The WoW Summer Sale is Here!

thank you, now next fix your game

more money from boost sales and other transactions? wonderful maybe we can use some of these to dedicate some of workforce into thinking something to reduce these shuffle que times or remove the mode if its too hard to make playable

imagine if people would sit on their couches with a controller on their hand waiting 30min for game to load on their xbox just staring “loading…” for 30 minutes, now not many people would play this kind of crap

you only have the most dedicated left and zero new coming in

At the end of the day, that’s you choice how you choose to play the game.

Professions were a Box Feature of this expansion and have been core to the game forever. So if you choose not to participate in the feature, that’s up to you.

Also gold might be a little harder to come across in DF that it was in SL or BFA. But there is still plenty of it around if you really want it, it’s easy to find.

What’s GW2?

Oh you’re buying a new Game/Expansion? Would you like a Mount or Cosmetic Outfit to go with that?

As I pointed out already. It’s an upsell. If people are willing to pay their money for it, it’s means there is a market for it, which makes it good game design.

Guild Wars 2

Is that another game?

The Sprite Darter and Baby Murloc came at no additional cost with a 6 month sub. Which is cheaper than just buying 6 months individually.

It’s a quite well known mmorpg. I’d even dare say its one of the big three. WoW, FFXIV & GW2.

OH don’t worry, I’m well aware of what GW2 is and how long it’s been around.

I’m just trying to make a subtle comment, that what GW2 does, doesn’t really matter. It’s a different game, that does things differently designed to be interesting to a different market. Just like FF14 does its own thing.

The way I see it is, if GW2 does something more to ones interest, then play GW2. Like I play WoW because it’s the game I have learnt to love.

It is a life related chalalange to get a money, this allows the purchase of the item. If your life if the world of WarCraft, this is a danger because of lack of health, and relationship, and career progress. This idea encourages people to earn money in their life, usually by a career or marraige partner, this is a healthy life.

Ah gotcha! I can’t think of a game off the top of my head that doesn’t have an in game shop whether its a subscription game or f2p.

I don’t see it as something bad. They only thing I am miffed about is that I bought one of the outfits like 3 or 4 days ago and now it’s on sale. Talk about bad timing >.>

I think it’s pretty common these days.

10 years ago, you used to walk into Game and buy a boxed expansion and maybe a few trading cards and plastic figures (which will probably end up in the ocean at some point in the future).

Now it’s buy a game, and buy a few cosmetics for the giggles.

I have met plenty of players over the years who have Bought WoW and played for maybe 6 months and having bought a few mounts etc from the store, and then just moved on to other games. Thats the kind of player these stores are aimed at.

If spending that money has brought that person an enjoyable experience, even for a few hours, then it was worth it.

It’s not for me. But I understand why it exists.

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Unfortunately I change the name already once like 7-8 years ago. :no_mouth:

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I just looked up how much it cost as I wasn’t aware

£8!! Not sure of Euro price.

That would be a popular sale I’m sure.

It’s 10€.

If they would reduce that by 30% like they reduced the name change and some other services, I would buy it. But for now, I keep my battle tag I guess. :wink:

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