 days.
You’ll be able to see the new patch itself on 26th Feb if that helps.

Yet it has just as much or more to do in this expansion than any other patch before it. Huh, look at that.
wrong, you can not do anything beside raid/m+/pvp, i remember shadowlands had the tower, which was fun, bfa had the neck thingy where you clear orgrimar or stormwind. Dont bring up siren Isles because that is the laziest content I have ever experienced in my life.

That’s… What season means. Resetting progression.
maybe in a moba game or in CS, note these are free to play games more content is needed in mmo rpg games when a new season/patch comes out.

Some people enjoy this game, you know. You are obviously not one of them, don’t pretend you ever were.
yes you are a casual player, there is still a lot for you to explore, some people already did that, stop defending the game just because you have yet to try alot of things when most people already finished the patch 2 months into it if not less. I got full BIS gear in 4 weeks for pvp and pve. I dont do the raid because Items are so bad for my class.

5th of march
then another 6 months for the next patch would put it around august / september
for season 3
then 6 months for that patch march next yeari dont get how they can fit in midnight expac this year tbh
What patch next year? Pretty sure TWW is going to end at 11.2.x, like SL and DF did. I recall hearing that shorter expacs are the Blizz strat now.
So I’d expect 11.2 early fall this year, then expac in spring of next year, sort of thing.

It’s a stupid concern.
you can not offend people just because they said their opinion.

I’ve been playing this game constantly since Tomb of Sargeras in Legion.
yet you have not done any high end content of wow? amazing. so you are a casual player, dont compare yourself with people that want better end game content.

I’ve never experienced an empty guild or an empty server.
again, because you do not try to play high end game content. easier to join casual groups

There were patches that seemed like everyone was going to quit, yet people still played.
yes, casual players, like you. people that play high end game content were done with the patch long time ago.

Now, I said what I said because, most of the time, the people dooming this game are the ones who have like one friend on their friends list and play in a dead guild where, occasionally, someone logs in to say “hello” and then goes offline again.
It is a fact though, It personally takes me 45 mins to get into a SS match, probably takes me an entire day to find someone to do arenas with, and m+ implementation is so bad this season, which blizzard admitted to… whats your point? sure if I am going to be enough wiht +10 keys, I will be happy with the game because I will still have alot to learn to do pvp and m+ in higher levels. Yes there is content, fishing and watching netflix… Siren Islan…oh wait that thing is buggy, lazy, nothing to do but visit it 10 mins every week to upgrade your ring.

For you, everything is a “concern”. So yeah
The fall from white knight and biggest simp to doomsayer is complete, full on jedi to sith mode activated.
I mean yeah its ok to be concerned but every single post they make is doom and gloom and they wish the game was like classic 20 years ago. But they are addicted to WoW and can not move on, they keep saying they are going to unsub or take a long break but still here…
I’m erring on the side of doom here, don’t shoot me!
I hope there are people left to play the new season by the time it arrives!
If you actually do high-end content, you shouldn’t have a problem with people.
I see many great players in high-end communities, and I’ve never seen any of them struggling to find someone for what they want to do.
So, are you really doing high-end content?
And second i’m semi-hardcore player not a casual
So calm down
No need to melt here on forum

If you actually do high-end content, you shouldn’t have a problem with people.
right unless there is an important factor missing which is “people”

I see many great players in high-end communities, and I’ve never seen any of them struggling to find someone for what they want to do.
where do you see that exactly?

So, are you really doing high-end content?
And second i’m semi-hardcore player not a casual
so If you describe yourself as a semi-hardcore, I think based on your formula I must be a pro level, but thats good, semi-hardcore, means you still have alot to do and learn this patch, there are hardcore and super hardcore players that already finished this patch long ago, I classify myself as casual, yet i have explored the season and patch more than you. so

No need to melt here on forum
no one is melting, you are saying there is alot to do, for you maybe, you are just doing m+ on 10, you have not done pvp beyond 1.4 rating, or bgs, you have not touched the raid on mythic, you probably farm herbs and make potions. So really, I would put you as a super casual player. which means, when it comes to game content, your opinion means nothing to me, since you have not done any high end content.
you are completely right you win i lost.
ggs bye

you are completely right you win i lost.
ggs bye
yes, so next time dont call someone’s opinion stupid just because you do not agree with it. I would take whatever you say into consideration if you actually play the game on a hardcore level, ofc casual players will be satisfied with least amount of content because of little time they invest into the game. Do not judge the competitive part of the game if you have not done any.
OK OK you win again